WDW Isn't Perfect, But I'm Okay Now


Active Member
I am soooo glad this thread was started. This is just my opinion, but I think what happens is that the cynical crowd tends to be more vocal in a community, whether it's this site, our hometown or national politics. I think that constructive criticism is a great thing and we can all learn from it, but there is a line and when that line is crossed, it's simply not effective anymore. I like to think that Disney pays attention to what we say because we are among its most ardent supporters and, if there are criticisms to be made, that they are respected by Disney (and hopefully addressed). The problem arises when it turns to cynicism. At that point any valid complaints become useless because they get lost in the white noise of negativity all around them.


Well-Known Member
To make a point re: sweetpee's post; a break from Disney can be good for the soul. We go to WDW at least once a year but we also do another trip that does not involve Disney. Well, most of the time. Last year we visited Marceline on our way to Branson and New Orleans. This year we are going to Hilton Head and later in the year we'll do Disney. To be sure we are blessed with the ability to do this but it does give us a break from the mouse and a chance to see more of this great country.


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There will always be stuff that needs work there. You can't expect parks that see millions of people every year to always look and run 100%. It's impossible.

I agree 100%. There actually may be issues with budget or management in specific departments that result in some issues, however these will change as personnel and budgets change over time.

What I don't believe, however, is that WDW was ever perfect as some might try to have you believe. Perhaps when WDW was essentially MK and there were 5500 CMs things were different (I would expect so), but never perfect. I can't convince one of my relatives to go back because of the long queues and ride break downs during his trip in 1976!

Luckily when I'm there, all of the cynicism I've red about here fades away and I enjoy my vacation to the fullest.

That's what we've found during our last several trips to WDW, and is what motivated me to start this thread. There is a huge disconnect between my reality with WDW and the 'doom and gloom' I have (had) been reading on these boards.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This is just my opinion, but I think what happens is that the cynical crowd tends to be more vocal in a community, whether it's this site, our hometown or national politics. I think that constructive criticism is a great thing and we can all learn from it, but there is a line and when that line is crossed, it's simply not effective anymore. I like to think that Disney pays attention to what we say because we are among its most ardent supporters and, if there are criticisms to be made, that they are respected by Disney (and hopefully addressed). The problem arises when it turns to cynicism. At that point any valid complaints become useless because they get lost in the white noise of negativity all around them.

Excellent post! You sum up exactly how I, and I believe many others on here, feel about the threads/posts of a small group of people on these boards. Well done! :wave:


As long as my little girl is having a good time and we are making good family memories then I am happy.

Life is what you make it. I think it is entirely unhealthy to be doom and gloom. In fact, if all that I saw was negative at the parks then there would be no way that I would spend as much money to go there.

Besides, I can be miserable the rest of the year while I am at work.


WDW Fan Since 1973
Hi....my name is Steve, and I'm also Magic-aholic. My first trip to WDW was in December of 1973 (at age 12), and I've been to the World more times than I can count. I too, have read all the forums and have participated in threads that had more gloom and doom then positive opinion. But, I've always tried to balance any negative reply with at least equal or greater positive reply. I was taught that if I felt something was wrong or I didn't agree with something, then offer a better alternative or suggestion...but until I had an alternative, to keep it to myself. While there are those that do this on these forums, there are many that just complain, complain, complain. I sometimes wonder how old these people are or what could be missing from their lives.

I loved WDW in the 70's and I still love WDW here in the 21st century. So much so, that I bought into DVC in 2000 (shhhhh...DVC can be a bad word around some people here). Spent 33 nights in The World last year, and I'm on track to spend about the same this year. Now were there things that were better in the 70's...yes. Presently, are there things better than they were in the 70's? Yes again. Any company at any time is evolving. If they didn't change, at some point they just dissappear. 30 years ago could we have forseen what is happening at Kodak....no. We thought they'd be here forever. A Walt Disney Company that didn't change, didn't experiment, and didn't evolve would eventually cease to exist. Management will come and go, budgets will get slashed in the future, and the Company may make decisions that we might think crazy and even disappoint us, BUT, as long as we find value in the WDC and more importantly, WDW, the place will succeed. If I feel safe, if the place stays clean, and I feel that I've been entertained, WDW will always be the first place I'll want to vacation. Amazingly, my expectations are always exceeded. That is still impressive to me. Those (on these forums) that always find the glass half empty will do just that, always find it half empty. I'm a half full kind of guy and I like being that way.

As Hades says in Fantasmic (another bad word, but I still like the DHS version and the DL version)....and one more thing...

* I love the MK...hey she's 40 years old, but management is in the process of giving her a pretty good facelift. She was looking pretty "hot" when I saw her two weeks ago!
* I love Epcot...at almost 30, there is plenty from the original that still makes me smile, and plenty of the newer that does the same. It's still a beautiful park.
* I love DHS...especially the front part of the park (Hollywood and Sunset Blvds). The scale makes me feel like I'm at DL. It's a charming park, no matter what the naysayers say. Oh...and I never go without visiting One Man's Dream and it has the best Tower of Terror on the planet! It just oozes spookiness.
* I really love Animal Kingdom...for those that say it's a 1/2 day park, I say you're crazy. I spent 2 hours in just the Oasis the other day. It's at least a 2 day park for me!
* Resorts....You could spend days just touring them. My fave is still the Villas at Wilderness Lodge.
* Waterparks....Awesome is all I can say. Typhoon is choice #1 for me.
* DTD...Always a fun diversion, even if for just a few hours.
* Best way to relax at the World? Walking from Wilderness Lodge to Fort Wilderness. The landscape here is the best representation of what WDW property looked like when Walt first saw it. Florida wilderness at it's best!
* The thing I really miss....Discovery Island. Like the trail between WL and FtWilderness, it was one place that was away from it all while being in the middle of it all. A truly wonderful experience that has yet to be replicated anywhere at WDW.

So from this rather long post, I guess you can see that I didn't leave my heart in San Fransisco, I left it in Walt Disney World. Thank God that I'm able to find my way back as often as I can. I'm truly blessed.

Thank you to DreamsComeTrue for starting this thread, and I thank the rest of you for your posts. This should be required reading for all those about to visit WDW.
What gets me are the number of "regulars" who instantly put down anyone with a different opinion. If someone "likes" something that a great many do not, they get ridiculed. Then there are others who seem to post comments with no other purpose other than to just rile up these regulars. So we have endless pages of bickering over why one opinion is correct and the other is completely wrong.

I grew up at WDW. Literally. I'm a born and raised Orlando resident. Some of my earliest memories in life involve being at Disney. Naturally, I'm pretty defensive of "my" parks and resistant to change, especially if the changes are unnecessary and, IMHO, stupid. But despite WDW's flaws (and growing number of), I still love everything about it. I am especially fond of EPCOT, and am pained whenever I visit and see things so "messed up" about my beloved Future World. But I still love it ... I can still find things I love; I still enjoy the "newbies" like Test Track and Soar'n ... even Mission: Space, that replaced my favorite Horizons.

While I feel Disney has been making a lot of bad moves lately, at least there is still hope for the future. The Fantasyland expansion looks fantastic, and while it would have been better to add some more actual attractions--rather than more eateries, gift shops, and meet/greets--it's the apparent attention to detail that gives me hope that Disney is still willing to put actual effort and thought into their attractions.

But yeah, while I might gripe and moan a little about the state of things and decisions being made, I'm still at my happiest when I'm on the property. And being able to tap into that happiness and temporarily forget my adult worries? That's priceless.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Now were there things that were better in the 70's...yes. Presently, are there things better than they were in the 70's? Yes again. Any company at any time is evolving. If they didn't change, at some point they just dissappear.

I agree wholeheartedly! Your entire post is awesome, but there are a couple quotes that really jumped out at me. On these boards, there are people who would jump down your throat for the bolded statement, even though it is simply your opinion. (I happen to agree with you, btw.)

Management will come and go, budgets will get slashed in the future, and the Company may make decisions that we might think crazy and even disappoint us, BUT, as long as we find value in the WDC and more importantly, WDW, the place will succeed. If I feel safe, if the place stays clean, and I feel that I've been entertained, WDW will always be the first place I'll want to vacation. Amazingly, my expectations are always exceeded. That is still impressive to me. Those (on these forums) that always find the glass half empty will do just that, always find it half empty. I'm a half full kind of guy and I like being that way.

Perfect! This is exactly how I feel, and why I decided to start seeing WDW through my eyes only. I know that sounds obvious, but on here, one can gradually let others' negative slant on the parks creep in, but it is a gradual, subtle process.

The one thing that I do expect though is that budgets will be improved as we approach the 50th anniversary. I'm very happy with WDW now, but I actually expect an infusion of money in about 5-7 years, after Avatarland, a renewed DTD, etc. With DL/DCA in such great shape, it makes sense that money for the 50th anniversary of the most visited Disney property on earth, would be next. For those on here who are unhappy with WDW, this might give them hope for the future. :)


WDW Fan Since 1973
The one thing that I do expect though is that budgets will be improved as we approach the 50th anniversary. I'm very happy with WDW now, but I actually expect an infusion of money in about 5-7 years, after Avatarland, a renewed DTD, etc. With DL/DCA in such great shape, it makes sense that money for the 50th anniversary of the most visited Disney property on earth, would be next. For those on here who are unhappy with WDW, this might give them hope for the future. :)

And I, too, completely agree with your statement....I was just making conjecture, but yes, (and I don't want to jinx anything here) I do think that big strides are being taken in the general maintenance of the park. Main Street is looking incredible (although the choice of new trees in Town Square has me perplexed), as well as the rest of the park, and I feel that once some new (or renewed) capacity is added to the Kingdom, that more attractions will start to "go down" for substantial rehab (at least that's what I hope for). I'm cautiously optimistic about all that is happening in the kingdom (the fact that the Tiki Torches didn't disappear during the Sunshine Tree Terrace rehab, makes me smile, BIG TIME) and feel that throughout the next 10 years, the MK as well as the rest of the parks on property will start to see the "love" that they deserve. As I implied before, I love the WDW complex and really hope that I'm going to be luvin' it even more in the next few years!


trying to be positive

I've only been a member of this site for about a week. I've actually learned quite a bit of information that might help me in my next trip (in two weeks). I've learned that eventhough I don't use a wheelchair I can still get a doctor's note (although that's not necessary) and get a guest assistance pass. I've gone to Disney 7 times and was never told that this was available. I'm unable to stand for long periods of time or even stay in the parks for more than 4 hours. Because I didn't have a visable disability I thought I would just keep grinning and bearing it. I don't think I would have learned this and I was telling my husband I didn't think we could go anymore. I'm not sure how much this service will help, but it's something that could be positive. I've also learned about the different dining places that I've never tried. All in all, I've learne a ton of stuff. I was just trying to find out if Test Track was closing when I go. Now, I'm not as worried, because someone on this board has given me hope. Maybe if I was looking for things wrong with Disney, this might never have happened. But, for now... I'm getting a ton of advice, posting my own, and hopefully keeping positive! Thank you everyone!!!!

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