WDW Theme Park Dress Code for Guests


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Nicole said:
Not to take away from the shoe/foot topic, but has anyone ever seen someone actually asked to leave the park due to offensive clothing? I mean really offensive not just too tight or bad taste?
Generally, guests aren't asked to leave the park. However, if they are wearing something that is considered offensive, they are advised to buy some kind of Disney merchandise to cover the offending garment. Most times during the year, bikini tops are asked to remain covered. Characters are not allowed to take pictures with people that are not wearing shoes, and are not permitted to take pictures with girls in bikini tops if it's not the middle of summer. Furthermore, if a guest is wearing a top that seems to look like a bra, then they are also asked to put a shirt on over it.


New Member
OK, As for bad language I (who does not have kids or travel to WDW with kids) refuse to curse in a place like disney or anywhere that there are kids out of respect for families with children. I believe in freedom of speech and cut me off in traffic and see how many F-bombs I let fly, but if someone doesn't want there kid exposed to that kind of language I respect that. I also won't wear my shirt that says I F*cked your boyfriend around kids ever since that time at Burger King when a kid asked "mommy what does that girls shirt mean?"
And I agree that speedos have to go!!!! If I strolled around typhoon lagoon in a string thong I'm sure someone would tell me to cover it up no matter how good it looked ;0P
So the same rules should apply for men. There's a water park in Pa that requires women to wear a one piece bathing suit. That's going a little overboard but it's in amish country so what do you expect.


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Banning of Speedos

weluvtink said:
I wish they would ban Speedos. I think it's so nasty seeing grown men and sometimes their sons in those things.

I agree, I stopped by Coco Beach in July on the way to Disney World and was forever traumatized by an older guy strolling about in a thong speedo. My brain is scarred with that image.:cry:


New Member
sandals, a not so good idea

back to the sandals thing. I knew someone who wore sandals once to the park during the summer. someone wound up to close to him and off came a toe nail. Now there's reason enough to wear regular shoes


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stitch rocks said:
i also agree with Gagesmom314, girls now wear the skimpist things... it's a family park... they should not have guys oogling them from afar. i know once in a while i'll wear something that can be revealing but i make sure that if i bend over or something i cover myself to make sure i'm not giving a peep show...

Ugg, Amen! I was working a Britney Spears concert ~5 years ago and saw more than a few 12 year old girls running around with their thongs wayy above their pants. I'm guessing it was 'cool' or some sort of statement to do that, but I was shocked.
If, as and when I have children, and I have a daughter at that age try to walk out of the house with her underwear more visible than hidden, we're gonna sit down and have a VERY long talk. Heck, same goes for a son.


Well-Known Member
Fordlover said:
Ugg, Amen! I was working a Britney Spears concert ~5 years ago and saw more than a few 12 year old girls running around with their thongs wayy above their pants. I'm guessing it was 'cool' or some sort of statement to do that, but I was shocked.
If, as and when I have children, and I have a daughter at that age try to walk out of the house with her underwear more visible than hidden, we're gonna sit down and have a VERY long talk. Heck, same goes for a son.

What is really scary about that is you assume at that age someone is buying their undies for them or at the very least washing them. This world is a strange place...


New Member
weluvtink said:
I wish they would ban Speedos. I think it's so seeing grown men and sometimes their sons in those things.

Why men wear their "marble bags" to the water parks...I have no idea. The funny thing is that all the men we saw wearing them at TL had HUGE guts that about covered that area anyway! And...not that Im looking....but with the cold water and everything...they looked like really fat women with no tops!!!

Cmon guys.....check that root suit in for a pair of knickers!!


Well-Known Member
The last time I was at TL, I was on a tube in the lazy river, and there was a naked guy on a nearby tube, just floating down the river nude, hehe. He was stopped fairly quickly by a lifeguard, but apparently in Europe or whereever he was from, it was normal not to wear a bathing suit in public swimming pools. That gave me a good chuckle- I could tell he didn't mean to be streaking or whatever, he just didn't know the culture over here.


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DDuckFan130 said:
:lol: My sentiments exactly. I'm sorry, but I'm just not a foot person I find most feet gross (mind you I said most because not everyone has nasty feet :lol: ). I don't know why but I just dislike feet I'm weird like that :lol:

My first post in this site and it's about feet . . . this can't be good! However, I agree with you, so I must be weird too.

I will say, in my experiences (3 times at WDW and many times at other parks), sneakers (good ones, not while canvass Keds) have been my choice of walking shoe. My family went to a large midwestern zoo last summer and we (myself and 2 dd's) wore our new crocs and I have to say they were as comfy as a good pair of sneaks.

Just my 2 cents.:sohappy:


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cruzin2paradise said:
My first post in this site and it's about feet . . . this can't be good! However, I agree with you, so I must be weird too.

I will say, in my experiences (3 times at WDW and many times at other parks), sneakers (good ones, not while canvass Keds) have been my choice of walking shoe. My family went to a large midwestern zoo last summer and we (myself and 2 dd's) wore our new crocs and I have to say they were as comfy as a good pair of sneaks.

Just my 2 cents.:sohappy:

i find that tennis shoes are more comfortable, but i have an irrational fear of ankle tan lines. :eek:


New Member
I plan on wearing my Birkies while I am there next week. Yes, they are sandals but they are way more comfortable than my Nike's. As far as staying on my feet on certain rides, they have a back strap so they aren't like flip flops or anything. I think that shoe choice is a personal preference.


Well-Known Member
I always used to wear trainers to the parks, but last year I bought a pair of sandals, as someone wore a pair and said they were really comfortable. And they were right!

They don't look that good, rubber soles and velcro fastenings over the front of the feet and around the ankles, (in fact - I feel like a toddler!), but they are the most comfortable shoes I have for walking. (and I don't wear socks with them btw!)

Note to UK members - they were half price in Millets!


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mousebymarriage said:
I agree , you do sound like a bully. Isn't that just a superb attitude for a teacher!
I also do not take any crap from others but I DO HAVE RESPECT FOR OTHERS!
It may not be your job to watch my kids but, it is your job to watch your mouth in front of my kids and as for me turning and walking away. I would too , after I put my foot in your a$$!

So I guess threatening to "knock someone on their butt" or putting someone's "foot in your a$$" is not being a bully. :rolleyes: I just said I shouldn't have to walk on glass around stuck up people and watch every little thing I say. Do I make it a point to curse in public. No. Around kids. No. But sometimes we let things slip and I don't need some moron butting in where they don't belong. Personally, I don't try to listen to people's conversations. Even if they are in a close space like a line for a ride. I usually just talk to my wife unless someone else starts a meaningful conversation with me.

I'm glad to see there are others like Mariposa who actually "get it". Maybe they explained it just a little better than I did. But I guess none of you make mistakes. :rolleyes:


I just wanted to make a comment on the shoes. I completely understand that most people will think that wearing flip flops or sandals to the park is wrong. I wear my 'reefs' which are flip flops to the parks all the time. Then again if I am not at work I am generally in flip flops or barefoot. I work a 40 hours week and I am required to wear dress shoes which in general means heels. I am on my feet all the time while at work and just got used to wearing that type of shoe. Wearing sandals, flip flops or even something with a heel to the park is no different to me than wearing a tennis shoe/trainer. My comfort level is no greater in trainers than in my flip flops and in the warmer months my flip flops are cooler. I do make my kids wear trainers in the park though. I will also say that due to the fact I wear a lot of open toed shoes I do get regular pedicures because I like my feet to look nice.


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When my boyfriend and I go into the parks (10 days! *giggles like a giddy schoolgirl*), I plan on wearing sneakers, but taking a pair of flip flops in my backpack. With the random torrential downpours lately, it wouldn't hurt to do it. I'm going to recommend that to Kerry, also. Then our leather sneakers and cotton socks wouldn't be soaked (I'd rather not have to walk around in squishy, wet shoes all day).
Then, the minute it starts raining (and it's a decent-sized cloud), I switch out to flip flops, and I'm set until it stops raining.

...Feel free to steal the idea, if you hadn't heard or thought of it before...


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Teva's brand sandals are amazing for the parks. I usually wear flip flops because I don't like to be confined in sneakers, but these are perfect for when it rains.. or when it doesn't. They are very comfortable, and they stay on your feet. When it rains and I wear flip flops my feet slide all over the place and I have to walk really slowly so I don't fall, but these get rid of that problem. That are amazing! I highly recommend them!


Active Member
I normally wear some well worn flip flops that way I know they are comfortable.. Evertime I try tennies I get blisters.. One thing I want to try this yr is leave the park before my Ohana ADR so I can shower and freshen up and wear something nice.. I looked at last yrs pics and thought Geez I should have showered and changed before going..lol I remeber feeling out of place and worried about my hair and makeup that had washed off.. Most of our ADR are in the parks so I wont be able to help what I look like there..lol


Active Member
i wear a pair of merrells (normal) for rainy days, or a pair of comfy vans tnt skate shoes. Or merrell stappy sandelly thingies...

But this was at dlrp last year... may change for WDW :-S


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Sandals and such

Gee... we wear sandals (and aside from my DH, we all have adorable feet with well manicure toes. :) )

DH wears Nike sandals...which he says are very comfy... they are certainly great for any ride where you get wet!

I alternate between sneakers and sandals when I'm in the parks...

As for clothing... I see plenty of string bikini tops and inappropriate dress on women... some way too young to be displaying so much flesh... and even worse, some way too old and FAT to be putting their bods on display.

What really amazes me is the plethera of young British girls (tweens and young teens) running around in skimpy two piece bikinis when they are are horribly overweight... and they all seem to have belly ring piercings... What is up with their parents to allow them to pierce themselves like that?

Now of coure there are plenty of attractive, fit Engish folks about the parks... but they certainly don't stand out in your mind like these pierced young girls who are sausaged into swimsuits that do not contain all their bulges and rolls. And I guess I should also comment on the fat young boys in Speedos... In America...unless you are a competitive swimmer...Speedo style swimsuits are a NO NO!!!!! I'm from the "less is more" school of thought...I guess...

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