Who is staying in their houses now other than those who have tested positive? I hope you aren't treating the stay-at-home orders to mean that you can't go outside...because that isn't the case anywhere in the US that I know of.
The point of the shut-downs and stay-at-home recommendations are to keep our social circles as small as possible. It's not as big a deal as some are making it out to be as long as you cover your face in public, keep your distance from others when possible, and wash your hands often.
How many of your "social circle" do you trust explicitly to follow the safety protocols? I asked my husband this exact question, and between the two of us and everyone we talk to in person, the answer was stunningly low. Bear in mind, you need to include coworkers, classmates, friends, family, delivery people, the people who work at stores, clients, etc. etc.
We've decided that when my husband is called back to work - which will likely be soon - he will carry extra bandannas/cloth masks so that if he runs into people who aren't already wearing one, he can ask them to do so, and honestly, I think this should become the norm until there is an effective treatment available. I'm still seeing far too many people in stores who aren't even trying to fashion make-shift face masks, which are WAY better than nothing at all.