WDW Magic... Some People Get It... Some People Don't


Active Member
I totally think that it is funny how some things are great for some people and so different for others. My family has been to WDW at least 15 times we live in Kansas. We went to Lake Okoboji in Iowa this summer. It was fun but definitely not Disney. What really cracked me up were these people that had been every year to this lake for the last 12 years, except for twice. Once they had a wedding one summer and the next time they went to WDW. The guy told me that his kids didn't really like WDW and kept begging to go back to the lake. How strange? I just think that people have no idea howto do WDW and so they don't like it as much. Not only that but if you are having fun your kids will too!!!!

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
I totally think that it is funny how some things are great for some people and so different for others. My family has been to WDW at least 15 times we live in Kansas. We went to Lake Okoboji in Iowa this summer. It was fun but definitely not Disney. What really cracked me up were these people that had been every year to this lake for the last 12 years, except for twice. Once they had a wedding one summer and the next time they went to WDW. The guy told me that his kids didn't really like WDW and kept begging to go back to the lake. How strange? I just think that people have no idea howto do WDW and so they don't like it as much. Not only that but if you are having fun your kids will too!!!!
Where abouts in Kansas do you live. My wife grew up there, she graduated fron Shawnee Mission South HS, lived some in Overland Park too.


Well-Known Member
The reasons

I also know people who don't get Disney World even after being there, and here is my list of theoretical underpinnings as to why they think that way:

1. They are extreme penny pinchers who can't get over the fact that things cost more at Disney than at home. In short, they can't stop worrying about the money, and they know they can have a "vacation" somewhere else cheaper. Yes, it's pricier, but it's worth it.

2. They hate crowds and standing in line. Suck it up, or go somewhere less crowded for a while. Also, go during the slow times of day, like mornings.

3. They cannot walk great distances because of ill health, unfitness, or laziness. Get in shape, or get an electric wheelchair thingie.

4. They had bad weather while there. Face it, if it was raining or 108 degrees all day everyday you have been there, you wouldn't like it as much either. Usually the weather is great, try it again at a different time of year.

5. They never saw Illuminations or Spectromagic. Stay up a little later and do it. It could make it all worthwhile.

6. They are not "magical" people. They simply don't see the wonder of it all, and how the rest of the problems in your world disappear when you are there, or they continue to call work everyday while there. Find your inner child, and forget about work for a few days. They'll survive without you.

7. They are gloomy, depressed people in general. Stay away from them, they can suck the joy of life right out of you. See a therapist or get a prescription for happy pills. If not for your sake, then for the sake of those miserable people around you.

8. In efforts to save money, they stay off-site, pinch pennies at mealtimes, and don't take the kids (if any) back to rest in the room for an afternoon break. Misery and time-wasting ensues. Stay on-site if you possibly can, and take a break. Almost everybody could use a break in the afternoon.

9. They don't plan or do their research, so they go at the worst time of year, fail to learn Fastpass, stand in line for the wrong things at the wrong time, go to the wrong park on the busiest day for that park, and generally have no clue about how to maximize the fun. They also fail to take advantage of the short lines in the morning, insist unsuccessfully at trying to eat during peak mealtimes, fail to grab a spot for the parades, and leave before the fireworks shows. Read this website, and get a couple books at the bookstore or library. A touch of flexibility also helps.

10. Their idea of a vacation might be fundamentally different from yours. For example, vacations for them might be the following: driving 800 miles a day to cover territory while seeing almost nothing, drinking, gambling, seeing old friends and relatives, staying at the homes of old friends and relatives to save money, doing naughty Vegas stuff, sitting on your butt by some water in a languid pool of inactivity, or being uncompromisingly selfish to the point of complaining if everybody doesn't do exactly what he or she wants them to do. Adjust, shift your paradigm, and enjoy a truly classic vacation for a change.

Oh well, these are my observations for what they are worth. Yes, there are a few people I greatly like and respect who do not jump for joy at Disney, but they are rare. Most of the people I really like enjoy Disney a lot and "get it".

You may find that the same people who dislilke Disney also complain about Christmas shopping, decorating, cookie making, etc . . . Christmas and Disney are similar in that there is a legitmate spirit to both. Of course, some people who don't like traveling may love the home Christmas spirit. They may also have a different religious background, but that is neither here nor there.

Nevertheless, it may be interesting to poll the correspondence between Disney and Christmas lovers.


Active Member
We live in Edwardsville, not too far from Johnson County, about five minutes actually. I used to work at the Disney Store at Oak Park Mall. Now the store is owned by Children's Place of course. Where do you guys live now?


New Member
You get a hope, a happiness from being kind to others, seeing old and new sites, and being able to be care free for just a little bit. It is hopeful, innocent, and, when done right, a place where everyone can be a part of something more.

I'm sooo happy I'm not the only one who feels this way! This almost completely describes what I feel about WDW. It's a place of hope and happiness, and where everyone is enjoying life. There are no problems, no disagreements(besides fighting over whether to ride TOT or RRC first..LOL), and you talk to people like they're your next door neighbor. People are just plain happy. But it's the hope that I get from WDW that really touches me. There's times, especially when I'm waiting for an approaching trip coming up, that I listen to my Disney audio or come on these boards, and I just feel hope. I guess it's really hard to explain unless you experience it, which I assume most of you have since we're all here.


Active Member
:sohappy: my parents ask us all the time how we go there every year.our response is allways the same because we love it why take a chance going someplace else and hating it. actually we just got back last week and the whole family could go back tommorrow and still enjoy it as if we hadnt been there for a year.this last trip we even got into a car wreck 30 mins after we left the house and still went in the wrecked car.we just love everything about it.we are now in the process of becoming dvc members cant wait to hear welcome home again. see you there soon.:sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
It's funny, my mom asks why I insist to go to WDW when she's been to Europe and Ireland and seen the same thing every year. Though, thanks to the FOOD NETWORK and the TRAVEL CHANNEL, she's starting to see the light. She said she would only go to WDW when DH and I have kids.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
We live in Edwardsville, not too far from Johnson County, about five minutes actually. I used to work at the Disney Store at Oak Park Mall. Now the store is owned by Children's Place of course. Where do you guys live now?
We live in North central NJ, where I grew up. She was born here and moved to the midwest, after college she came back to jersey to live with her parents.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
It's funny, my mom asks why I insist to go to WDW when she's been to Europe and Ireland and seen the same thing every year. Though, thanks to the FOOD NETWORK and the TRAVEL CHANNEL, she's starting to see the light. She said she would only go to WDW when DH and I have kids.
What you can tell her is what we say to others, you don't need kids to go to WDW, DUH!!:veryconfu


New Member
Original Poster
Let's face it. When done correctly, WDW is a true escape from reality. If you don't feel your age, you are on your way. When at WDW I totally let it all go. I get caught up in the oversized, colorful visuals. WDW is what I call EYE CANDY! It looks so good you could eat it!

Maybe the poeple that dont get it feel their actual age... or maybe they just can't let it go? Too bad so sad!


New Member
I also know people who don't get Disney World even after being there, and here is my list of theoretical underpinnings as to why they think that way:

1. They are extreme penny pinchers who can't get over the fact that things cost more at Disney than at home. In short, they can't stop worrying about the money, and they know they can have a "vacation" somewhere else cheaper. Yes, it's pricier, but it's worth it.

You know, we took a trip to NYC, and stayed for just 4 nights, this past April. We live in CT, so the cost of traveling there was simply the cost of 3/4 of a tank of gas. We stayed in a gorgeous suite in the heart of Times Square, but 4 days there cost us just about the SAME price as a week at WDW cost us in 2004! I couldn't believe it.



New Member
I am going to get majorly flammed for this but IT is easier for people who live in states like in the mid west or in florida to enjoy WDW.

I live 40 min outside NYC, Where there are tons of things to do and some really great restauraunts.

People who live near cities like this I find would have a harder time understanding wdw because there is so much to do in the city and deal with crowds all day.

WDW has an awful lot of crowds and an awful lot of planning involved. Now with the meal plan its kinda hard to walk into a restauraunt without a reservation and get seated.

Some people dont want to deal with that stuff when they deal with it at home.

No flames here - I live in Toronto, the 4th largest city in North America, and I completely agree with your comments. There's lots to do here, and Canadians tend to think more abroad than Americans (no offense intended - just experience after having traveled to 49 states). Aww heck, I even got married in Las Vegas (no joke).

I've been to every continent except Antarctica...

And I love heading back to WDW. There's many reasons why, most of them personal.

My parents still go to WDW twice a year, out of say, three trips a year, mostly for the same reasons that I do.

I am looking forward about 4 or 5 years when my kids will be old enough to appreciate a trip to Asia, where of course, we can tour the Tokyo parks. I'd like to go back to Hong Kong, but my wife does not want to go to China.


New Member
my sister and I grew up going to disney world so when she got to go with her highschool marching band (and march down mainstreet!) she was so excited!!

My mom and I took a trip to disney to be there and watch her .... it wouldn't be as much fun to march down mainstreet without your family there to see you and cheer you on...

well, point is... most of the kids in her band didn't like disney! they kept saying.. "where are the fast rides?" and she ended up not having that great of a time.. because she had to hang out with her band (she couldn't leave the school group)... if she had gotten to be with me and my mom she probably would have had more fun.

I think some people don't understand that disney is more than a "Theme park" with fast rides and if you go into it expecting that .. I suppose you could be disappointed?

I'm just hoping I can get my fiance to *really* love WDW cause I plan on taking our future family there often! He'll have to get used to it! :p


What a great name for this site! We are getting ready for our next trip to WDW. This will be our third trip since December 2005. Many people ask us why? Why do you keep going to the same place over and over? We are traveling from Illinois, so it's a big deal for us to go this often.

I can understand why people that have NEVER been to WDW might ask why go so often. These people tend to think that WDW is a glamourized carnival or something. Once they go for themselves, some get it while others still don't.

The way we explain it is that anything you want to do can be done at WDW. Beaches, swimming, boating, race car driving fine dining are just some of the examples we give. EPCOT allows you to travel the world. Some people just dont get the magic.

Do you know what I mean?:confused:

I know exactly what you mean, my last trip i took a friend along with my family, and it was probably his 3rd time there. Well i learned that thats something i will never do again. His mom and him both ended up coming which was fine, till we got there. My friend was the most negative person, and thought disney was childish, wish is just foolish. It shows just how narrow minded and ridiclous people an be!


Well-Known Member
Why do some people love WDW and some don't? A simple answer: a chemical reaction. You want to repeat things that make you feel good.

Many years ago, Oprah had a man on her show who had seen a movie 300 times. She asked him what he got out of the movie the 300th time that he hadn't gotten on the 10th time. He didn't have an answer for her, but I do.

Watching that movie realeased a chemical in him that made him feel good. He wanted to feel good again and so he watched the movie again. I'm sure all of us can relate to this. There are TV shows or movies we will watch again and again. And others we don't get why they are so popular.

So if being at WDW doesn't release a pleasure chemical in you while you are there, why would you want to go again and again.

There are lots of analogies to explain it (the Nascar one was great), but let's use a Disney analogy:

Why do some people get Disney MGM Studios and some people don't? Why do some people get Animal Kingdom and some people don't?
Why do some people get Stitch and some don't?
Why do some people get Fantasmic and some don't?
Why do some people get Fort Wilderness and some don't?

We could go on and on.

Testing testing testing


Well-Known Member

How did you ever see that?! Wow! I'm impressed. So what color is that color you suggested? Is that the very pale blue?

BTW, I have never watched an episode of family guy, but the quotes you keep posting always crack me up.

testing testing testing
testing testing testing
testing testing testing
testing testing testing


Follower of "Saget"The Cult

How did you ever see that?! Wow! I'm impressed. So what color is that color you suggested? Is that the very pale blue?

BTW, I have never watched an episode of family guy, but the quotes you keep posting always crack me up.

testing testing testing
testing testing testing
testing testing testing
testing testing testing

Actually that color is not an option on the boards....it's an HTML thing!
Just copy the code that you saw when you quoted me!!

I glad you like the quotes, I didn't watch it either before it was dropped, now it's one of my favorites since it was picked up by cable networks and they started making new episodes.


New Member
Original Poster
Too bad for those of you outside the US that get the magic. It makes the trip to WDW a production.

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