Cool :slurp: ... but.. it looks... I dunno... heavy... and somewhat bulky (at least looking at it from the front). :shrug:
Edit: Maybe its just the shrouding... that makes it look that way. Does it really need all that shrouding?
It's all about the aerodynamics. At 150 mph, the only thing keeping you from going 200 mph is wind resistance. The faster you go, the more that becomes a factor, and they intend to get into some serious racing with this bike.
Better air-flow also makes for a much better riding experience even at highway speeds. After a few hours of riding at 75 mph with poor wind protection, you'll find yourself worn out just from the air hitting your body.
From an aesthetic point of view, I agree with you, but from a functional point of view, it makes a lot of sense.
. . . and while it may look bulky, it's EXTREMELY light at 375 pounds.
While they haven't officially announced it (and I don't have any inside information so I can talk about it), they will likely make a "naked" version in a year or two, but they want to get this version out first so they can start racing - sooner rather than later - in some of the top classes that they haven't been able to race in with their older engines.
It really is exciting to me, not just professionally, but as a motorcyclist. This is the first time in my lifetime that a bike that can run with the best in the world will be made in the US.