WDW Named a Terrorist Attack Site

Don L Duck

New Member
The people who responded to this thread are forgetting one thing.Disney does in no way represent the same thing as the WTC.That stood for capitolism at it's best in America,that's what they were going after.IMHO they took there best shot and all these warning's are so the powers that be can cover their butts.If something were to really happen they can say see I told you so.Believe me their will be enough warning's that they to will be like car alarm's no one will pay attention to them after a while.If something does happen it probably will be on a small scale or from a source inside the USA like the anthrax scare that was home grown.Why would they go after Disney anyway their isn't much to take out all at once.As for giving them idea's as to what to do believe me they have thing's in their heads we don't even think about they are not looking at what we say that's just paranoia.,and I hope this great country does not fall into that trap.:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Erika

Well...not truly. We have to think of it as politics disguised as religion. The weak-minded and desperate are brainwashed and exploited in a way I would compare to a gang or a cult more than to a religion. Any sane Muslim will tell you that what these people are doing is absolutely against the teachings of Islam.

The same thing can be said for a fair chunk of American Politics as it relates to certain so called Moral Issues.


Well-Known Member
We just got back from our trip...ten days with five children and three adults. I can tell you...no one was looking worried or afraid at Disney. The crowds were there, people were spending money hand over fist, the one thing I did notice though was that no one was really using water fountains..I mean we had temps in the high 90s and no one was at the fountains...I dont know if the water wasnt cold or people just prefer the bottled water...but the restrnts were full to capacity and people were drinking fountain sodas like crazy so I dont think that the true Disney fans, tourists and others were fazed by the threat right before Memorial Day~ I did notice a great percent of the crowds were European, which thrilled my kids!


New Member
Actually I think That posts like this serve no purpose other then to scare people!:mad: If some crazed person wants to strke a terrorist act against Disney,no amount of security can prevent it.It has been said,but if we let Fear rule our lives then the TERRORISTS HAVE ALLREADY WON! I for one am going to Disney world in December and I`m going to enjoy myself and have FUN!!! and not worry about some Wacko with a bomb or worry about what I`m drinking. Also like what has been said before if I`m there and someone does hit Disney world atleast I died doing something I loved!




That is the best they can come up with. Religion isn't the true reason either it is politics but that isn't the point. One day I will die as will you and those you hold dear in your hearts but do not fear. Accept that death will occur but to live with the fear of death is to have been dead all along. Enjoy life evry breath, every sight, smell, taste! Enjoy the smiles on your loved ones faces but never fear. If I were to die in an "attack" I wouldn't be afraid I would know it was time. If it happened to be in WdW I would be dieing happy so never fear.



Take Care, Kyle Browning


Well-Known Member
I agree...that is what makes this country sooo strong...when the going got tough, we pulled together like we've NEVER pulled together before. The tourism in the country dropped and started hurting our beloved WDW and what happened...LOOK AT IT NOW...people are GOING to just BOOST the population of it!!! People did get scared...and yes, they should have!!! But, when september 11th happened...it didn't stop me from visiting the happiest place on earth...I was there the first week of October and I had a great time...probably the best time I have ever had.
Just realize that when you're there, all your worries go away!!! It doesn't matter where you are...whether WDW or home or work or East Oshkosh...if a terrorist act is going to happen, it's going to happen...and would you rather be at work when it happens or at WDW???


New Member
I cannot believe this

Why did someone start a thread like this. We all know about the terrorist attacks in America and of course WDW could be a potential target.

Do we really need to talk about it? Is there anything any of us can do to stop it.... NO! We will be there end of August and I plan on having a good time.

How about the idiots in Hollywood who keep making disaster movies for us to see. There is no need to create more panic than there already in America. How stupid is that....

Let's not take away one of the many GREAT places in America we can go to forget about this kinda crap!

Bottom line is you should always be aware of your environment and use common sense (even before 9/11).

I think everyone needs to chill just a little bit!



Well-Known Member
Re: I cannot believe this

Originally posted by dznynut
Why did someone start a thread like this. We all know about the terrorist attacks in America and of course WDW could be a potential target.

Do we really need to talk about it? Is there anything any of us can do to stop it.... NO! We will be there end of August and I plan on having a good time.

How about the idiots in Hollywood who keep making disaster movies for us to see. There is no need to create more panic than there already in America. How stupid is that....

Let's not take away one of the many GREAT places in America we can go to forget about this kinda crap!

Bottom line is you should always be aware of your environment and use common sense (even before 9/11).

I think everyone needs to chill just a little bit!


What's wrong with disaster movies? If something in real life prevented me from having fun, then I guess no Brazilian in his right mind would EVER watch a movie like Gone in 60 seconds, or a good western, because of all the violence and car thefts we have down here... :animwink:

Yes, people do need to chill, but if they feel talking about it is a good way to exorcise they fears, why stomp them? :sohappy:

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