We WON!!


Active Member
Original Poster
We won!! We are the Worlds First Ever Walt Disney World Family!!!!

Still feels like a dream!!

A big shout out to the other finalists - it was a tough wait...

Just cannot tell you all how much this means to me and my family. We have wanted to visit the parks as one big family for so very long now, just can't believe we will now get to do that and in the most incredibly special way!

If you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true!

Woo hoo!!! Sooooo excited and honoured!


Well-Known Member
Congrats! :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much!!! Only wish we could all go!! But I promise to take lots of photos and give you a detailled TR!

Cant believe my dreams came true!!... what do I wish for now lol????? Night in the Castle?! haha wooooo hooooo

Well, If you ever need someone to make up the numbers then I only live a few miles away from you (Coventry). Now seems like a good time to become friends :)


Premium Member
Thanks so much!! I was hoping you would all be pleased - wish there was room for all of us Walt Disney World fans! Just cannot wait - will report back here with updates..... woo hoo!
Looking forward to hearing all about it. So what happens next for you guys?

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