WDW Named a Terrorist Attack Site


Original Poster
I heard this from a friend in Miami. Supposedly, WDW was named as one of the prime spots for the next terrorrist attack. If anybody has any news on this, please reply.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm off here, but wasn't it a target since 9/11? That's why they had to evac and stuff.

But down here we heard that civilian buildings are the target, like someone renting an apartment and filling it with explosives.

Well, as I've said before in another post, I can't really say I know how you guys must be feeling right now, but I assure you our prayers and the world's are with you in this sensitive moment.:wave:


New Member

Not sure about Disney directly but they did release a report that sources say the Orlando water system could come under attack.


New Member
News flies because up here in NJ it was on the news about how there was a "threat" of some sort. Well in all honesty, I see why people would think Orlando, but why? It's not the most populated and most effective. I feel if a terrorist group would do anything, it would be near a bigger city.

A person I know, his mom and sister were going to WDW/Florida today and were bring bottled water just in case, I guess they were a little nervous. Oh well



Original Poster
The Water poisoning would be extremely easy to accomplish. Also, a few days after 9/11, 2 Arabian men tried to break into Turkey POint (Florida Power PLant), with fake ID's. I heard this from an elder friend, whose husband is a fireman. I guess he was called to the scene for precautions.....dunno....


New Member
It's very sad we even have to think about the possibility. But WDW is a very visible, very American icon. I would hope that they (terrorists) would have to realise striking such a beloved place would resound against them...but hey, rationality isn't one of their strong suits. I know this though - I am not letting the thought WDW may be a target stop me from going (we will be there 29 June - 6 July). Don't let it deter you, either.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
You cant spend youre life worrying about what ifs? If you do the rag head has won. The world is full of nutters with a cause, all you can do is defy them buy carrying on as normal. It dosent help the situation that the media in the US likes to sensationalize everything but hey its all about ratings at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
i know Disney World is a possibility for an attack, but in all honesty, i think we'd see other attacks before Disney. for several reasons...for one, as much as i love the place, i really don't see it as a major symbol of America....maybe American entertainment, but not America herself. secondly, it wouldn't hurt America extremely bad financially. sure it would hurt us very badly, but the economy would still survive. i would think the terrorists, as someone has said, would go after the bigger, more 'popular' cities first, or go after the government and/or our economy. i don't see Disney as a major threat....but either way, it's not gonna keep me from going. i refuse to let myself become paranoid to the extent to make me stay away from WDW. if i let myself get that paranoid over something like that, then i'd probably be curled up in a ball in a corner somewhere, and i'd never do anything! and that's certainly no kind of life. so i'm just gonna go on with my life like nothing has changed...that's the best way i know how to handle it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek
i know Disney World is a possibility for an attack, but in all honesty, i think we'd see other attacks before Disney. for several reasons...for one, as much as i love the place, i really don't see it as a major symbol of America....maybe American entertainment, but not America herself. secondly, it wouldn't hurt America extremely bad financially. sure it would hurt us very badly, but the economy would still survive. i would think the terrorists, as someone has said, would go after the bigger, more 'popular' cities first, or go after the government and/or our economy.

Well, as I said before, I heard they'll be aiming at civilians this time, instead of government/economy. Again, really hope not. After all, they all have families and children as well.


New Member
Since 9-11 a lot of places were named but I don't know about Disney directly. I do know that the Orlando are was named as well as Anaheim. I just think they are ready for any possibility. I don't think it means it will happen.:)

Grim Grinner

New Member
'Tis sad...

The unfortunate truth is that if there was something planned by terrorist forces- they would succeed. Many times on this forum I have complained about the security at WDW. It is ineffectual and hurts the park by forcing money to go towards it instead of much-needed repairs.

I find the possibility that WDW can possibly be a target an appalling thing. It is a place that not only brings so manypeople together, it also allows us all to forget about the troubles of life for just an ever-so-short time.

If it has been planned- it will happen if attempted.

Want a bio-weapon attack? You can seal some contaminant inside of a baby powder and walk it right past security.

Bombs are almost as easily snuck inside.

The only hope that Disney has is its internal security on the look out....


New Member
anyone with the means and resolve (including the willingness to die for their cause) can committ any number of possible terrorist attacks regardless of preventive security measures. The security measures at place at airports and highly visable places like WDW have limited ability to stop such attacks but instead serve to calm the general public and give some indication of control when really little exists.

TTA Traveler

New Member
i sure hope not, im going this weekend!! ahh:(

Orlando water supply threatened
May 19, 2002 Posted: 10:45 PM EDT (0245 GMT)
ORLANDO, Florida (CNN) -- The FBI said Sunday security around Orlando's water purification and distribution centers has been beefed up in the wake of "a vague, unsubstantiated, uncorroborated threat" to the water supply.

FBI Special Agent Wendy Evans said the threat was received Sunday morning.
"In an abundance of caution, to err on the side of getting out information to everyone -- even though it is uncorroborated and vague -- we decided to notify local authorities," she said.

Evans, citing the ongoing investigation, would not describe details of the threat or how it was received, but said security at all of Orlando's water purification and distribution facilities had been stepped up.

The threat is a tough one for investigators to pursue, she said. "The bottom line is we have to rely on our citizens to help us when we receive this type of information."

It is the first such threat specific to the Orlando area received since the September 11 attacks, she said.
Members of the Central Florida Regional Homeland Security Task Force met Sunday morning in Orlando and "implemented appropriate safety and security measures," said Jim Solomons, a spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

"You're kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't," he said. "You don't want to fall into the Chicken Little syndrome."

There has been no evidence the water supply has been compromised, he said.
"We stress, and underline stress, that the information was vague and unsubstantiated. But there doesn't appear to be any, at this point, threat to the public safety," Solomons said.

"We're going to make sure that everything is nice and tidy in central Florida," Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary told reporters. "We're taking care of business here."

A spokesman for the Orlando Utilities Commission said the FBI contacted the commission's water production director before dawn, and field personnel were mobilized soon after.

The OUC has 120,000 accounts serving more than 300,000 people, said spokesman Sheridan Becht.
Instead of depending on reservoirs, the county relies on water from wells drilled 1,000 feet below ground into aquifers.

The water is pumped to eight water plants -- tanks containing up to several million gallons apiece -- in the Orlando area, where it is treated and distributed, he said.

The treatment is done with chlorine and by bubbling ozone gas through the water, he said.
Though the plants are typically unmanned, guards were posted at them Sunday, he said. On an average day, they pump 80 million to 90 million gallons of water.

Preliminary water checks have found nothing amiss, he said, adding that he would not divulge what tests were carried out.

A number of major amusement parks, tourist attractions and hotels are in Orange County, including Universal Studios.
Security has been beefed up at Walt Disney World, which straddles Orange and Osceola counties, said spokeswoman Marilyn Waters.

The amusement park has its own water supply for the 200,000 people on its grounds on any given day, protected by a system of alarms and security personnel "independent of this incident," she said.

"After we were notified by law enforcement today, in an extra step of caution, we did increase our personnel, including Orange County sheriff's deputies," Waters said.


New Member
Here's my thought - if it does happen while you're in a place like WDW - at least you were having a blast when you died. That's how I would want to go out. Besides that - if it's you're turn to die nothing is going to stop that. Might as well be enjoying life to the fullest. I'm not going to live in fear. That's what the terriorist want. I'm too stubborn to give them that satisfacation.


New Member
I doubt terrorists will hit WDW. I don't think they could do enough damage to make it worth the effort for them. But, what about one of the Disney cruise line ships? Hmmmmm. I think I'll cancel my cruise.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
People we can't live our lives in fear thinking something will happen. If we do that then we have admitted defeat. They want you to be scared, because it makes them think they won. Don't be scared to go to WDW and don't be scared to take cruises and vacations. Live life like normal and enjoy your life, you only get the oppurtunity once.


New Member
In my current job (due to people feeling I'm creative) I was asked to evaluate threats to data centers for clients on the East Coast. In this role we had lots of discussions about what terrorists would attack and why; trying to think from their point of view of wanting to. We rated data center location based on how much economic strain, panic/fear, strategic harm, or retaliation value would be realized. Orlando, and specifically Disney World, came up high on the list for panic. When we matrixed attack reasons against weapon (biologic, chemical, large bomb, small bomb, empty threat, nuclear) Disney World came up high for empty threat, biologic, chemical, and small bomb. I don't want to go into the reasoning behind the other three, but with the objective to generate panic and fear, the empty threat had the biggest bang for the buck since Disney World is an optional location vs. NYC which is considered an essential location (number of residents, number of employees, etc.).

Personally, I went in April with my family, will go again in September, again next February, and likely on business numerous times in-between, and I won't worry about vague and empty threats.


Well-Known Member
Even before 9/11...Disney was a terrorist Target...or did everyone already forget new years 2000...

...and the current "concern" is not to WDW specificially..but to the entire orlando area...more specifically..the water supply ;)


Living on Long Island, and knowing 23 people personally who were killed, the fact that Disney is considered a target is so disheartening.. It hits really close to home because WDW is where I go to escape the NY crap. (its a wonderful city, esp now but still very saddened) but what can you expect for the big business giant and the influence it has...It's all Disney, Fast food, and stuff... but there's no McDonalds world, so it makes sense. Disney is a huge capitalistic icon in America so they should be careful..

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