The magic is within you. Within all of us..........
If you only knew the power of the dark side..........yes indeed.
It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.
It is in Florida which means at least for me it is hard to get to and if you go in the summer do not complain when it reaches 95 degrees with 100% humanity and the daily afternoon storms
World Show Case the cast is from the host countries but do not be fooled, you go to the UK IT IS NOT LIKE REALLY GOING to the UK.
I have to agree. I went to WDW back in January of 1997 for a week. There were people, but the longest we had to wait to ride anything was maybe 10-15 minutes. Most attractions were practically walk-ons. We were able to relax, never be in a hurry, and spontaneously go ride or do whatever we felt like. It was amazing.The only thing I sort of dislike, although I kind of like planning so I have a love-hate relationship with it, is the FP+ and ADRs have to be booked so far in advance. I tend to like being spontaneous more often than not, so the FP+ and ADR systems have sort of sucked that fun aspect out of my WDW vacations. I remember booking a dinner over the phone in the middle of July for 'Ohana and CA Grill in 2006 after I was already at the resort. Never would happen now. I do miss that aspect of being able to things last minute without planning required. But I was still able to do quite a bit of spontaneous things on my last trip last summer, so it's not all bad!
But barring those 2 things, there's just as much magic as ever for me at The World. It's still my favorite place to visit and just unwind, relax, have fun, let myself go and completely escape and leave behind all the troubles in the world I have for the other 50 weeks of my year.
Fanboys will say I am wrong and I do not care;
I am sick of everybody just saying how great the place is.
After all my criticism why do I go ? WDW has got worse over the years, back when you had Magic Kingdom and EPCOT I really enjoyed the parks, I go now and then hoping rediscover past experiences.
- It is in Florida which means at least for me it is hard to get to and if you go in the summer do not complain when it reaches 95 degrees with 100% humanity and the daily afternoon storms
- The crowds are terrible and it gets worse every year. Main street USA looks like a crowd of people waiting for a rock concert, the lines for attractions after the first hour when people really pack in go to about an hour just about everywhere. The few attractions you can count on are the Carousel of Progress, Hall of Presidents and the Country Bear Jamboree "maybe the Haunted Mansion"
- The prices are out of control yet people still pack the place, over $100 just to get in, food you buy one of their terrible burgers, frozen fries, and coke maybe $15. They do have nice restaurants but unless you plan months in advance you will never get a meal and if you do plan get reservation you can spend $50 plus for one meal. The merchandise is also criminally priced, cheap golf shirt $50.
- Experiences Magic Kingdom, Main Street stores where you can get over priced junk, push through crowds to get to other lands. Epcot Future World has been dumbed down for example Test Track, what do you learn about Transportation? World Show Case the cast is from the host countries but do not be fooled, you go to the UK IT IS NOT LIKE REALLY GOING to the UK. Hollywood Studios I can do Rock and Roll Coaster like it and this board people are always complaining about Aerosmith, I do not kid myself when the Star Wars area expands like Avatar there maybe one attraction tops worth the hype and you will never get close to it. Animal Kingdom the Avatar Land like I said been there 3 times and I am too old and fat to run to the one worthy attraction, and I am not waiting over two hours to try it. Nothing else in Animal Kingdom does anything for me.
Why do I still visit the board ? I keep hoping to rediscover the magic the place was in the 80s and 90s
Will I go back maybe but I will not go out of my way, if I am going to Tampa Bay for a cruise maybe visit WDW, but I will never relive the 80s again. All I have is pictures and video.
Good news -- Animal Kingdom is well under 100% humanity...[*]It is in Florida which means at least for me it is hard to get to and if you go in the summer do not complain when it reaches 95 degrees with 100% humanity and the daily afternoon storms
We've seen VMK, and we know there is a "spell room"... and yet it never appears on any maps...I agree with a lot but since when does Disney control the weather? I mean, I wouldn't put it past them... And hasn't it always been in Florida?
I love this meme thanks KB
Lol no because he'll post that and still go. Its a plot to convince us not to go thus reducing the crowdsOkay, see ya. Can I have your fastpass?
I have been going since 1975 and many of the changes have been dramatic. I have come to accept parts of the magic have changed never to be enjoyed again and that is hard for me but my kids and grand kids are having new and wonderful experiences. Disney is a 1200 mile trip and we always drive, we stay at moderate resorts, we are very wise with our food budget and eat only one meal a day at the park. We have saved a small fortune eating breakfast in our room, taking snacks to the park, eat one meal at the part, and have sandwiches, salads, etc when we get back to the room.Fanboys will say I am wrong and I do not care;
I am sick of everybody just saying how great the place is.
After all my criticism why do I go ? WDW has got worse over the years, back when you had Magic Kingdom and EPCOT I really enjoyed the parks, I go now and then hoping rediscover past experiences.
- It is in Florida which means at least for me it is hard to get to and if you go in the summer do not complain when it reaches 95 degrees with 100% humanity and the daily afternoon storms
- The crowds are terrible and it gets worse every year. Main street USA looks like a crowd of people waiting for a rock concert, the lines for attractions after the first hour when people really pack in go to about an hour just about everywhere. The few attractions you can count on are the Carousel of Progress, Hall of Presidents and the Country Bear Jamboree "maybe the Haunted Mansion"
- The prices are out of control yet people still pack the place, over $100 just to get in, food you buy one of their terrible burgers, frozen fries, and coke maybe $15. They do have nice restaurants but unless you plan months in advance you will never get a meal and if you do plan get reservation you can spend $50 plus for one meal. The merchandise is also criminally priced, cheap golf shirt $50.
- Experiences Magic Kingdom, Main Street stores where you can get over priced junk, push through crowds to get to other lands. Epcot Future World has been dumbed down for example Test Track, what do you learn about Transportation? World Show Case the cast is from the host countries but do not be fooled, you go to the UK IT IS NOT LIKE REALLY GOING to the UK. Hollywood Studios I can do Rock and Roll Coaster like it and this board people are always complaining about Aerosmith, I do not kid myself when the Star Wars area expands like Avatar there maybe one attraction tops worth the hype and you will never get close to it. Animal Kingdom the Avatar Land like I said been there 3 times and I am too old and fat to run to the one worthy attraction, and I am not waiting over two hours to try it. Nothing else in Animal Kingdom does anything for me.
Why do I still visit the board ? I keep hoping to rediscover the magic the place was in the 80s and 90s
Will I go back maybe but I will not go out of my way, if I am going to Tampa Bay for a cruise maybe visit WDW, but I will never relive the 80s again. All I have is pictures and video.
I really get your point. It isn't as wonderful as it once was, but the world has changed and the Disney company has changed. At least those of us who experienced WDW at its peak can have our memories and enjoy the things that remain. I'm still looking forward to going back after 12 years. There are new things I want to experience and classic attractions to take me back to my childhood. It's not the perfect mix, but I'll take it over no WDW at all.
The other day the crowd at Fantasmic alone was magical. Everyone was so excited and into the show. Cheering for Mickey, dancing before the show started, doing the wave...we had a blast. Today Alice paused on her brisk walk to comment on my red dress and how I most definitely must paint the roses red. It made me smile inside. I also look for moments to bring a little magic myself to people I don't know. Saw a little boy with a bday button the other night and had some extra glow sticks on hand. His entire face lit up. This week we haven't waited more than 25 mins for anything. We did have good fast passes and know how to keep getting extra ones. Enjoyed helping a family learn this and hope it helped bring some extra magic to their four year old daughter for the remainder of their trip. The first time I brought my kids was in 2005 and it was cheaper and we got free dining easy etc. I completely understand frustration and disappointment and every person has a right to how they feel. But we still find making memories here and finding magical moments is possible and even try to spread a little when we can. Tomorrow is our last day and I have no idea how many years until we can come back. College expenses loom on the horizon. But this has been a very good trip indeed and one my kids and I will remember for a very long time. To the cast member I watched keep her cool in front of my kids when someone blew up at her...I thank you for setting a good example and hope your day got better.You have some good points.
However, there is still some good old fashioned fun to be hard in WDW parks.
I have been to WDW parks more than 100 times - my parents started to take me when I was three. As an adult I kept coming back.
We literally tune out the crowds and cranky people. We talk to those who look like they are having fun in lines. We enjoy our little Disney bubble.
Because at the end of the day, let's be honest, there really is nothing like a WDW park.
Even with all the negatives and changes, it still is, and always will be, an amazing experience.
Try this before going on your next WDW trip. Try some meditative yoga, tuning out the exterior and focusing on what you want.
The last few trips we took, before out little one was born, we felt that the park was ours to experience.
We focused on so much more, and tuned almost EVERYONE out.
We are going back with our 10 month old this summer. We will only go to 1 or 2 parks this time but we have the same perception in mind.
We honestly can't wait to take our little guy. So much positive to experience - - - - -
I think this is why people still keep coming in droves.
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