Gary, they just announced that along with the V6 and V8...a 4 cylinder turbo Camaro is also coming. Whuh??? Looks like the times they are a changin'...or at least going back to the way they were :lol:
The V6 will have the same engine as the CTS. (3.6)
Both the 4 cylinder and the V6 will have 260hp.
I saw something about that.
I LOVE the engine, but I don't think it's right for the Camaro.
Like you point out, they've had 4 cylinder engines in the past, but I think that's one of those mistakes they should have learned from.
I wouldn't mind seeing them evolving the V-8 into a much more efficient, lighter, more powerful V-8, but I'd think they should have a V-8 and powerful V-6 as the only engine options.
. . . just like I feel BMW should have found a way to make an improved inline 6 for the M3 instead of going to the V-8. . .
. . . and the F-430 Ferrari should have a V-12, damn it . . .
I guess I'm too hung up on engines, but I identify certain cars with certain engines, and I'd like to see car manufacturers refine those iconic engines rather than going to alternate configurations.
Since most of you aren't as into motorcycles as I am, you probably don't remember this, but BMW had an iconic horizontally opposed boxer twin that was very unique and defined the bike going back as far as I can remember.
In the mid 80's they introduced their "k" bikes with a great new high-performance engine, and they discontinued the boxers:
But that turned out to be a mistake on a par with the introduction of "New Coke" and after lost sales and a lot of customers mourning the loss of the boxer, they brought them back, and, while they have a number of different engines now, I'd guess their boxers are still their best sellers.