We got a new puppy!!


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She's a Jack Russel Terror....ah, I mean Terrier :D Her name is Madison and she's 2 and a half months old. She's a real cutie and she's more of a cuddler than a terror... we'll see if it lasts! :lol:


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*sucks a breath of air through mouth*


OMG what a cute little doogie woggie!:D :) :D :)

I'm sure it will last... How adorable!

Enjoy your cute wittle new pet!:)

:) :) :sohappy: :sohappy:


What a precious little baby...Congratulations. I remember when Mitzi (our baby) was that small. Miss those days (well besides the potty training :lol: ). Good luck with your new little family member and welcome to the forums MADISON!!! :wave:
We just got a new puppy too! I won't show my husband your puppy though, he wanted that type of dog. We didn't get a jack but a mixed.... we named her Sadie.

She is darlin'... how is the puppy training coming along? Our little girl is doing OK, I guess..... it's just hard because we just put in new carpet a month before we got her. What was I thinking going to look at puppies? :brick: :lol:


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Thank you guys! :D

MinnieMartha - Yeah, I know what you mean about your significant other wanting a different kind of dog than you. Kevin wanted a Jack Russell and when we found her, I just couldn't say no! I knew it was against my better judgement (we're both at work all day, not good for a hyper puppy) but she's really do just fine. I get to pick out our next dog and I think I want a Lab... I love big dogs.

WDWFREAK53 - That's funny, because we were actually thinking about calling her Stitch for awhile. I was sooo afraid she'd be a terror! :eek:

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