WDW Picture of the Day (Part 3)

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Well-Known Member
and some text that I created in photoshop that you can use for scrapbooking.


Except that the official name of the resort is Walt Disney World. :animwink:


New Member
Re: Illuminations Fireworks Pic

Thanks everyone for the kind words!! :kiss:
I sure wish I could take the credit. My husband is a great photographer and taking pictures at any of the Disney parks is one of his favorite hobbies.

There are SO many great pics on this thread. I love looking at all the different perspectives. Even though you might see something a hundred times, seeing it through someone else's eyes is always interesting.


Active Member
Has this been edited to enhance the colors, or is this unedited? Either way, its a great shot. The rainbow sets this one apart.

Thank you!

I think the only editing I did on this was crop it a little :) And I was using a polarized filter when I took the picture... I was really happy with how it came out... glad you all like it too!
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