WDW Picture of the Day (Part 3)

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Well-Known Member


Can someone help me figure out how to put my picture in to a post?? I went to the insert image button but it only let me make a link (which I did thru my snapfish account) but I'd rather have the picture there.


Well-Known Member
Can someone help me figure out how to put my picture in to a post?? I went to the insert image button but it only let me make a link (which I did thru my snapfish account) but I'd rather have the picture there.

Like I said in my last post, I don't think Snapfish will let you embed an image on another site. You can link to the page where the image is, but not link to the image itself. Try another service like photobucket, flickr, smugmug, etc.


Active Member
Original Poster
Can someone help me figure out how to put my picture in to a post?? I went to the insert image button but it only let me make a link (which I did thru my snapfish account) but I'd rather have the picture there.
I am not a big fan of snapfish, have you tried photobucket? It is a little easier to use, but can be a tad slow sometimes. Here are Instructions for photobucket.


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Splash Mountain

Just so everyone knows, it says on the Disney website that Splash Mountain will be open on Monday :wave: I think Splash Mountain closed before my birthday vacation even started, but the good thing about it being closed is it gave me another picture to have taken ;)

I believe the cast member who took my photo came up with the idea to have Thunder Mountain in the background. It seems like she asked me if I wanted her to get Thunder Mountain in the background of this photo :king:

O and by the way this photo was not taken on the same day that I had my photo taken by the sign that basically said the Snow White ride is closed. I wore my Suzy and Perla shirt on 2 different days during my birthday vacation :wave:



So thanks to JML42691 and Photoflight, I've got this adding image down. JML, the directions you gave me were great, however, I hit a snag. It no longer gives URL as an option (HTTP, LINK, and others were options). Instead I tried to cut and paste (like I had tried before), and low and behold and let me and waaalllaaa, the photo above. I love this photo because my eldest dd looks like she is Cinderella as well (posing perfectly). My youngest had excema that day due to the heat but she inspite of what her face looks like in this photo she loved the Cinderella breakfast. She now names all disney princesses (she just turned 2). She loves all things Disney like her mom :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Since I was already entering this in the photo contest, I thought I'd just post it here as well. Saving time...lazy me.

Sometimes you miss the prince sooooo much you just can't wait to get back to the palace to see him.

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