WDW Isn't Perfect, But I'm Okay Now


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Lately, I've been reading and participating in another WDWMagic thread that is nearly 400 posts! It's been an interesting read/dialogue/debate about the current state of the parks (mostly MK), historical state of the parks, maintenance, budgets, leadership, etc. I’ve learned some stuff about how things are run, about others on these boards, and, about myself. Mostly, about myself.

I don't know why I’ve been reading threads for 3 years by people who feel the parks are in a sorry state, but I guess whatever the reason is, it's the same one that gets me to watch the doom and gloom on the evening news. I check in each night so I can see how the entire planet is in a complete state of disarray, disrepair and utter chaos. :lookaroun

This post, however, is more about how ridiculous I've been the past few years. I've actually spent tons of time on WDWMagic reading, not only news and fun posts, but reading the opinions of some people about the issues in the parks, and letting it cause me to be apprehensive about my trips to the World. Well, after I recently returned home yet again, having had the best trip ever and having seen practically nothing wrong, I had an epiphany. Actually, two epiphanies.

Firstly, why the heck have I been ‘trying’ to live vicariously through the eyes of people who are not presently happy with the state of things at Walt Disney World? I have actually been going to WDW looking for stuff that might be wrong, after researching it on this site. How nuts is that? I don't do that with any other place or event in my life. I wouldn't think of travelling somewhere and, in the months before the trip, search out negative articles by disillusioned people about that destination. I don’t do that for restaurants, concerts, amusement parks, other cities, etc., but that’s what I was doing at WDWMagic. Why did I do that for WDW? I'm not sure why, but it's rather asinine, so I've decided to stop.

Secondly (epiphany #2), all of the online discussion and debate recently went a long way in reminding me that practically nothing is ever objective. Even if something can be stated as fact-there is in fact a functional problem with the eye in the hippo on ‘Small World’, for example-that may or may not be considered a big deal by individuals who are aware of it. I stated in another thread that while there 2 weeks ago, I did not even see any of the issues being raised. (I do appreciate that did not mean they aren’t there, and not important.) However, even had I seen all the issues that some people feel contribute to the ‘poor show’, I might not have felt that was the case at all. People have various degrees of belief for, not only what they deem simply acceptable, but also for what they believe to be awesome. It is subjective. One person’s ‘meh’ is another’s ‘wonderful’ or ‘awful’. “That restroom was so clean. I thought it was okay. Really? It was gross.”...3 teens talking 3 weeks ago at WDW. Subjective, and perception, is reality.

So I had this crazy, revolutionary idea, and that is that from this point forward, I'm going to just experience WDW through my own eyes. I should have been doing that all along of course, but in my desire to read a lot, I was drawn to the ‘dark side’. (I guess I should have used the force.) I started to think that others might be right about things, when in fact there is no right or wrong, only one’s perception. I should have been focussing on my own instead of that of others.

So, here’s the next 9 years for me.

I will probably visit WDW about 20 times between now and 2021, at which time I retire from my job and will visit more often. I will continue to vacation at several of the current and future 97 DVC resorts-I’m thinking DVC ‘Tom Sawyer Island’ or DVC ‘Rocket Tower Plaza’-you know they’re coming. I will on occasion see something amiss and think, “Well, not perfect, but it’s run by 62,000 humans, and here’s an example of less than perfect management or poor budget decisions. Still, practically perfect in every way.” I will also remind myself that people will come and go in the various positions; things will change as this happens, and WDW will always be in flux. It will never be perfect, and for the record, never has been. If I ever reach a point where I am unhappy with the experience, I’ll vacation elsewhere.

As the years go by and we approach the 50th anniversary, things will continue to improve, even most of the disgruntled will be happy, and we can all meet at Casey’s on October 1st, 2021, to grab a hot dog, share a few laughs and debate what the next 50 years at Walt Disney World holds.

What do you think the next 9 years holds for WDW? Expansion? Putting money into existing attractions? Etc.?


Well-Known Member
Very interesting thread. I realize that over the years, almost recently that this message board has become 'moan and groan' central. I've read a lot about how this and that isn't working, or how this and that is falling apart. Honestly, where there is smoke there is fire. I can't say I've ever really taken a lot of it to heart and took it with me when I've went to WDW. I'm just looking to have fun. Yes I've noticed a few things that haven't been pleasing to me, but are things I've noticed on my own. Everyone is different. And while some people can take the good and the bad and still have fun and form a balance and reasonable trip conclusion, others seem to just notice the bad and dwell on that so much that it's almost comical to think they're still going. The 'doom and gloomers' as I guess they're called. Some say they have such a passion for the place that it's upsetting to see WDW not at it's 'full potential.' They make remarks about 'pixie addicts' when not realizing themselves that they're the biggest abusers. WDW clearly has them whipped and 'high' off pixie dust if WDW can still get them to show up and get their $$, when a logical 'sober' person wouldn't go if the value is supposedly not there anymore. I know if I had as much problems with WDW as some people here seem to and still went then I think I'd need to be checked out. But I guess everyone has to get their magic somehow.

Bottom line is, don't let what anyone has to say ruin or govern your thoughts in the park. Just have fun, try not to be blind, but try not to be overly critical going in looking for what's wrong either. Just have fun.


Well-Known Member
I have actually been going to WDW looking for stuff that might be wrong, after researching it on this site. How nuts is that? I don't do that with any other place or event in my life. I wouldn't think of travelling somewhere and, in the months before the trip, search out negative articles by disillusioned people about that destination. I don’t do that for restaurants, concerts, amusement parks, other cities, etc., but that’s what I was doing at WDWMagic. Why did I do that for WDW? I'm not sure why, but it's rather asinine, so I've decided to stop.

Good for you. I myself am a recovering Disney forum member. And I'm not just talking about these boards. I allowed myself to get sucked into the world of "nitpick everything WDW". I got to the point where I actually believed that my precious vacation time would be better served by checking for chipped paint and burnt popcorn lights than enjoying myself. But I caught myself and can now say that I enjoy the parks once again. It is possible. It is possible to get a grip and get healthy agian. Where talking about theme parks people. It's not that serious.

Don't get discouraged if/when the bashers decide to comment on your post. I honestly believe they might not have anything better to do.


Well-Known Member
Reading too much Disney Forums put a big damper on my trip in 2009. I found myself to be overly critical of things and it definitely affected how I viewed the experiences I had. I still had a good time but was way too cynical.

Before our last trip, I once again started to get caught up with all the negative talk on the forums. At some point I decided that I would take a different approach and try to get more excited over the trip versus apprehensive. I would view the vacation through my eyes and not somebody elses.

I had a great trip - the best ever. I thought the parks were in great shape overall. There were some issues ( we were stopped in Splash Mountain for 15 minutes) but I didn't let that ruin the trip.

If the doom and gloomers are indeed correct and WDW is heading down a bad path, then I have enough faith in myself to recognized that on some future trip. I'm not one to spend money foolishly. If I feel I'm not getting my money's worth, I will stop going. I've always said that Disney is not cheap but I never feel like I'm getting ripped off. I hope that never changes.

Thanks for the post and thread, dreamscometrue!


Active Member
You just gotta go and have fun no matter what people are nit-picking about. Being an AP holder and living about 40 minutes from the world, I venture out there quite often. When I started reading the forums and the complaints, I started becoming obsessed with finding problems so I could report them to my fellow forum junkies, and we could whine together!

The reality is, you notice this things and make a mental note to check next time your in the park. So far, 95% of the time, the things I have noticed are correct by the time I come back. So something is happening somewhere, and the system may not be perfect.

In short I now just enjoy my time at the park, we usually have a new goal for each day trip over there. This weekend we are going to try and catch all the shows at one park!!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Been there done that. When I first joined WDWMagic General Grizz was the leader of the doom n gloom, all change is bad crowd and I too felt myself drawn to the dark side. I learned quickly that if all you look for is evil that is all you will see. Are there problems at WDW? Sure, bit I think the positives far outweigh the negatives.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
The "doom and gloomers" are hiliarious to read on the forums, because my feeling is, it takes a special person to complain about Disney World. I mean seriously, what would possess someone, anyone to actually take a picture or videotape something wrong to an attraction, or a burnt out light bulb, chipped paint, etc..

Now, Iam a firm believer a lot of the people on these forums who post and complain are people who just don't go, or go as often as they wish to, so out of frustration they decided to belittle as a way to express their personal anger/ frustration. I always keep that in mind when reading negative posts, I read them with Archie Bunker's voice going through my head, and it makes them humorous.

But take them seriously? No way.

Disney World for me is a special place for me and my family, and I make it a priority to spend at least 30 days, one calender month per year on property to not only get away from the cruel reality of the real world, but to feed my soul and spend time with my wonderful family. Its not being "high" on pixie dust, its just being able to appreciate what a vacation really is, not what a vacation destination is not.

Some people, need to realize that.

Jimmy Thick-Archie Bunker or George Costanza, depending on the poster.


Staring at the sun will burn your eyeballs out and too much negativity will fry your brain! Nothing's perfect in life and if you expect perfection you will be bitterly disappointed. The only way to visit Disney is to disengage the cynical adult and leave them at home watching the news and screaming at the tv while you bask in the magical wonder and get back to living the dream.

By way of a curative potion I prescribe regular doses of WDW as frequently as required. :)


Well-Known Member
We've been some 40 times. The last two times I've had cancer when we've gone. I'm on chemo now and I hope I'm cnacer free when we go in August. There is no way that I'm going to let somebody complaining about a burnt out light bulb or chipped paint or a broken animatronic take away from the healing I get while at Disney. As we used to say in the Army, these guys would ruin a ... dream.


Well-Known Member
Lately, I've been reading and participating in another WDWMagic thread that is nearly 400 posts! It's been an interesting read/dialogue/debate about the current state of the parks (mostly MK), historical state of the parks, maintenance, budgets, leadership, etc. I’ve learned some stuff about how things are run, about others on these boards, and, about myself. Mostly, about myself.

I don't know why I’ve been reading threads for 3 years by people who feel the parks are in a sorry state, but I guess whatever the reason is, it's the same one that gets me to watch the doom and gloom on the evening news. I check in each night so I can see how the entire planet is in a complete state of disarray, disrepair and utter chaos. :lookaroun

This post, however, is more about how ridiculous I've been the past few years. I've actually spent tons of time on WDWMagic reading, not only news and fun posts, but reading the opinions of some people about the issues in the parks, and letting it cause me to be apprehensive about my trips to the World. Well, after I recently returned home yet again, having had the best trip ever and having seen practically nothing wrong, I had an epiphany. Actually, two epiphanies.

Firstly, why the heck have I been ‘trying’ to live vicariously through the eyes of people who are not presently happy with the state of things at Walt Disney World? I have actually been going to WDW looking for stuff that might be wrong, after researching it on this site. How nuts is that? I don't do that with any other place or event in my life. I wouldn't think of travelling somewhere and, in the months before the trip, search out negative articles by disillusioned people about that destination. I don’t do that for restaurants, concerts, amusement parks, other cities, etc., but that’s what I was doing at WDWMagic. Why did I do that for WDW? I'm not sure why, but it's rather asinine, so I've decided to stop.

Secondly (epiphany #2), all of the online discussion and debate recently went a long way in reminding me that practically nothing is ever objective. Even if something can be stated as fact-there is in fact a functional problem with the eye in the hippo on ‘Small World’, for example-that may or may not be considered a big deal by individuals who are aware of it. I stated in another thread that while there 2 weeks ago, I did not even see any of the issues being raised. (I do appreciate that did not mean they aren’t there, and not important.) However, even had I seen all the issues that some people feel contribute to the ‘poor show’, I might not have felt that was the case at all. People have various degrees of belief for, not only what they deem simply acceptable, but also for what they believe to be awesome. It is subjective. One person’s ‘meh’ is another’s ‘wonderful’ or ‘awful’. “That restroom was so clean. I thought it was okay. Really? It was gross.”...3 teens talking 3 weeks ago at WDW. Subjective, and perception, is reality.

So I had this crazy, revolutionary idea, and that is that from this point forward, I'm going to just experience WDW through my own eyes. I should have been doing that all along of course, but in my desire to read a lot, I was drawn to the ‘dark side’. (I guess I should have used the force.) I started to think that others might be right about things, when in fact there is no right or wrong, only one’s perception. I should have been focussing on my own instead of that of others.

So, here’s the next 9 years for me.

I will probably visit WDW about 20 times between now and 2021, at which time I retire from my job and will visit more often. I will continue to vacation at several of the current and future 97 DVC resorts-I’m thinking DVC ‘Tom Sawyer Island’ or DVC ‘Rocket Tower Plaza’-you know they’re coming. I will on occasion see something amiss and think, “Well, not perfect, but it’s run by 62,000 humans, and here’s an example of less than perfect management or poor budget decisions. Still, practically perfect in every way.” I will also remind myself that people will come and go in the various positions; things will change as this happens, and WDW will always be in flux. It will never be perfect, and for the record, never has been. If I ever reach a point where I am unhappy with the experience, I’ll vacation elsewhere.

As the years go by and we approach the 50th anniversary, things will continue to improve, even most of the disgruntled will be happy, and we can all meet at Casey’s on October 1st, 2021, to grab a hot dog, share a few laughs and debate what the next 50 years at Walt Disney World holds.

What do you think the next 9 years holds for WDW? Expansion? Putting money into existing attractions? Etc.?

Well said.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the nice comments.

Wow, a positive thread and it's at 10 replies. Probably won't get to 400, but it's still encouraging to know that there are other content people on these boards. I was starting to wonder...although people always tend to complain much, much more often than heap praise.

I kind of feel like I'm sitting on a chair with a large anonymous support group saying:

"Hi, I'm Stewart, aka 'dreamscometrue', and I find WDW to be overwhemingly awesome with very few issues."

Then you all say...'Hi Stewart."

"While I'm at it, I believe:

  • Space Mountain is a lot better since the refurb...not what we wanted, but better queue, darker and exit looks great
  • Animal Kingdom is a full day park if you slow down to enjoy the details and subtle elements
  • Mission Space is cool
  • The Seas, even with Nemo, is still a great space
  • I enjoy the Laugh Floor once each trip
  • The Little Mermaid dark ride will be great, even without the Ursula death scene
  • I like the SSE post show
  • I love my DVC resorts
  • Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki room is so great to have back, even in a slightly shorter version without a fountain...so great to see again
  • I think it was time to close Horizons, World of Motion, etc. This is not the 80s and to attract a new generation of WDW fans, progress is essential. You can't have an entire park nowadays of omnimover dark rides with audio animatronics
  • Downtown Disney was crowded and a lot of fun 3 weeks ago...and will only get better after Splitsville, perhaps Burger 21, and 'plan 3'

There...that's a start. :)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Thanks for the nice comments.

Wow, a positive thread and it's at 10 replies. Probably won't get to 400, but it's still encouraging to know that there are other content people on these boards. I was starting to wonder...although people always tend to complain much, much more often than heap praise.

I kind of feel like I'm sitting on a chair with a large anonymous support group saying:

"Hi, I'm Stewart, aka 'dreamscometrue', and I find WDW to be overwhemingly awesome with very few issues."

Then you all say...'Hi Stewart."

"While I'm at it, I believe:

  • Space Mountain is a lot better since the refurb...not what we wanted, but better queue, darker and exit looks great
  • Animal Kingdom is a full day park if you slow down to enjoy the details and subtle elements
  • Mission Space is cool
  • The Seas, even with Nemo, is still a great space
  • I enjoy the Laugh Floor once each trip
  • The Little Mermaid dark ride will be great, even without the Ursula death scene
  • I like the SSE post show
  • I love my DVC resorts
  • Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki room is so great to have back, even in a slightly shorter version without a fountain...so great to see again
  • I think it was time to close Horizons, World of Motion, etc. This is not the 80s and to attract a new generation of WDW fans, progress is essential. You can't have an entire park nowadays of omnimover dark rides with audio animatronics
  • Downtown Disney was crowded and a lot of fun 3 weeks ago...and will only get better after Splitsville, perhaps Burger 21, and 'plan 3'

There...that's a start. :)
I agree on everything save for the Tiki room. While I like the old show more than under new management, I fear that we will be back to half full theaters before too long. Going backwards was a band-aid at best.


Premium Member
I have the ability to enjoy reading about the parks, both the good and the bad, and yet vacation at the World and completely forget everything I had been reading on the forums. I avoid WDWmagic while on vacation, in part because I really like to avoid any everyday activites, and also, I don't want to read any gloominess while I am in the magic. I may notice a few things that are off while there, but I have never had the urge to take pictures of any "issues" or complain about them to the public (or even to guest services). I have noticed the eye on the hippo, also the lack of certain effects on Splash, but they were not things that would ruin my vacation. I tend to notice the other vacationers, and the issues I have with them far outweigh any issues I have with the way the park looks. I go to WDW to enjoy time with my family, get away from the real world, and have fun. I don't think reading any amount of negativity about the place could change that.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I had a great trip - the best ever. I thought the parks were in great shape overall. There were some issues ( we were stopped in Splash Mountain for 15 minutes) but I didn't let that ruin the trip.

I remember reading that thread (Rumors of my demise...) and being so encouraged. I spent a lot of time reading the battle between good trip reports and bad, and let those predispose my expectations before a trip. Not sure how I slipped into doing that. :)

If the doom and gloomers are indeed correct and WDW is heading down a bad path, then I have enough faith in myself to recognized that on some future trip.

I don't believe that to be the case, and even the most cynical might hold out hope that plans are being worked on and money will be infused for WDW's 50th. Nine years is not that far away.

Thanks for the post and thread, dreamscometrue!

You're welcome! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Good for you. I myself am a recovering Disney forum member. And I'm not just talking about these boards. I allowed myself to get sucked into the world of "nitpick everything WDW"....But I caught myself and can now say that I enjoy the parks once again. It is possible.

Thanks. I feel like I'm now part of an underground support group. Maybe we'll see more WDWMagic members come forward and admit how they were lost, but now are found. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
We've been some 40 times. The last two times I've had cancer when we've gone. I'm on chemo now and I hope I'm cnacer free when we go in August. There is no way that I'm going to let somebody complaining about a burnt out light bulb or chipped paint or a broken animatronic take away from the healing I get while at Disney. As we used to say in the Army, these guys would ruin a ... dream.

Wishing you all the best with your treatment. I'm happy for you that you have a place you can go that is a 'healing' place. :)

Btw, I think you forgot a word in your post between 'a' and 'dream' at the end of your last sentence. :D


Active Member
I admit I’m a bit of a doom and gloomer, especially when I read these boards, but I forget about most of it when I actually go there. I don’t go looking for problems, but I can’t help but dislike some of the decisions that have been made. I also don’t drive myself crazy by subjecting myself to the things that irritate me. I just avoid them if I can.

I still have a good time when I go to the parks, and until I don’t I’ll keep going.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I admit I’m a bit of a doom and gloomer, especially when I read these boards, but I forget about most of it when I actually go there. I don’t go looking for problems, but I can’t help but dislike some of the decisions that have been made. I also don’t drive myself crazy by subjecting myself to the things that irritate me. I just avoid them if I can.

I still have a good time when I go to the parks, and until I don’t I’ll keep going.

I agree. People who know me would say Im extremely pro Disney. But that doesnt mean I cant recognize obvious flaws or issues. Do any of these things keep me from having a good time? Not really, because I know Disney well enough to avoid what bugs me and adjust to make things work for our habits and likes.

I agree with the OP that everyones perception is their reality. Take the Yeti, if you have never seen A mode you think the ride is great. If you did see the yeti working you most likely have a different view. Not that the ride is bad, but there is just something missing. I think that people are quick to label anyone who points out a flaw or sees something wrong as a "gloom & doomer". Some do take it too far, but this is a place to discuss EVERYTHING about Disney, good or bad. I believe healthy criticism is good for any company because no company is perfect and can always improve.


Well-Known Member
i saw the title "WDW Isn't Perfect" and i swear i immediately had a rant worthy of a 500 page novel at the ready in defense, but then i read the first post :p

i completely agree, a lot of threads on here seem to be beyond critical to many of the rides, when every time i go mostly all of the rides deemed "in poor condition" look perfectly fine.

but i'm on another forum where whining and all that stuff is maxed out to x10, so i'm used to it and i just don't really take those posts seriously :)


Well-Known Member
It's nice to be in a forum that's positive. When I first joined I spent tons of time on the Rumors thread because I thought I wanted to be "in the know." Then I started to get sad. Disney is truly my happy place. I count down the days every year until my next trip (which has left me wondering if I should also change that because it seems my whole life is passing me by while I wait for my next Disney trip). Anyhoo.. like you, my perception of Disney started to change with all of the negativity. I started to get less and less excited and started to question more and more whether this is a good place for me to be spending my money. All of that was wiped away though the last time we went. I still cried when I walked through Main Street and saw the castle again. I still got jittery riding on the monorail for the fisrt time. I still spent every day getting completely drenched and exhausted and waking up the next day ready and excited to do it all over again.

Ever since that trip, I've tried to limit my exposure to the Rumors thread. If there's a topic of interest, I ead the first few posts and then leave it at that. There's never really any legit answers anyway and after page 2 it's just people crabbing.

I would like to join your DA class (Dis-aholics Anonymous) because I too am a believer in all that is Disney :)

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