WDW decides to lose money


New Member
hcswingfield said:
Hmmmm... Maybe Disney decided they wanted to MAKE MONEY! :lookaroun

That is completely rediculous, a company that has to answer to shareholders, trying to make money. I own stock in Disney to try to get as little return as possible.

Discounts are given to try to fill rooms that are not filling up. If rooms are filling up, why give out discounts. Disney doesn't give discounts because they are trying to be nice, they give discounts cause they want you money.


wannabeBelle said:
Will selling them in a group rate be less profitable? Maybe not!! Think about it. Disney is certainly not marking these rooms down below a profit that is for sure. To sell 5 rooms at a smaller profit may be equal to one or two rooms at a larger one. Is Disney losing money? nope definitely not or they would have done away with this a LONG time ago!!! Just MHO Belle

The problem with this logic is that someone who buys an AP could possibly come back 5 times. The person paying full price now is definately spending the money.

If there was a "minimum visits" clause to the AP, I'm sure they'd have the discounts constantly, but just imagine the uproar that would cause.


Active Member
This happened to me before when I waited for a discount code - so now I don't wait. I book my trip then call and convert it when the AP rate comes out. I have never been told I could not do it. I also book initially with the AAA discount so at worst case scenario I am still getting a discount.

I guess what I mean is that the AP discount does not determine when I go, rather I decide when I am going and then if I am fortunate enough for a discount to be applied - that much better.

I was told when I called and booked my trip for early Oct. that there was no AP discount available at the time, but theat they saw no reson that one would not become available. So I booked it and will wait and see. If it doesn't happen and I can't go as a result - I cancel the reservation.


Well-Known Member
wonka said:
The problem with this logic is that someone who buys an AP could possibly come back 5 times. The person paying full price now is definately spending the money.

If there was a "minimum visits" clause to the AP, I'm sure they'd have the discounts constantly, but just imagine the uproar that would cause.
Hey Wonka, I See your point however I can tell you that I have been going multiple times every year since 2000. That was through the whole slump in tourism, through the whole flight scare thing from 9/11, etc, etc. Not much put a damper on my trips and Disney is well aware of this. I am not saying that the discounts should be entitlements, nor that Disney shouldnt evaluate supply and demand ( Which I actually know that they do)for rooms and make discounts and special offers accordingly. This all makes perfect business sense to me. I just believe that the discounts arent going away. Obviously someone over at Disney's Marketing Dept. agrees with me or we wouldnt be seeing PIN Offers, Free Dining, AAA discounts, AP discounts, Florida Resident discounts or anything else!!! Can Disney choose to sell all of its rooms at full price?? Sure they can!!! That is their right. Will this cause a dramatic drop in numbers of visitors? Probably. Is it profitable to offer SOME rooms at a discount? I would imagine so. As previously said Disney exists to make a profit and as big of a profit as they can! That is their obligation to the shareholders. I Am certainly not deluding myself but based on past history and for the forseeable future I think that Disney does value its return business and wants to keep us around. To do that they will offer me the enticement of a discount. And me being the savvy consumer I am will take it!!! Belle


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Worlds smallest violin...

pumba100 said:
I hope they are pleased with all this new money that they THINK they are making. They have lost 2 more frequent visitors and our piddling little contribution to their corporate coffers. But, I guess that means little to Disney. I mean, who cares about 2 measly guests. Others will come and spend more money that we will.
You are correct, others are planning on coming in your place. They will be making money, to be sure.
So maybe you go once a year instead of twice or three times or more.

I haven't been there since 1992. I'm going in October and staying at a resort without an AP discount. If they had given you that room, they would be making less money, and I might not have gotten a room in the place I wanted.
Big Thank You to Kingdom Konsultants, for that!!!! :)

The hotel (at least your favorite) is booked for October. I can't believe the whole resort complex is booked for October.
Ft. Wilderness campground,too? Seriously, try that. If I lived close enough, I'd be staying there as often as possible. The benefits for a campground price are great.

OK, they might have lost 2 more frequent visitors. I notice you specified frequent. I take that to mean you'll still go, because it is a fun place.

I love it when the park isn't filled with AP holders, who are probably paying an average (over all AP holders) of 1/10 per day or less to be in the parks compared to me.
Overheard at a parade the last time I was there by an AP holder in our IaSW boat:
"I was at this park three times last week, the castmembers just don't seem to be on the ball today."

The 'magic' was going well for me and my wife, until we heard that.

Also heard from another AP holder on the same trip in 1992:
"Our parents bought us these AP's to keep us out of the house for the summer. They just drop us off at Downtown Disney every day, so they don't even have to pay for parking."

Yeah, I want to pay $$ to stand in longer lines with people like that.

I know there are a bunch of AP holders who are on this forum who wouldn't act like that, but the fact remains that there is a large enough number of AP holders who are just hanging out at the parks for months on end, that some of them will make the parks unpleasant for regular full price guests by their comments and behavior.
These same loiterers (emphasizing SOME of the AP holders, now) also cause some problems because they get bored. I wonder how many line cutters/ rude people we dislike so much are AP holders who know they can get away with it because they've spent so much time at the parks. I'd love to see stats on that.


Well-Known Member
I think there's a possible slight miscommunication here that may impact the "interpretation" of an intention.

As a passholder, Disney actively ADVERTIZES the special resort rates (example: passholder website and the Mickey Monitor). It also was clear the kind of resorts that rate is valid for (usually the value resorts) and the conditions for getting such a rate. So I don't believe asking for one is the same as seeking a special treatment from Disney when it is what has been advertized. I can see where someone who is taking up on the offer but for no apparent reason could not get one after waiting for it to become available might be miffed at the whole thing.

I personally have never taken up on the resort offer, mainly because I prefer to stay near Downtown Disney. However, I do use almost all the available discounts offered to me as a passholder. And I disagree that Disney could possibly favor one-time visitors over repeat customers, simply from the fact that they give so many incentives for people to keep coming back, especially as passholders and renewing passholders. It would not make much economic sense to keep enticing existing passholders to continue renewing at a lower rate if they don't find us to be economically beneficial. After all, as a lot of you have said, it IS still a business.

Speaking from the point of view of someone who will have to wait yet another year for a trip to Disney, I think that AP holders should just feel fortunate enough to be able to go more often than the rest of us. Many families, mine included, can hardly afford to go once a year, nevermind more than twice. And we definately wouldn't be able to get our value's worth out of an AP. If the original poster wants to save money, maybe they should try only going once every 1 or 2 years like those less fortunate.


Well-Known Member
Many people are attacking Pumba for his thoughts, but he is not alone. Disney has ticked off a lot of people with the way they've handled this "Best Rates" system. One of the things we all love about Disney is how much they care about each guest and how hard they work to give each of us a great vacation. They've let some people down in this case. I know a few people who are likely staying off-site this October because of this situation.

With that said, two comments. First, if I remember correctly, last year the annual pass rates for October didn't come out until right around Labor Day. So be patient for a little while longer.

Second, if you really go to WDW every year, consider Disney Vacation Club. The accommodations are better than any Disney hotel, you'll never have to worry about getting a bargain rate, and you'll save money in the long-term.

Good luck - I hope it works out for you!


Active Member
mhead said:
This happened to me before when I waited for a discount code - so now I don't wait. I book my trip then call and convert it when the AP rate comes out. I have never been told I could not do it. I also book initially with the AAA discount so at worst case scenario I am still getting a discount.

I guess what I mean is that the AP discount does not determine when I go, rather I decide when I am going and then if I am fortunate enough for a discount to be applied - that much better.

I was told when I called and booked my trip for early Oct. that there was no AP discount available at the time, but theat they saw no reson that one would not become available. So I booked it and will wait and see. If it doesn't happen and I can't go as a result - I cancel the reservation.

That's what we do. We go ahead and book the room, and then when the AP rates are posted, we call and change the rates on the room we've booked.


Active Member
Lynx04 said:
That is completely rediculous, a company that has to answer to shareholders, trying to make money. I own stock in Disney to try to get as little return as possible.

Discounts are given to try to fill rooms that are not filling up. If rooms are filling up, why give out discounts. Disney doesn't give discounts because they are trying to be nice, they give discounts cause they want you money.

Hi, Lynx
I hope you realize I was being sarcastic, too. Of course I know any company is in business to make money! I'm glad they do, too, because if they didn't they couldn't stay open.


Well-Known Member
HotPinkMidNite said:
Speaking from the point of view of someone who will have to wait yet another year for a trip to Disney, I think that AP holders should just feel fortunate enough to be able to go more often than the rest of us. Many families, mine included, can hardly afford to go once a year, nevermind more than twice. And we definately wouldn't be able to get our value's worth out of an AP. If the original poster wants to save money, maybe they should try only going once every 1 or 2 years like those less fortunate.
I believe the idea was the have the experience AND save money at the same time, not one or the other. I certainly agree that a vacation of any type is a luxury and not a necessity. Now on the other hand have you ever signed up for a club ( AAA, Disney Club, Supermarket card) that would allow you to save money on items that non- members have to pay full price for? I see this as the same thing for us AP holders. Belle


Well-Known Member
HotPinkMidNite said:
Speaking from the point of view of someone who will have to wait yet another year for a trip to Disney, I think that AP holders should just feel fortunate enough to be able to go more often than the rest of us. Many families, mine included, can hardly afford to go once a year, nevermind more than twice. And we definately wouldn't be able to get our value's worth out of an AP. If the original poster wants to save money, maybe they should try only going once every 1 or 2 years like those less fortunate.

However, we cannot criticize someone just because he or she has the good fortune of being able to afford something that someone else can't. By the same token, everyone here can be criticized for any minor complaints because we are fortunate enough to have the luxury to even talk about these things when there are literally children dying of hunger elsewhere. A lot of things can look utterly trivial when put in that perspective.

I must say that I find it very surprising, and a little disconcerting, that there's such animosity not just towards the person who started this thread, but to passholders in general. I can cite many "anecdotal evidence" of some unpleasent incidents with "green" visitors to WDW. But it would be completely inappropriate for me to use that as a "dig" towards infrequent visitors or one-time visitors to the park. I love the fact that they are there for the first time, and see the joy and wonder in their faces. Often, we chatted while in line waiting for an attraction and when they realize that I've been there many times, more often than not, they tend to ask for suggestions. I take delight that I can assist them in telling them where to go, what to do, when to do it, etc.

I just didn't realize that by becoming a passholder, I have become, instead, an economic burden to Disney that they can do without.



Active Member
ZapperZ said:
I just didn't realize that by becoming a passholder, I have become, instead, an economic burden to Disney that they can do without.


Even as a passholder, I will never be an economic burden. I spend WAY too much money on meals, souvenirs and shows!


It's been mentioned by several posters already that they book their room early enough to get their choice of accomodations locked in. Then they wait for the AP rates to come out and modify their ressies accordingly. That's what I do too.

Who's to say that Pumba is unable to get his desired standard view room because there must be enough visitors willing to pay full rack rate already?

I'm confident there are a certain percentage of those rooms being held by AP holders that are waiting for the discounts. If they don'y like the discounts, or (heaven forbid) none materialize, some will bail entirely on their ressies and leave the resort to find those "full rack" payers.

It doesn't happen! I've stayed tons of times during these slower periods, "Non-Easter/ Sring Break" Spring and Fall, and seen whole sections of AKL and WL empty even WITH the discounts. No Innkeeper likes empty rooms and will do almost anything to sell out.

I do believe some of the rationale behind the "Best Rate" program is to attempt to lock in more of these AP discount hunters that "block & bail".


wannabeBelle said:
Hey Wonka, I See your point however I can tell you that I have been going multiple times every year since 2000. That was through the whole slump in tourism, through the whole flight scare thing from 9/11, etc, etc. Not much put a damper on my trips and Disney is well aware of this.

I agree with you completely. Disney will always offer discounts and will always reward frequent visitors, but I believe you have a much more optimistic view than the original poster.

I assume (forgive me if I'm wrong) that like a few other people who have posted, you consider the AP discount on a room an additional savings. You're going to go to Disney anyway, and stay where you want to stay. If you get an AP discount on that room, that's just icing on the cake.

It seems to me from reading the original poster's message that two things were critical on this trip for them. 1. Getting to stay at their preferred resort and 2. Getting the AP discount. The discount was so important that they felt they couldn't book the trip without it. Their preferred resort was so important that they are cancelling their trip because they can't get it.

I would think the best idea (which others have mentioned) would be to book your trip when you want it, and where, and then have the discount applied once it's released. If they don't offer a discount, cancel (though I honestly don't know if you lose any of your money this way), or in the case of the original poster - go anyway, but assume you won't be going to Disney as many times that year due to the cost.

I'm in the same boat as others who can only get a trip in once in a blue moon, and this year may be the last year for a while :(. I consider myself lucky that I get to go at all, even at full price. Maybe after you go a bunch of times, some of the magic wears off and you get jaded if you don't get the best deal?:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
I believe the idea was the have the experience AND save money at the same time, not one or the other. I certainly agree that a vacation of any type is a luxury and not a necessity. Now on the other hand have you ever signed up for a club ( AAA, Disney Club, Supermarket card) that would allow you to save money on items that non- members have to pay full price for? I see this as the same thing for us AP holders. Belle

But you are getting the benefit of the discounted park entry. Depending on the number of visits, that benefit can be small or quite large. The AP is a park ticket, not a discounted resort key. Therefore, it's not a given that resort perks will always be available because of ownership of an AP. In fact, I bet that the small print on the AP says something to the affect of "discounts are not guaranteed."


New Member
Umm...... they havent even released the October rate. Right now they are running a rate for $59 a night. Do you think they are going to raise it in the slowest time of the year?? I think you need to wait a little bit longer cause I can almost assure you that they will be released. And I will even go out on a limb and say it will be $49 a night just as it has been for the past 3 years.

But if you choose not to go that is fine with me cause that is one less person I have to stand behind while waiting on all my favorite rides.

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