WDW Tickets on eBay


New Member
Hi there

I am about to purchase my WDW MYW passes and have decided that online are the best prices, i have visited ticketmania, mapleleaftickets and discountorlandovacations and these are all around the same price, but looking on eBay the prices are way cheaper if you track the items (unused tickets), i was wondering if anybody has purchased their tickets through eBay and has had any problems, the sellers i have mailed assured me they are legit original unused tickets.

I have seen (2) 2 day hopper passes plus bonus go for around $217, way cheaper than the webistes above.

Just need reassurance that i wont be getting ripped off with unusable tickets



Account Suspended
They are not legit. Re-selling unused days of a theme park ticket is illegal.

There is no way to verify the tickets do indeed have any days left on them and Disney has biometric scanning in place at the parks to prevent tickets from being used by multiple parties. Tickets are nontransferable.
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the sellers assured me they were unused, brand new tickets in conjunction with Disney. Some even let you pick tickets up at will call.

Another question i have is i have not seen anywhere on any ticket site or otherwise where i can purchase a 2 day hopper pass, only on eBay, which is why i was going down this route, any help?
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Well-Known Member
Please don't fall for this. There is no way in telling if this person is infact lying to you or telling the truth. It is all electroincal and there is no way in telling if the tickets have been used. Just like the other members above have mentioned.
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Most of the Two day tickets on e-bay are unused tickets from Time Share previews.( A perk for taking a 90min tour of a resort not Disney) I would imigne that the resale of the tickets are illegal but who knows.
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New Member
I completely disgree with what you are saying. I have several friends who have purchased off of ebay and had no problems. I would be sure to look at the sellers feedback and history of sales. I do have to admit I was a little scared of it at first, but once I heard a few of my friends tried it and had no problems I think it is a good idea. As for the illegal aspect, I am sure all of you that have made comments about this have done something illegal in you lifetime. The question for all of you people would be, Have you ever gone over the speed limit?

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Well-Known Member
jasonfc13 said:
The question for all of you people would be, Have you ever gone over the speed limit?

Yes, I have. And now that you know I'll be honest with you, let me say that I would be very cautious of eBay tickets. I can't tell you whether or not to buy tem, but I can say that I probably wouldn't. There's just too much at risk. First off, you risk losing your money outright. Secondly, you risk getting the tickets, but having them be already used (unlike the old days where they put a stamp on the front, tickets are now encoded with a magnetic strip which means there's no way of eyeballing a ticket to see if its valid). I also really wonder about the people who claim to be able to have tickets waiting at will call. Do they tell Disney "I'm illegally selling my tickets. Would you mind holding onto them so the guy who I scalped them to can pick them up?" If they never picked up their legitimate tickets, then you'd have to show a fake ID bearing their name to get them at will call/guest relations. And now that they're doing ticket tag (biometric finger scans), odds are you wouldn't get in anyway. Bottom line here is that you are taking a risk. It may work out for you, it may not. If you are willing to bet $200, then go for it. I'm sure there are some legitimate tickets out there. Just remember that the odds are stacked against you, and you may end up out your $200 and then have to go ahead and pay full price for real tickets, too.

By the way -- welcome to the boards, jasonfc13 and imajoseph!
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New Member
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i have checked the feedback on most of the big sellers (i stay away from sole propiortors) and they seem very positive in fact about 98% of eBayers had no problems with the tickets and even thanked them for making thei vacaton so successful.

I completely agree with staying away from used tickets with days remaining on them, totally illegal,but these seem legit otherwise eBay themselves would pull them down.

any other good/bad experiences with eBay will be most helpful in making my final decision.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
jasonfc13 said:
I completely disgree with what you are saying. I have several friends who have purchased off of ebay and had no problems. I would be sure to look at the sellers feedback and history of sales. I do have to admit I was a little scared of it at first, but once I heard a few of my friends tried it and had no problems I think it is a good idea. As for the illegal aspect, I am sure all of you that have made comments about this have done something illegal in you lifetime. The question for all of you people would be, Have you ever gone over the speed limit?


I'm not one of these cats who thinks the opinions of newbies aren't worth spit...except this time.

Dude, you joined the forum to tell us that doing something illegal isn't so bad? And you justify that with anecdotes of friends buying illegal tickets that we have no way of verifying as true? And you're justifying ebay's "Feedback" when we know full well people will sell 100 items to themselves and write themselves positive feedback to look like they are legit?

I wouldn't be surprised if "imajoseph" and "jasonfc13" turn out to be the same person or people in cahoots with each other, trying to run a pathetic li'l scam to sell used WDW tickets on ebay and making the more naive of us think such an asinine idea is not only OK, but encouraged by "other members" of the forum. It doesn't just smell of it, it REEKS of it.

Back on topic, if you buy WDW tickets from eaby, you're running a tremendous risk of being a world-class, bone-fide 100% Grade-A sucker. You'll never know if your tickets are valid until you swipe them at Disney World, by which time you spent your money and you're taking your chances. Maybe also at the Disney Info Center at Ocala. There is NO OTHER WAY to verify the tickets are legit. Not at a Disney store, not online. If anything, you'll verify that they AREN'T legit. Unless they cost next-to-nothing, and I'm talking pennies, all you're doing is p!ssing your vacation money away. WDW does this on purpose. Not out of the goodness of their coporate heart, mind you, but it DOES prevent people from being scammed, knowing there's no way to verify tickets are legit except at WDW. If you do it, good luck, and here's hoping you don't get screwed...but you're gonna get screwed.

EDIT: Wow, THAT seemed harsh, didn't it? Well, look for my next post.
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Active Member
If you want a break on ticket prices just go to mapleleaftickets.com they are great, I bought premium tickets (PH & Magic PLus) in March and they worked out great!
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New Member
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can i just say first that this site and forum are fantastic and the most helpful i have found on the web to date, but in reply to sloppy_magoo, yes i am a noob on here but not in no way in "cahoots" as you so called it with jasonfc13, i had to ask this question otherwise i would never know, correct? the concensus from you "experts" is that the risk is too great on eBay and i totally agree that getting to the gate and being rejected would be a total bummer and ruin the holiday hence the fact its probably not worth the stress on walking up to the gate and forking out again.

I appreciate and take everyones sole view on this matter as this helps me out greatly, but please dont think i'm on here to "scam" people in buying eBay tix, i'm here to find out "info" and make my vacation as successful and stress free as possible. Hence why i asked for feedback from anyone that has purchased them.

i live in canada so which would best for me re shipping, ticketmania or mapletickets?

thanks to all of you who have replied so far !
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
imajoseph said:
...but in reply to sloppy_magoo, yes i am a noob on here but not in no way in "cahoots" as you so called it with jasonfc13, i had to ask this question otherwise i would never know, correct? the concensus from you "experts" is that the risk is too great on eBay and i totally agree that getting to the gate and being rejected would be a total bummer and ruin the holiday hence the fact its probably not worth the stress on walking up to the gate and forking out again.

Sorry if I offended but it is a common ploy I've seen for different items on different websites. Example: Before DVDs became a ubiquitous way of life, I used to spend time on various DVD forums, talking about movies coming out on DVD, or wished would come out, or audio/video quality, full-frame vs. widescreen, etc. etc.,

Once in a while, Noob #1 would write about a movie not on DVD and where to get it, it's on ebay, what should I do? Most of us would say "They're bootlegs, not legit, no telling as to quality or if you'll even get what you're buying. Caveat emptor, but I wouldn't do it" Noob #2 would write and say "Funny you should ask! *I* have a high-quality copy of that movie I'd be willing to sell or trade! Come to my website!" and then they'd throw a link up. Noob #1 would then write back as to JUST HOW AWESOME Noob #2 was, how great his selection was, blah blah blah...

The mods would investigate and within two seconds learn that the 2 noobs either came from the same computer or lived within a few miles of each other. It was a scam to have spam NOT look like spam. But it still SMELLED like spam and lo and behold, 'twas spam.

I just don't wany ANYONE on this forum getting hosed because they don't know as much as some of the others here. And I guess that would include you. So I'm glad you're giving up on the idea of buying tickets via ebay.
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New Member
Original Poster
thanks for the reply, yes i totally agree and to be honest it did seem a bit fishy that the guy who replied to my question it was his first ever post ! and he was the only person in this thread defending the legitimacy of them.

Thanks a lot for making my mind up for me and saving myself from being ripped off

ticketmania or mapleleaftickets which one is cheapest for shipping tickets to Canada?
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Let me be another who says not to buy tickets on ebay.

There was a story about a year ago on another board written by a WDW CM who often works turnstiles. A family of 5 came through with what they thought were legit tickets from ebay. They weren't.

Remember your excitement (and your children's) as you wait in line at the front gate.

Imagine your disappointment (and your children's) when each of the tickets you scan is rejected.

The CM pulled them aside, they double-checked the tickets and they had no days left.

The family was out the $800 they had paid ebay, plus they had to buy tickets again at the gate.

Quite the expensive lesson, I would say.
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
imajoseph said:
ticketmania or mapleleaftickets which one is cheapest for shipping tickets to Canada?

I don't know offhand. But I think you should be able to go through the order process online for both companies and get your bottom line total without submitting your credit card info.

If not, I'd just call them.
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Well-Known Member
I have to agree with everyone else on here. I am pretty leery of E bay as is. Buying something like a park ticket that could make or break my vacation to save a few bucks?? Not a shot. I know Pam of Kingdom Konsultants uses Maple Leaf for her discount ticket purchases, but I dont know what the cost either company charges for shipping much less alone to Canada. Sorry I couldnt help more!! Belle
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I honestly couldn't tell you whether ticketmania or mapleleaftickets would be a beeter way to go, but if memory serves, I've heard more people on this board say more good things about maple leaf. You could do a forum search on both of the names and see what people have said in the past.
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