WDW with a 3MO Old? (AKA What Have We Gotten Ouselves Into?)


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Last January DW and I made plans with her parents to spend a week in Jan 2003 at WDW. We booked a 2BR villa at BWV and were all ready to go. Next thing you know, we went and got pregnant in February. :rolleyes: Our daughter was born in mid-October and will turn three months old while we're there (1/11 - 1/18). She's our first child. All three of the doctors (including her pediatrician) we talked with about this have said that there's no problem with bringing her there as long as we're not letting every stranger touch/handle her (and are people really that rude?). Because of this, we're really not very worried about the health implications, but as the day gets closer and she seems to be getting fussier, we're starting to panic about the plane flight, the strange surroundings, eating out, being out with her for extended periods... etc., etc... What have we gotten ourselves into?!!?! :veryconfu

Do any of you parents out there (probably chuckling as you read this...) have any advice (Wha? People with advice for new parents? ;) ) for us on dealing with baby's first real trip? (Spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa doesn't quite count.)

We've read the Infants and Toddlers FAQ at WDWIG and we're doing most (all?) of the suggestions listed there. We're renting a minivan to travel around. We're bringing our own stroller and car seat. DW and I are very laid back about our park visits, frequently taking breaks in the middle of the day. We're also very concerned about disturbing other visitors.

She loves to sleep in her car seat and will usually sleep most of the time from around 8pm to 4am. We've taken her out to dinner with us a handful of times and they've mostly been pretty okay. I don't remember seeing this in the FAQ, but we're planning on bringing her pack 'n play too (she sleeps in there pretty well). Heck, with all her stuff, DW and I won't actually be able to check any bags for ourselves...

Anyway, any advice for first time (AKA, hyper) parents dealing with an infant at WDW?


C'mon, your baby did not experience any Disney Magic at 9 weeks old! Perhaps you did, but not the baby. I just got back from WDW, and I was keenly aware of all the coughing, sneezing, and nose wiping that was going on from all the cold weather vacationer's from the north. I was concerned about getting sick for Christmas from it. I don't really think a 3 month old baby should be exposed to all of that.

My humble opinion is that if parents of very small infants want to go have a Disney vacation, leave the little one at home, or wait till they really can appreciate it. It is an awful lot of money to spend when the only way the child will ever know they were there is through pictures. This seems to be a vacation for the adults who rationalize lugging these little babies around under the guise of "Disney Magic".
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New Member
Originally posted by doombuggy1983
C'mon, your baby did not experience any Disney Magic at 9 weeks old! Perhaps you did, but not the baby. I just got back from WDW, and I was keenly aware of all the coughing, sneezing, and nose wiping that was going on from all the cold weather vacationer's from the north. I was concerned about getting sick for Christmas from it. I don't really think a 3 month old baby should be exposed to all of that.

My humble opinion is that if parents of very small infants want to go have a Disney vacation, leave the little one at home, or wait till they really can appreciate it. It is an awful lot of money to spend when the only way the child will ever know they were there is through pictures. This seems to be a vacation for the adults who rationalize lugging these little babies around under the guise of "Disney Magic".

agreed, at 3 months old it's no time to take a trip. maybe at a year, start going to little places. around your area with family, and build up the excitement , save the money you would normally spend each year to go down, then when you do make the trip you will have extra cash, to maybe stay in a better room, rent a bigger car, etc. that little one is a big responsibility, but think of this, how many rides would someone that little actually be able to ride let alone remember, one of you would have to stay off the rifde to take care of the little one while everyone else rides the ride. trust me I am not judging you, I believe if you have a baby your first priority is toward the baby and you give up on things that you really want for the baby, so the baby will be healthy, etc. Don't think I am judging you I am not, I know since your disney fans you must be good people. I'm just saying there is alot going on in the world today, west nile virus, etc and a baby is so much more suseptible to things then you or I, and as a parent responsibilty should be first priority.
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I obviously disagree that taking a child to WDW is especially harmful to their health. I have the strong opinion that a child is at a more serious health risk taking them to daycare where they are in "very close" contact with other children and daycare workers touching them. While at Disney no strange adults or other children touch my kids.

Through the 22 years of raising my children and with 30+ trips to WDW, I can honestly say my children never caught anything while at WDW. And my children are more at risk catching West Nile in their own backyard than a theme park that sprays for mosquitos.

Luckily, there are many parents who believe in involving their children in their daily lives instead of dumping them at a sitters so they can take a vacation. I'm proud to have taken my kids to WDW and would have no hesitation in taking my grandchildren at a young age.
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Kids are more likely to get sick in daycare or school than with their parents at Disney World. They're more likely to get killed in a car wreck than by West Nile Virus (which by the way will be non-existent in the winter when the baby that started this will be in Orlando).

Come on everybody, just because some one doesn't raise their kids like you do, it doesn't mean they're wrong. When I see parents with tiny infants at DW I think they're crazy because I wouldn't want to lug a tiny kid around a theme park -- but that doesn't mean they're bad parents!! I've seen toddlers crying because they're tired, but all the teeny weeny babies I've seen there have been sleeping or eating and happy as could be.

Give your opinion, OK, but don't pretend it's gospel. It's just your opinion. And certainly don't berate people for a personal choice that is not unreasonable at all.

When you guys get back from your trip let us know how it went. I hope you have a great time.
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The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by sigsegv
Oh yeah, I forgot about the baby switch. I wonder if they'll let you baby switch at the Adventurer's Club? :hammer:


But don't forget that the grandparents are staying in the same villa! ;) Sounds like there might be an opportunity to slip away. :animwink:

My children are 10 years apart, so there was no way I was going to stay home until each of them was 10! I wouldn't have had a vacation since 1983!!! (which is before some of you were born)

You know your and your baby's temperament better than anyone else...if you think you can manage it, go for it.
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If your licensed doctors say it is safe to go, I wouldn't worry about the amateurs ;) And as the trip was booked before conception it's apparent to me that whether or not the baby will remember it is neither here nor there- you were going to spend the money before that was a consideration so obviously you feel you will be able to go back later without having to stay home now. Does that make sense? LOL No more caffeine for me.

I am sorry that I have no advice to give but have a good trip and please, people, let's not get too nasty here. This is a person asking for advice, not inviting attacks- and do you really think these parents are going to stay home because someone on the internet said they were irresponsible?
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Originally posted by doombuggy1983
I think back to the section in the Unofficial Guide to WDW where the author tells parents thinking of taking infants to WDW to think of who this vacation will benefit.
Oh, I agree. I think people who bring their infants to WDW for the infant's benefit are deluding themselves. Like I said at the beginning of this thread, we made these plans before we were even pregnant. This trip is quite definitely for us and DW's parents.
We are the parents of grown children ages 20 & 18. Both have been to WDW numerous times, but never before the age of 10.
The same happened with me. I think I was around 10 when I first went to WDW. That said, DW and I are DVC members and, while we _can_ sell/bank our points for 10 years, we do enjoy going and bringing friends and family. As long as it's not bad for the child (and our doctors agree), then there's no reason why we can't do something we enjoy.
We just got back from WDW, and it amazes me to see parents with infants, and all the stuff they have to cart around for the babies.
This, indeed, will be a challenge. Getting all of her stuff (Pack 'n Play, stroller, car seat... and that's just the big stuff) down to MCO and still having room for our stuff will be quite a challenge. Coming back with all this, plus loot, doubly so. :)

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Originally posted by doombuggy1983
C'mon, your baby did not experience any Disney Magic at 9 weeks old!
Actually, DD is just over 9 weeks now and even now, she's following sounds and bright lights and bright colors. She does seem to enjoy these things and I'm pretty sure she will even more so when she's 12 1/2 - 13 1/2 weeks.

Is this Disney Magic like we experience Disney Magic? No, absolutely not, but who's to say that Disney Magic can only be experienced one way? Will the lights, colors, and sounds of WDW be more special to her than just any lights, colors, and sounds? Probably not. Will mommy, daddy, grandma, and grandpa enjoy themselves at WDW? Yes, hopefully (and judging from this thread so far, probably).

I was concerned about getting sick for Christmas from it. I don't really think a 3 month old baby should be exposed to all of that.
Well, I've got three doctors who say it's fine, just as long as we don't have lots of strangers in her face. (And none of our doctors say we shouldn't.) I was concerned about this. We asked the people we entrust her (and our) medical care to and every one of them said we should go ahead and enjoy it. :) (Happy, relaxed parents are good for the kid.)
My humble opinion is that if parents of very small infants want to go have a Disney vacation, leave the little one at home, or wait till they really can appreciate it.
I can understand this point of view. Heck, I even felt this way for a long time. As I got older and became a parent, I realized that while Infants can be trouble, so can toddlers and older kids.

I'm told that this is a great time in their life to bring them to WDW. You always have them close, they're not touching everything, they're not throwing tantrums because you won't get them a third pair of Mickey ears to lose.... Ninty percent of the time, they just sleep, eat, and ________. The other 10 percent is mostly just looking around, soaking in the colors and sounds.

Now, in November, when we take a 7-day cruise on the Magic and she'll be a toddler, we are considering sending her to my parents (who would love for her to spend the week). I hear it's much tougher taking a toddler than it is to take an infant.

It is an awful lot of money to spend
Not really. The flight is free for her if we hold her and if we want a seat for her, it's 1/2 price. It doesn't cost us any extra to have her in the villa and there's no charge for admission to the parks for childern under 3(?). The only real monetary expense I can think of that's directly related to having her with us is that we chose to rent a minivan (~$350) instead of having a towncar drive us from and to MCO (~$100). So, bringing her only costs an extra $250.

This seems to be a vacation for the adults
Exactly. It _is_ a vacation for the adults. She doesn't really need a vacation now. Her life's pretty easy as it is. ;)
who rationalize lugging these little babies around under the guise of "Disney Magic".
Please re-read the first sentence of this thread. I never made any claims that we're doing it for her.

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Originally posted by The Mom
But don't forget that the grandparents are staying in the same villa! ;) Sounds like there might be an opportunity to slip away. :animwink:
Actually.... We're trying to push them out to go to the Adventurers Club. They've never been to it and while DW and I love it, her parents are an even better fit for the type of humor at the AC. Now, if they did want to watch her for an evening, I don't think we'd have a problem heading over there. :D
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Sigsegv, I'm glad you took my comments as the thought they were intended, not as mean spirited. I just think DisneyWorld is a lot of work as a vacation, and having an infant just multiplies the work.

Personally, thinking back to when my kids were only a few months old, we were just getting used to them, and them to us. Trying to keep a schedule was important, maybe more so to us than the baby. DisneyWorld would definitely mess with that.

My concern for you and your spouse might be the lack of riding the rides together, having to switch of because of the baby. The child will actually influence your trip more than an 8 year old would, that's for sure!

But hey, if you planned the trip, paid for it, don't have trip insurance, or just plain old want to go, no matter what, have a good time and take pictures so that your child will be able to see what he or she missed.
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The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by sigsegv

This, indeed, will be a challenge. Getting all of her stuff (Pack 'n Play, stroller, car seat... and that's just the big stuff) down to MCO and still having room for our stuff will be quite a challenge. Coming back with all this, plus loot, doubly so. :)


You might want to check with the resort...I'm pretty sure I saw a pack n' play in the closet. I would still(and have in the past) bring the stroller and car seat. Don't forget to bring netting to fit over the stroller! (and a vey thin sheet of some sort) That way you can find a shady spot near the pool for a nap, and also have a way to shade the baby's legs while in the parks.
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Originally posted by doombuggy1983
I just think DisneyWorld is a lot of work as a vacation, and having an infant just multiplies the work.
WDW is not a lot of work for us once we get there. The planning beforehand can be work (resort, flight, car, tickets, priority seating schedule...), but once we're there, we are normally pretty laid back.
My concern for you and your spouse might be the lack of riding the rides together, having to switch of because of the baby.
Maybe, but we don't really go to WDW for the rides. Sure, there are rides we like and try to do, but it's not the rides that make the place special. I'm sure we'll be using the baby swap for some rides, but, luckily, it won't be just us (DW's parents will be with us), so the swapping won't be a huge deal. (Plus, sometimes we'll get to ride multiple times with the swap. ;) )
The child will actually influence your trip more than an 8 year old would, that's for sure!
I'm sure. We're looking forward to that time, but we've got what we've got and she's gonna be 3 months old then. On the other hand, I think she'll be easier to deal and less to worry about now than when she's a toddler.

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Originally posted by The Mom
You might want to check with the resort...I'm pretty sure I saw a pack n' play in the closet.
Hmmmm.... I didn't know that. I wonder if anyone here has used them and if they're any good. I know DD seems fine with the one she has, but she sleeps so well when she wants to sleep that I think she'd find a pointy rock comfortable. The P'n'P we have is nice, but really bulky and it'd be nice to not have to lug that.

I think I'll start another thread about that.

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I don't see what the big deal is? The family is going. Grandparents will be there for backup. It will even give the grandparents some extra time to spend with their newborn grandchild. Of course, the baby won't remember the trip but can be shown pictures. Plus I think the baby will enjoy some of the lights and sounds.

I can't believe anyone would want to wait until a child was so old to go to Disney. I went last March with my 17 month old nephew and 3 1/2 year old niece and they had a blast. They danced through rides like IASW ( and yes their parents were holding them). The video is precious.

Also,we took my son at 25 months and he remembers parts of the trip.

Not to preach...but life is too short...anything for family togetherness and a little fun. Just my 2 cents.
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Well-Known Member
When it comes to taking infants to WDW I think the time of year is more important then how old the child is. I would not bring an infant in the summer, way to hot.

Being a parent is work, any vaction from now on will be work. Life is work. Being with out your child is more work for me then being with her. I would miss her too much and would not leave such a young child behind (besides breastfeeding keeps us together.)

Anyone who is worried about a baby not remembering things so therefore you shouldn't do anything knows nothing about child development. Of course they don't. Being aparent from the parent can be more damaging then going with them.

As it was said before, some parents are more relaxed then others and can handel the trip. Some need more control and they can stay home. As for germs, breastfeeding can really help with antibodies and a 3 month old won't be touching much you can't keep clean.

BTW our now 21 month old loves WDW, talks about it and wacthes tapes on it. She may or may not remember out next trip in a few months, but I will forever!!!!!!!!!

Have a safe and great trip!!!! Take lots of pictures.
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New Member
Originally posted by moonchild
Just a bit of advice, DON'T bring a 3 mos old to swim with dolphins. Yes, believe it or not, When we were at Blue Lagoon for the dolphin encounter, some MORON! I repeat MORON ( and yes, I hope you read this LADY!) brought her 3 mos old in the water ( which was freezing) to be kissed by the dolphin ( a very LARGE NOISY SPLASHY MAMMAL) for a picture. The poor little baby was scared to death.
Had to get hat off my chest!:mad: :hammer:
Have a great time Sig!

Now THAT is something I would NOT do! :eek: :mad: Poor baby... I wonder if she also sat in the first row at the Shamu show... :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Nut4Disney
We go to WDW every year, and thought that there would be no reason not to go, just because of the little one. (he was conceived at WDW last January, so in actuality he has already been there:lol: )

I´m not sure if I heard the story.... would you mind refreshing my memory please? :D

It seems like you have pondered the pro´s and con´s already. You are very aware of what to expect from this vacation and how to deal with it, so go for it and have a great trip! :)
Let me recommend you the baby nursery at Epcot (the one I know). I haven´t used it -thank God!- but I worked at it sometimes. Always peaceful, clean, convenient, and with a very cozy area for breastfeeding or to "lullaby" the baby for a nap. Just plan ahead so you are near to it when you need it (it´s next to the Mexican Pavillion, at the Oddyssey Center), because unfortunately, there is only one in the park!
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you people still don't get it. it's not about getting, sick, or going with an infant. the point is it is a responsibility. saying "we made plans before getting pregnant..." is no excuse. when you have a baby everything else in your life stops for that baby. Iam not saying to drop the baby off at a sitter and daycare and go that isn't the point, the parents should take responsibility and sell their tickets have the grandparents fly in and the parents not go also. see thats the problem today to many times I have seen parents just in the mall letting their kids do whatever the hell they want. they leave infants in the cart not paying attention, it's not just disney it's being responsible. and the responsible thing to do at 3 monts old is not go on a big trip like that. yourgoing to be out late,so what you are goin gto cut your day short to get the baby home to sleeb by 7:30, heck you probubly made reservations for 7:30. to many times I have been down there, in august 98degree weather with infants, thats not good and not responsible. yesterday I heard a parent complain that her daughter was makeing too much noise and the mother said, "give her a cookie then she will shut up". be responsible don't make excuses because all I have read here is excuses. a baby is responsible and the most responsible thing to do is not go, period.
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I understand your point of view. I don´t think I would take my kid being so little on a trip -anywhere-, but we need to respect people´s decisions. As they say "each head is a world", we all have our own idea of what is best. Don´t try to make people do what you would, because it is not going to happen. :animwink:

Sigsev and family, I´m sure you will have a nice trip no matter what any of us say! I´m sure you are cautious parents and will know what to do! Enjoy! :animwink:
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