WDW Now Stale And Uninteresting?


New Member
Original Poster
First off, I am not a troll looking to get people amped up without cause. However, am I the only one who feels that over the past few years, WDW has become painfully stale and boring? I love Disney. I'm going back to Disneyland in a couple of weeks, in fact. I sincerely believe that the audience at WDW is too forgiving, willing to compromise far too much, and unwilling to see when they are being duped. The restaurants are not up to par anymore, the rides in most cases (excluding Splash of course) are cliff notes versions of DL's, the maintenance is getting worse, etc etc etc. Am I the only one?


Well-Known Member
Oh I need to pass you the golden spoon. This thread oughtta stir up the hornets somethin' fierce.

Spend some time reading more threads around here. There is a great many people who feel a lot has been let go in all aspects but there are also a lot of things where you can see some effort. I guess it's perspective: is the glass half full or half empty?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
First off, I am not a troll looking to get people amped up without cause. However, am I the only one who feels that over the past few years, WDW has become painfully stale and boring? I love Disney. I'm going back to Disneyland in a couple of weeks, in fact. I sincerely believe that the audience at WDW is too forgiving, willing to compromise far too much, and unwilling to see when they are being duped. The restaurants are not up to par anymore, the rides in most cases (excluding Splash of course) are cliff notes versions of DL's, the maintenance is getting worse, etc etc etc. Am I the only one?

I'm a newb here too and not trying to stir up a hornets nest by disagreeing with you, LOL. I just got back from my first visit in a long time and saw a handful of relatively minor things that disappointed me but overall I had a great time and am already trying to figure out how to do it again.

Overall I thought the rides and shows were awesome. Haunted Mansion, Big Thunder Mountain and Splash Mountain all drew audible gasps from me. The parades and fireworks shows were amazing. Soarin' and Micky's Philharmagic had me spellbound. The Country Bear Jamboree and Peter Pan's Flight looked a bit worn, but I enjoyed them.

The Characters could not have been more charming. Ariel in her grotto treated my 30 something girlfriend like a ten year old princess. The Genie and Abu and Woody and Jessie at the Christmas party acted as if we were long lost friends. Goofy at DHS, Epcot, and the Magic Kingdom was zany to perfection each time we met him.

The food was pretty good. Yes, even at the much maligned Cinderella's Royal Table and the Coral Reef. Service at both of these was impeccable and more than made up for food designed to please the widest possible tastes. Major Domo's pie served by a great waiter who keeps my lemonade glass full ain't a bad meal. Expensive? OK, but I've had worse that cost more without the fairy tale setting.

Maybe Disneyland is better, I've never been there and can't judge. Disney World has enough to make me wish I had planned a longer visit and in the end that is what matters. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm not a newbie and not to stir the hornet's nest since I'm sure this has already been discussed to death on other threads, but I tend to agree.

I think that the problem seems to be that with the Internet and all the pictures of projects going on in other parks, the Fantasyland refurb and Little Mermaid ride seem lacking in comparison. We're shown all these grand plans for the other parks, annoncements for Asian parks being built, and in the meanwhile, Orlando is getting the short end of the stick.

The Disney Company seems to be giving money anyplace but Orlando (with the exception of Fantasy Land). You'd think that Universal's Harry Potter world would have lit a bigger fire under them.

On my last trip there in May, I noticed a really big difference from my trip back in 2002. The merchandise was too repetitive in every single store from Downtown to the parks to the Resorts. The food suffered from the same fate at the quick service restaurants. They keep raising prices for tickets and hotels but nothing that new has been built. Soarin, which is a California clone. I wish WDW would've at least gotten its own movie if they're cloning all the rides. There's Everest but that park needed the push of a thrill ride (not a fan of the influx of these) to get the older kids in.

A great number of DVC's. But I think that they're being shortsighted in that. If they fill the place with timesharers, and still keep on the same path with building, people will stop buying in. And then they'll be left with something resembling the unfinished half of POP.

They should go ahead with the Fantasyland fix and continue from that. Build Beastly in AK, do something with DHS that doesn't require an 80 minute line for a 60 second ride.


Well-Known Member
I'm not speaking for anyone but myself here, but I think part of the problem is that the Internet is ruining the magic to some degree. Let me explain:

Years ago, before the Internet existed, when you went to a Disney Park, and then left it, all you had to rely on is your memories. People tend to remember mostly good experiences and good times had. We don't dwell as long on negative things we see and/or do.

Now all we have to do is google the words "Disney World" and you can find hundreds...no thousands of Disney Blogs/Websites and Discussion boards.
Every square inch of what Disney does or does'nt do is talked about. A lot of the news I read online about Disney is about things I didn't even want to know about but it's right in front of me to read so I do.

Let me also say that I Love Disney Web sights and discussion boards as they are a great source of information that I often find very useful, but sometimes I wonder if I would have been better off NOT knowing, for example, that Disney is switching to pork and chicken hot dogs instead of 100% beef hot dogs at Caseys..and would I even have noticed the differance if I hadn't known about it before reading about it online. I never noticed before the invention of the Internet that some burned out light bulbs weren't being replaced in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, now I see them all the time.

So now, and call me naive if you want, when I go to Walt Disney World, I try and view the experiance like I did as a child, trying to just focus on the good things and not the bad.

I still think I'm getting my moneys worth when I go to the world, and if that ever changes, I'll stop going. But until that day comes, and I hope it never does, I'll be there twice a year, as I have been for the last 20 something years, enjoying everything good that Disney has to offer, and not dwelling on the few negative things I see.


Well-Known Member
I guess I just had 10 stale and uninteresting days a month ago.
I never realized, thanks for pointing that out.
What was wrong with me for enjoying every minute of it?
I musta been nutz.:hammer:
First off, I am not a troll looking to get people amped up without cause. However, am I the only one who feels that over the past few years, WDW has become painfully stale and boring? I love Disney. I'm going back to Disneyland in a couple of weeks, in fact. I sincerely believe that the audience at WDW is too forgiving, willing to compromise far too much, and unwilling to see when they are being duped. The restaurants are not up to par anymore, the rides in most cases (excluding Splash of course) are cliff notes versions of DL's, the maintenance is getting worse, etc etc etc. Am I the only one?

Sounds like your a Disneyland Fan. I.E. "Cliff notes version" Im the opposite. When I went to Disneyland this spring I didnt feel the "Magic" as much as I did at the World. Although I did have fun just didnt feel it. Thought indy was the only thing the World is missing. Its all prespective I think that creates out opininons. Then again I didnt think Disneyland was stale or uninteresting.

Your entitled to your own opinions though

O and nice name by the way:rolleyes:


Active Member
I think a disgruntled past WDWMagic member started this thread. Just a hunch.

It's all opinions anyway. WDW can't please everyone.


I have had that same feeling of WDW being stale, outdated and boring. But, then I remember that i had a 5 year period where I was going at least once a year and went during different seasons, took all the tours and got to see lots of new stuff. For example, Opening of Animal Kingdom, Millennium Celebration, Food and Wine, Christmas, Halloween, Flower and Garden. I'd done it all. Then WDW slowed down and there was nothing new FOR ME because I'd been so often. So it felt repetitive. And then they started slowly taking away things that I really enjoyed like Country Bears Christmas. And I was reading the internet too much as someone else suggested.

My last trip seemed like a bad one. It was at Christmas and my spouse wasn't feeling her best so we had to cut a few things short. But, when I got home and looked through our pictures and started to think about what we HAD done I was surprised. We got to share a lot of stuff with out DD that was new for her, which she loved. We got to see Turtle Talk, the Updated Living Seas, and Nemo the Musical, which we al loved. We got to experience Expedition Everest with all the effects working. We spent a wonderful evening at the Animal Kingdom lodge doing activities and enjoying a fantastic meal at Boma. Our DD got picked for three of those MAGIC MOMENT things, whatever they were called. So, it was a good trip. The problem was that my expectations were based on earlier trips before I'd done so much.

When I look at the parks as they are now and contemplate my next trip, I don't see THAT much that is new for me. And that leads me to thinking about it being stale. But, there are several things I haven't done, and many more that my DD has yet to experience. And so much that I never tire of. So my feeling of stale becomes very false. And we do see that a huge makeover of Fantasyland is in the works. I miss the days when something big and new FOR ME was happening yearly. But I have to say that I have never been bored or unhappy when I'm there. Maybe I should just stop reading the internet so often!


Well-Known Member
First off, I am not a troll looking to get people amped up without cause. However, am I the only one who feels that over the past few years, WDW has become painfully stale and boring? I love Disney. I'm going back to Disneyland in a couple of weeks, in fact. I sincerely believe that the audience at WDW is too forgiving, willing to compromise far too much, and unwilling to see when they are being duped. The restaurants are not up to par anymore, the rides in most cases (excluding Splash of course) are cliff notes versions of DL's, the maintenance is getting worse, etc etc etc. Am I the only one?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Walt Disney World is not going to be able to please all guests in all aspects all of the time. If you travel to WDW on a regular basis, and spend a lot of time each trip, then spend a bunch of time online and in books reading about it, I'm sure it could become stale to someone who wants a completely new experience each visit.

WDWMAGIC is a community of people who have a general interst in WDW, and for the most part, are people who enjoy it. Creating a thread like this one will get some people "amped up." Whether or not you are a troll will be determined by further posts you make. If every post is negative in nature, you'll get the branding in no time flat. Although your choice of a user name is a pretty good indication of your overall attitude towards WDW.

If you truly feel WDW is becoming stale, I would honestly step away from this and other websites, and take some time off before any more trips. This way, in a year or maybe a few, when you decide you're ready, you can log on and head back to the World, and you'll be sure to have new experiences (especially with the big Fantasyland expansion.)


Active Member
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Walt Disney World is not going to be able to please all guests in all aspects all of the time. If you travel to WDW on a regular basis, and spend a lot of time each trip, then spend a bunch of time online and in books reading about it, I'm sure it could become stale to someone who wants a completely new experience each visit.

WDWMAGIC is a community of people who have a general interst in WDW, and for the most part, are people who enjoy it. Creating a thread like this one will get some people "amped up." Whether or not you are a troll will be determined by further posts you make. If every post is negative in nature, you'll get the branding in no time flat. Although your choice of a user name is a pretty good indication of your overall attitude towards WDW.

If you truly feel WDW is becoming stale, I would honestly step away from this and other websites, and take some time off before any more trips. This way, in a year or maybe a few, when you decide you're ready, you can log on and head back to the World, and you'll be sure to have new experiences (especially with the big Fantasyland expansion.)

Great minds think alike :lol::lookaroun:animwink:


Well-Known Member
I'm not speaking for anyone but myself here, but I think part of the problem is that the Internet is ruining the magic to some degree. Let me explain:

Years ago, before the Internet existed, when you went to a Disney Park, and then left it, all you had to rely on is your memories. People tend to remember mostly good experiences and good times had. We don't dwell as long on negative things we see and/or do.

Now all we have to do is google the words "Disney World" and you can find hundreds...no thousands of Disney Blogs/Websites and Discussion boards.
Every square inch of what Disney does or does'nt do is talked about. A lot of the news I read online about Disney is about things I didn't even want to know about but it's right in front of me to read so I do.

Let me also say that I Love Disney Web sights and discussion boards as they are a great source of information that I often find very useful, but sometimes I wonder if I would have been better off NOT knowing, for example, that Disney is switching to pork and chicken hot dogs instead of 100% beef hot dogs at Caseys..and would I even have noticed the differance if I hadn't known about it before reading about it online. I never noticed before the invention of the Internet that some burned out light bulbs weren't being replaced in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, now I see them all the time.

So now, and call me naive if you want, when I go to Walt Disney World, I try and view the experiance like I did as a child, trying to just focus on the good things and not the bad.

I still think I'm getting my moneys worth when I go to the world, and if that ever changes, I'll stop going. But until that day comes, and I hope it never does, I'll be there twice a year, as I have been for the last 20 something years, enjoying everything good that Disney has to offer, and not dwelling on the few negative things I see.

I think you make some very good points. I was actually thinking about this along the lines of a thread I read recently about how WDW is becoming less of a once in a life time thing, and how it (generally speaking) is more affordable to a wider range of people.

There is without a doubt an over saturation of all things Disney (World and otherwise) on the net. It's a double edged sword. In some respects, it allows you to connect with like minded fans, get every detail planned out and make for an extra magical vacation, and just be able to enjoy seeing pictures, videos, attractions of the past, etc.

But you're right that it also means that every little detail is out there, discussed and gone over and over. I've stepped away from the boards once or twice when I was getting overwhelmed. Sometimes a step back is a good thing.

And I'm with you - when I go to WDW, I try to enjoy the details, get into the mood, and in some respects, see things through a child's eyes. I want to fall into the story line and believe in what's going on around me.

Of course, if you go looking for every little flaw, needed update, unhappy cast member, and other little problems, then of course you're gonna be miserable.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
Boy, with a name like "disappointed" your position on these boards is pretty solid.
Either way, I figure that WDW is my favorite place in the world, and nothing I do will have the slightest effect with how it's run, so I just keep my arms and legs inside the car at all times and enjoy the ride.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I don't think that Disney can ever be totally stale, and totally uninteresting or boring. It's still DISNEY, afterall.

However, the OP has a good point. Disney does not tackle projects of the same scope, or level of uniqueness that they used to. That's a problem. TWDC is a company that excels in UNIQUE STORYTELLING, not telling the same story over, and over again. ( Even the new FL Expansion is like this.)

While Disney seems to be rounding a corner for their product quality, this is a still s hurdle to be jumped.

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