WDWFigment's Photo Trip Novel Part II: October 2009 - Legends of the Fall


Susan and Bill
Colleen and John
Sarah and Tom

(Each Person's name links to their Flickr page; John's name links to his trip report for the same period).


Welcome to Tom & Sarah's Trip Novel, Part II. I have deemed this Part II rather than an independent trip report despite over a month passing between the two “Parts” because I fashion this trip report in the vein of the Godfather trilogy (minus the third part, which didn't work out too well for the Godfather, so we'll cut our “trilogy” short at two). Not so much in the mafia violence or because this trip report has Al Pacino, but because both have fairly decent camera work, and much like the Godfather Part II, some will speculate that this trip report surpasses its predecessor in quality (although perhaps not length). Now that I have lost half of the audience with an introduction that reads overly-egotistically (“who is this schmuck? Comparing his Disney trip report to a work of cinematic brilliance?!?!”), some gall, right?

Also worth noting is that this report report is thirty-two single spaced pages of text. I don't point this out because I want to warn you before you make the time commitment to read it, but because at this length, and given my schedule as a full time student, much of the report was written very hastily. I hope that its somewhat coherent and not rife with grammatical errors, stylistic faults, and misspelled words, but such may be the case.

Further, if you're interested in the photography here and would like EXIF data for the pictures, it can be found on the Flickr page for each image that is on Flickr (denoted by little watermarks that read “Bricker”). To access said data, click the picture, which will take you to Flickr. EXIF data can then be found by clicking the "More Properties" link in the lower right hand corner.

If you would like to read our previous trip reports, check out the following links:
August 2007 Trip Report
November 2007 Engagement Story
August 2008 Trip Report
November/December 2008 Trip Report
August 2009 Pre-Trip Report
August 2009 Photo Trip Novel

That said (boy, I really do know how to hook 'em into reading the report with all of these disclaimers and arrogant proclamations...), on with the show!

Chapter 1: The Three “P”s – Peer Pressure & Planning

This trip was born around the beginning of the year, when a couple of my Flickr contacts informed me of a photography oriented trip they would be taking in October with some other folks from Flickr (see above cast list for links to their photography). Initially, I declined, citing monetary costs and Sarah's class schedule as prohibitive. They persisted in pressuring us to take the trip, and eventually we agreed. I don't think it's ever really that tough to pressure a couple of Disney geeks into taking a trip to their favorite place.

The one thing that was tough, at least for me, was the idea of taking two trips in such close proximity to one another. The last two years, we've done trips in mid August, and then again in late November/early December. While I have always enjoyed the Winter trips for the Christmas decorations and atmosphere of the parks, I have felt that the anticipation for the trip can't grow enough in the three or so month break between trips. This is the same reason I would be hesitant to ever move to Florida. I think some of the luster would wear off.

This concern dissipated for me as we began planning in the weeks leading up to the trip, and thinking of all the fun we'd have for our first Fall/Halloween visit to Walt Disney World. Sarah, being a goth and Satanist, was particularly excited, as she loves Halloween (just kidding). Since I am no longer 6 years old, I don't go trick or treating, and I don't really see the appeal in the Halloween holiday. I guess making costumes is fun for me, but it's nothing to write home about. That said, when it comes to any holiday at Disney, I get enthused, and I shared Sarah's excitement for our Halloween trip.

Part of this preparation process included determining what we would be for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. Normally, I make all of my costumes by hand, which generally means sewing for a while until my hands get tired, then trying to glue or staple the rest of the fabric together. The results are generally less-than-stellar. Last year I adopted this strategy and made a beer warrior costume out of old beer boxes I found. Figuring I might want a more high quality, and less crude, costume for MNSSHP, we started brainstorming in advance. We initially wanted something that said “Disney.” This was difficult for Sarah because many female costumes are a bit...overly revealing, to put it mildly, and difficult for me because all of the ideas I had were a bit too grandiose or impractical (I still don't understand why I can't make my own Sully costume!?). The costumes that weren't revealing or cost prohibitive just looked cheap or tacky.

We thus decided to make our own costumes. While browsing our Disney film library, Sarah had the perfect idea: I would be Mr. Smee and Sarah could be Peter Pan. Their costumes were simple and we could make quality versions ourselves. This idea faltered when, after searching for weeks on eBay, I discovered that there aren't men's shirts (at least that I could find) like Mr. Smee's. Moreover, all of the women's shirts like Mr. Smee's were a bit 'form fitting' and/or had fairly deep v-necks. I normally wear my shirts with a more tailored fit, but jeez, that would be pushing it too far.

Instead, after learning that Buzz Aldrin and some other astronauts would be at the Magic Kingdom on the day of the MNSSHP that we were attending, we decided to go as astronauts. We figured we could wear the costumes for the parade, and for Buzz Aldrin's book signing; an added bonus! The decision was helped by the fact that Sarah had access to an astronaut flight suit, so only I would have to find or make a costume. Even after we made this decision, I hesitated to buy my supplies, continually scouring the internet hoping that I could find a cheaper flightsuit. Finally, I had the realization that my supplies wouldn't arrive in time if I didn't order right away, so I started messaging sellers on eBay, asking how quickly they could ship the patches I needed. Ultimately, everything did arrive in time with the exception of a cool ISTC patch that would give my space suit an extra touch of “Disney”, but my heart was racing each day I checked the mail prior to our trip.

The trip was initially set for October 1st until October 4th, which would cause Sarah and I to miss two days of school. I am not all that wild about class, so I wasn't too concerned with this. In any case, my grades are based entirely on finals, and the month before those finals is the time when I do most of my work for the semester, so it wouldn't make too much of a difference if I missed a couple of classes. Still, it isn't encouraged for us to miss class to visit our favorite Disney Parks. The more we thought about it, the more we realized four days was not nearly enough time at WDW. So we decided to extend the trip by one day, until October 5th, after everyone else left. You're only young once, and we certainly won't be able to 'skip' work like this next year, so we might as well make the most of our forgivable irresponsibility.

Packing this time was a bit more sporadic and last minute. Of course, this resulted in us forgetting some essential items. Such as our Annual Passes and Disney's Magical Express luggage tags and tickets. However, don't worry, we remembered the absolute essentials: extra socks. I guess this will only fuel the fire for those nightmares I have in the weeks preceding our trips in which I forget to pack items for the trip (although usually these are photography-related). Luckily, and thanks to those many nightmares which have caused me to be extra cautious about packing my photo-gear, I didn't forget any of that. That might have made for one disappointing photography trip!

Since there are no major airports in the quaint college town of Valparaiso, Indiana, getting to Walt Disney World meant either taking the short train ride to Chicago or driving back to Indianapolis. Since our little hellion children, Walter and Yossarian, definitely could not be trusted to behave themselves alone at home for the weekend, we opted to fly out of Indianapolis, where their grandma could watch them, feed them, and take them outside when they needed to use the bathroom.

We left for Indianapolis Wednesday after class. If everything went according to plan, we would be in Indianapolis by 8 p.m., and in bed by 9 p.m.. Well, as they say, the best laid plans of mice, men, and Disney trip planners, often go awry. We got to Indy at 8:30 p.m., at which time I threw my orange space flightsuit in the wash to try to shrink it a bit. After it was done, I began attaching the patches with the iron. The first one went on without incident. As I was attaching the second, I noticed it wasn't sticking. Come to find out, the remaining three patches were not iron-on. I had no clue how to attach the remaining patches. Like me, Sarah is somewhat remedial when it comes to home economics, and she suggested I use nail glue. Well, that was a disaster. I didn't think to put a towel between the layers of the costume, so the glue seeped through, and I ended up with a glue spot on the other side of the costume. To add insult to injury, the nail glue didn't work. While I tried to remediate the issues, Sarah went to Wal-Mart to get the proper glue. Upon her return, I finished the costume, and we finally headed to bed at around 11:30 p.m..


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

Of the two attractions, we thought Pooh was decidedly better, and much better than we had remembered. I blame myself—and the internet—for our unreasonably low opinion of Pooh. I think I had read so many derogatory comments about Pooh online that I got caught up in the group mentality of “Pooh=bad” rather than developing (or remembering) my own experience on Pooh. I don't remember Mr. Toad all that well, but it seems to me that Pooh is a high quality attraction in its own right. With as enjoying of an experience as we had on the attraction, I know I will be extra careful not to substitute others' judgment for my own. I think it's important to remember that, despite what the vocal minority may state about an attraction, there descriptions and YouTube videos are no replacement for actually experiencing an attraction. I encourage everyone to go out and experience an unpopular attraction that you have avoided due to unfavorable reviews. Who knows, you may actually end up finding that you like Stitch's Great Escape! There's nothing wrong with that.


Following the Fantasyland dark rides, we headed to Tomorrowland where we watched Push briefly. After that, it was time for a spin on the TTA. A lot of construction work was going on over by the Video Arcade, Space Mountain, and the old Skyway Station; hopefully this area ends up looking really nice when it emerges from its refurbishment this fall.



It was then time for our FastPasses at Peter Pan's Flight and after that, we headed to Haunted Mansion for the last time. No matter how many times we ride Haunted Mansion, we never get sick of it. There is always something new to see and the atmosphere is just perfect. It is one attraction that I don't think will ever need to be replaced. Updated, of course, but it has a timelessness that, unless future generations are dramatically different than us, will always appeal to guests. I really hope that Ariel's Adventure (the new Fantasyland dark ride) has this level of detail and is just as immersive. Dark rides offer a re-rideability factor that, with the exception of Splash Mountain, which is a hybrid, thrill rides cannot compete with.

Like our August trip, we concluded our trip in Tomorrowland. First, we hit Buzz, where I came oh-so close to maxing out my gun again. I think it goes without saying at this point that I should be adorned with the permanent title of “Galactic Hero.” Despite all of our feelings towards the new narration on the TTA, it is still an attraction we really enjoy, and one we didn't get to experience at all in August. So we figured that should be where we concluded the trip. We boarded the TTA for one last time, took the leisurely stroll around Tomorrowland, and watched as construction progressed at Space Mountain and the old Skyway. The sights and sounds of the TTA are definitely some of the “slowed down” experiences that we love. It's as if time stands still (at least a little; it still feels like it went by incredibly quickly when it's time to exit) while aboard the TTA. You can just sit back, close your eyes, and enjoy being immersed in the experience. When we exited, it was clear we still had enough time for one more attraction. It was either Buzz or TTA. Buzz would be pushing it, so we boarded TTA again. It would be redundant to describe the same leisurely 'glide' around Tomorrowland, so I will leave it at this: it was just as relaxing, and we honestly did not feel the sense of urgency that usually comes with the end of a trip. When we exited, Sarah asked if we had time for one more ride. It was 12:45 and our DME bus was picking us up at 1:40. Sure, we had time.


When we exited the TTA, it was 1 p.m.. It took us 5 minutes to get to the front of the park. Even if all things went favorably (and that having happened the entire trip worried me that it wouldn't this time), we may not get back to Fort Wilderness by 1:40. The only thing that slightly reassured us is that normally the bus runs 5 minutes late.

When we arrived at the Boat Launch, we saw a boat taking off. Shoot, we though, at it was the same boat (or the same style of boat) that had dropped us off that morning. We'd have to catch a taxi. Luckily for us, however, was that a smaller boat runs from Fort Wilderness to Magic Kingdom after the initial morning rush. Our boat was sitting there waiting for us.


We boarded the boat and watched the hustle and bustle of the beautiful day behind us. Even as we left, the magic continued on. To think, at that very time, some child was stepping up next to the height checker at Splash Mountain with high hopes that, after several years, he'd finally be able to ride. Somewhere else, a couple was sharing their first Dole Whip. All of this fun being had, and we had to leave! It just isn't fair! I don't know where envy falls in the stages of grief, but Sarah and I had both hit that stage within a matter of minutes after walking through the exit.

As our boat left the dock, we saw countless people out on Bay Lake in watercraft, some para sailing, and the most lucky of all, headed in boats to the Magic Kingdom. It was also like a merger of worlds good and bad. While we saw all those happy folks nearer the Magic Kingdom, as we neared the final leg of our voyage, we saw the foreboding sight of River Country decaying before us. I was just pleased that when we arrived at the marina, we didn't see crows and vultures lining the walkway. That might have been a little too ominous.

We briskly walked from the Marina towards the Settlement bus stop, where a bus was waiting to take us to the Outpost. Fort Wilderness transportation definitely gets 5/5 stars from us. We got at the Outpost with plenty of time to spare. While waiting, I attempted to take some pictures, but I was so overwhelmed with grief that I didn't get anything worth while.

After a while, our DME bus came to get us. We stopped at OKW and SSR (at least) on the way back, which I found a little irritating. So they get dropped off first and picked up last? Not exactly fair! In my tired state slipping into and out of sleep, I couldn't really get too upset by it. I attempted to watch the DME video, but I probably caught only half of it. We were both in deep REM sleep by the time we passed through the front gates (or the exit gates, as they were) of Walt Disney World. The story of this particular trip only gets depressing from here, so I will leave it at this. We did have a wonderful time...except for leaving.

Chapter 6: Parting Thoughts

Having this many people in your party on a trip can be difficult to manage. It was a lot of fun touring with this many people, but at the same time, I think there were a lot of times when we needed more direction or someone to be assertive and state “let's do X, now, how does that sound?” There were times when it would've been beneficial for the group to breakdown into smaller groups to accomplish our objectives (I use objectives loosely here--if one part of the group wants to get a lot of pictures of a certain thing and another part doesn't, one half of the group has the objective of getting picture X. The other part has the objective of going on attraction X. As soon as both parts realize that, they should each develop a plan of attack). I know I have a new appreciation for the WDW Celebrations and other such organizations that plan large scale events like this. However, I think it might be easier for those groups because they are publishing an agenda and it's a scenario of either do this or don't, rather than attempting to determine what to do by consensus.

That said, touring with a group was a new and fun experience. It was nice trying things that we may not otherwise do, and it was also fun getting different perspectives on the parks. I think too often people get stuck in their style of touring (Sarah and I normally do things with an unabashed “commando” style), and they fail to see the parks in a different light. We definitely saw things a bit differently this trip, and the group dynamic was fun. It was also fun to 'talk shop' about photography while walking around—although I'm sure Sarah wouldn't share this sentiment.

I also don't know how soon we'll go back at this time of year. If a situation arises that makes free dining a good deal for us, and that deal is only possible during Halloween season, we may do it sooner rather than later. I doubt that will be the case, especially given that free dining is just the better marketed of the discounts Disney offers, not necessarily the most cost-effective (well, depending on where you stay). The controlling factor in our decision not to come back for Halloween for a while is its proximity to Christmas.

Earlier in the report I alluded to my concerns about taking a trip so close to our August trip. While this ended up not being a huge concern, I think that was mostly because we had so many new experiences during the October trip. If we did the same thing next year, I wouldn't be so keen on going in October. On that same note, after experiencing an entire trip during the off-season, I now realize how far from off-season the time we go in August is (it used to be). Given that Sarah and I will both be working next year, the school rationale for the August trip won't be available. Instead, we can vacation whenever we want (not that we don't now). When we really want to go is Christmas. It's our favorite time in Disney, and one I think we'll really regret missing this year.

Don't get me wrong, we love new experiences, and I'd love to experience Flower & Garden, Star Wars Weekend, etc., we really love Christmas. We are nuts about it. If this trip report is still 'kickin' when we put up our decorations in a couple of weeks (no joke), I will post pictures then so you get the idea. Since Halloween and Christmas are so close together on the calendar, I don't think it would make sense to go at Halloween, and then again at Christmas. Especially considering that we'll only have two trips per year. June and November sound pretty good to us for next year.

The next time we'll be back at this time of year will probably be in October 2011 (I guess that actually isn't that far away) for Walt Disney World's 40th Anniversary. Still, that is three trips away. Before then, a lot of “life” will be happening for us. I will have the bar exam, we will be starting our careers—oh, and of course that “little detail” of having our wedding and getting married. It should be a busy 8 months or so for our next trip.

All in all, we have to say that it was a really good trip. Full of new experiences for us, and with a good balance of group activity and on-our-own touring. The Halloween Party is a can't miss, and Food & Wine Festival is a great experience for those looking to sample some finer foods and good wines or beers. The Magic Kingdom looked great for Fall, although the rest of the parks didn't really look all that different (it's definitely no Christmas). Despite it only being one month after our last trip, the crowd levels and temperature in the parks were far more bearable. Although I can't say we've had a trip that I wouldn't rate “very satisfactorily”, I would rate this trip highly.

So, until our next report, we hope you have enjoyed reading next another novel of a trip report (less than 5 days and I wrote this much?! I need to be a little more concise! Honestly, did anyone read it all?). Hopefully it didn't drag on too much! We will see you back here following our honeymoon, when we should have our most exciting and unique trip report to date! Thanks for reading!
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Good stuff man. I was reading along and hitting refresh as you were adding!

You're right dude, it is cool to see and feel other peoples idea on how to do things in the park.

My analogies are crazy but they have a good every day experience you go through to use it so that you understand it but in a funny/frustrating way of getting what Im trying to say!

Like I said in my report it was great meeting with you guys and it was cool that Colleen and Sarah were linked they way they were as well. Colleen is a chatter box and most girls we meet don't talk much so she gets irritated. So that was cool they got to chat!

I am with you on the group effort. I love meeting with people and BS'ing but I also love just being with Colleen and acting like we are the only two people there. We go commando as well. I mean we have an itinerary set up on our parks, and ADRs but once we arrive its something we feel out and say lets go do this or lets go do that.

But I think its safe to say if we are ever there at the same time again spending the day or night or whatever with you guys for sure. So heres looking to that happening sooner than later!


New Member
been enjoying all your photos on Flickr Tom (me = Tengaport on Flickr) so it was nice to read a bit of the 'behind the scenes'.

If there is ever another one of these photo-trips I would love to tag along. I have a brand-spankin-new Canon 7D that is just itching to get at WDW and I'd love to get some shooting tips from you guys.


Active Member
I noticed three things about your trip.

#1) In some pictures you look remarkably like Paul Bettany
#2) You and sarah look very happy.
#3) You're a very skilled photographer.

Take those as you will. I enjoyed reading/viewing your story!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Good stuff man. I was reading along and hitting refresh as you were adding!

You're right dude, it is cool to see and feel other peoples idea on how to do things in the park.

My analogies are crazy but they have a good every day experience you go through to use it so that you understand it but in a funny/frustrating way of getting what Im trying to say!

Like I said in my report it was great meeting with you guys and it was cool that Colleen and Sarah were linked they way they were as well. Colleen is a chatter box and most girls we meet don't talk much so she gets irritated. So that was cool they got to chat!

I am with you on the group effort. I love meeting with people and BS'ing but I also love just being with Colleen and acting like we are the only two people there. We go commando as well. I mean we have an itinerary set up on our parks, and ADRs but once we arrive its something we feel out and say lets go do this or lets go do that.

But I think its safe to say if we are ever there at the same time again spending the day or night or whatever with you guys for sure. So heres looking to that happening sooner than later!

Yeah, glad we could meet as well.

Don't get me wrong, we had a blast meeting with everyone while we were there and doing the group thing. It's also safe to say we'll be doing similar trips in the future (we'll be there for WDW's 40th in 2011 and I imagine it will be primarily group stuff). At the same time you need a balance. I couldn't do every trip that way. I know we won't be meeting with anyone for our honeymoon trip.

been enjoying all your photos on Flickr Tom (me = Tengaport on Flickr) so it was nice to read a bit of the 'behind the scenes'.

If there is ever another one of these photo-trips I would love to tag along. I have a brand-spankin-new Canon 7D that is just itching to get at WDW and I'd love to get some shooting tips from you guys.

Thanks for reading. I'm not sure when the next trip will be, but I will keep that in mind!

I noticed three things about your trip.

#1) In some pictures you look remarkably like Paul Bettany
#2) You and sarah look very happy.
#3) You're a very skilled photographer.

Take those as you will. I enjoyed reading/viewing your story!

1) Sarah said no dice :shrug:
2) We are.
3) Thanks.

Wow, those are some awesome photos!
Looks like you guys had a ball of fun!

Thanks for reading and viewing. We had a ton of fun!


Well-Known Member
Awesome..as always....

Question? What book is Sarah reading in one of the first photos? Looks like a coffee table book I bought on my trip down in January. Maybe its similar?..Would like to know what to look for on my December trip...

Thank you:wave:


Well-Known Member
Once again, great trip report. Makes me realize two things about my own trip report: lame and boring. You certainly have a way with a phrase.

And I couldn't agree with you more about how easy it is to be influenced by other people's opinions. We had a similar experience on our most recent trip with It's a Small World. We now view that ride in a completely different light.

Thanks for sharing your stories.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Awesome..as always....

Question? What book is Sarah reading in one of the first photos? Looks like a coffee table book I bought on my trip down in January. Maybe its similar?..Would like to know what to look for on my December trip...

Thank you:wave:

Thanks for reading. Well, I have some good and some bad news. First, you definitely won't find that book in the parks nowadays. It's a souvenir guide from 1986. The good news is that you can find it relatively cheaply on used book sites or half.com, and it is much better than the current souvenir guides (and much cheaper!).

Once again, great trip report. Makes me realize two things about my own trip report: lame and boring. You certainly have a way with a phrase.

And I couldn't agree with you more about how easy it is to be influenced by other people's opinions. We had a similar experience on our most recent trip with It's a Small World. We now view that ride in a completely different light.

Thanks for sharing your stories.

Thanks. I think each trip report brings something unique to the table, and I usually at least look at all of them here (for the pictures). I will be the first to admit that I don't read a lot all the way through, but I doubt many people read mine all the way through, either. It's tough when they're long.

As for the writing, I'm hoping it's not too butchered. There were a couple of times when I was writing in class or watching TV, and I caught myself accidentally inserting a word I heard (I hope you all know what I mean...I can't be the only one who has ever done this...I hope). I did no proofreading, as it took long enough just to get a rough copy written and posted.


Well-Known Member
Great Trip Report as usual. Your photos as AMAZING! Sometimes I think to myself that the Walt Disney Company should just hire you as Manager of Photography or something like that.

Would you mind if I used your SSE shot as my background, its WAY better than anything I could take myself.


Well-Known Member
I love your trip reports. You have a talent for writing as well as great talent for photography. I did read every word, these reports are my lifeline to WDW this year as it is my year without Disney :(. Maybe you should go more often so I could read your reports more often, I am sure you could work that out for me. If you go it doesn't cost me a dime and I still feel as if I was there, win win for me! I am very glad you enjoyed FW, it is my favorite place on property. :wave:
I really enjoyed this a lot. It's long in a good way. :) You've made me want to get a DSLR even more. I want one desperately. And it's also pretty cool that you named one of your pets Yossarian.


Thanks for reading. Well, I have some good and some bad news. First, you definitely won't find that book in the parks nowadays. It's a souvenir guide from 1986. The good news is that you can find it relatively cheaply on used book sites or half.com, and it is much better than the current souvenir guides (and much cheaper!).

My dad bought that book in 1986. I grew up reading it. I used to look at the pictures almost every day throughout my entire childhood. :lol:

It jumped out at me more than anything else in your TR because of the sentimental value.

Great report!


Well-Known Member
Then the trolley show started. One of my favorite things to see at WDW is this morning show. We've missed it the last couple of trips, so I was really glad to see it this particular morning. It's not so much the dancing, the horse, or the trolley itself that does it for me, it's the music. Sarah and I have particularly worn a hole in that .mp3 track, so suffice to say, it's something we love.

Great pictures as usual!! Now, you have seen Singin' in the Rain, right? I hadn't seen it until a few months ago, and then was pleasantly surprised to recognize many of the songs...if you haven't seen it, the two of you should watch it together! Speaking of which, Hello Dolly! is also a great one!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great Trip Report as usual. Your photos as AMAZING! Sometimes I think to myself that the Walt Disney Company should just hire you as Manager of Photography or something like that.

Would you mind if I used your SSE shot as my background, its WAY better than anything I could take myself.

Now that you mention it, here is something I wrote the other day as a caption to an image I posted...

After reading various things online and seeing Gene Duncan post about his experiences working for Disney, I've really started thinking--dreaming--about being a photographer for Disney. I don't mean a PhotoPass photographer, no offense to them, I mean a creative photographer, working for Yellow Shoes. I've made a couple of half-hearted attempts to get in touch with Yellow Shoes, but haven't had any success thus far. I post this story here because you never know who might be reading this, or who knows whom, that type of thing. Call it a hail mary, I suppose.

I am not even sure I have the requisite talent or experience (I'm sure there is a line of professionals who would love to have this job all having much stronger resumes than I), but I figure I will always wonder 'what could have been' if I don't at least give it a try. My expectations are really low, but ten years from now, I think I'd be upset with myself not knowing whether I really could have done it. At least if I try and fail, I have the failure to comfort myself (as odd as that may sound). It's not that I don't like the whole "law" thing, but as far as dream jobs go, this would be pretty high on my list. Plus, I think photography is considerably easier than law, and I think I might lose my hair a little later in life as a photographer.

So, if anyone out there reading this has any ideas of how to proceed, or if anyone knows any contacts at Yellow Shoes, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks in advance.

....you never know who knows whom. If anyone out there reading this has any ideas, I'd love to hear them!

You're more than welcome to use the shot as a background!


Great trip report as always. I am leaving for WDW at 8am tomorrow and this was the perfect way to start the trip!!!!!

Glad I could help. Have a great trip!

I love your trip reports. You have a talent for writing as well as great talent for photography. I did read every word, these reports are my lifeline to WDW this year as it is my year without Disney :(. Maybe you should go more often so I could read your reports more often, I am sure you could work that out for me. If you go it doesn't cost me a dime and I still feel as if I was there, win win for me! I am very glad you enjoyed FW, it is my favorite place on property. :wave:

Well, if you insist, I suppose we could make the sacrifice and do a Christmas trip! Sadly, our finances are stretched very thin after taking this trip.

I really enjoyed this a lot. It's long in a good way. :) You've made me want to get a DSLR even more. I want one desperately. And it's also pretty cool that you named one of your pets Yossarian.

Thanks for reading. We actually didn't choose his name--he proclaimed to us that his name was Yossarian.

My dad bought that book in 1986. I grew up reading it. I used to look at the pictures almost every day throughout my entire childhood. :lol:

It jumped out at me more than anything else in your TR because of the sentimental value.

Great report!

I love that book as well. My parents got it (presumably) in 1986 and I found it a couple of years back in their basement.

Great pictures as usual!! Now, you have seen Singin' in the Rain, right? I hadn't seen it until a few months ago, and then was pleasantly surprised to recognize many of the songs...if you haven't seen it, the two of you should watch it together! Speaking of which, Hello Dolly! is also a great one!

Yep, I've seen Singin' in the Rain. Not quite as good as being on Main Street, but I love it just the same!

Wonderful report as always, Tom.
Your pics are the best!
But then how could a pic with Sarah in it be bad?

Truly, she is what makes my pictures so good. It definitely is much easier when you have such a beautiful person as the subject of your shots!


Well-Known Member
Another great TR... yes, I read every word of it! Besides for the amazing photography (that's a given), I also enjoy your writing style (although some of the photography lingo is way over my head). There were many times I was just going to skip over a paragraph (hey, I'm a busy mom in the middle of another move... excuses, excuses) but your writing pulled me in and I read every word (that's a sign of a good writer)!

Just a few notes from your TR... I stopped and enjoyed SSE's post show for the first time on my last trip and I had a lot of fun. Put it on your next "to do list"... you may like it too!

I love the Fountain of Nations! It's just not a trip to Disney unless I get to see it! We have a little tradition of our own... on arrival day we always head to Epcot and we end the evening by pausing by the fountain and waiting for a show to begin! This past trip the fountain must have been in a "mood" b/c there was no show. I was quite upset (some may think that's going too far but I like my fountain)! The next time I was at Epcot... still no show. On my final day in Epcot I was walking into the plaza and heard a show start... I actually yelled at my brother "there's a fountain show starting" and took off running. A couple next to me laughed out loud and said, "you must like the fountain"! Somewhere out there is a couple who thinks I'm the crazy fountain lady! :lookaroun

I'm glad you've come over to the dark side... that is the people who appreciate The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh! I think the ride is done extremely well and follows the storyline quite accurately. My children's favorite scene is the dream scene.

Anyways, great TR, a pleasure to read, and you and Sarah are as cute as ever!

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