WDW decides to lose money


Sorry you had to cancel your trip...I wish I could do something to help, but I don't work for Disney, so I can't. Hope everything works out.


Well-Known Member
ZapperZ said:
I just didn't realize that by becoming a passholder, I have become, instead, an economic burden to Disney that they can do without.


I honestly don't believe that most people have that attitude. However, getting upset because you didn't get a discount just because you own an AP is somewhat annoying to most. The reason the OP is getting heat is because of their attitude that they feel they are entitled a discount, and if they don't get it, then they're not going to visit the big bad corporate monster.

I really don't think the majority of passholders feel that way.
wannabeBelle said:
I believe the idea was the have the experience AND save money at the same time, not one or the other. I certainly agree that a vacation of any type is a luxury and not a necessity. Now on the other hand have you ever signed up for a club ( AAA, Disney Club, Supermarket card) that would allow you to save money on items that non- members have to pay full price for? I see this as the same thing for us AP holders. Belle

My family is part of both AAA and the Disney Vacation Club and it has definitely helped us save in the past. However, despite all that, we just aren't in the type of financial situation that would allow us to go more often than once a year, especially lately with my college expenses.

I think my first statement might have been misinterpreted. I don't mean to sound like I'm spiting anybody who has a AP pass. Even if I could afford it, I would probably only go once or twice a year. Going less often makes the next visit even more magical. However, I have friends who have never even been once because of expenses. I just felt pumba's statement seemed a little bit selfish given the fact that he goes several times a year and just because something doesn't go his way, throws a fit and immediately turns on Disney a little too hastily.


New Member
SteveUK said:
But these people are annual pass holders. You would think that Disney would quickly build a new gold plated room on the side of a hotel especially for these people with a red carpet all the way to their house. How dare Disney have the cheek to allow 'ordinary' people to book all the rooms?

As an annual passholder, I do feel that discounted room rates are warranted. It is assumed that an annual passholder will visit more and invest more money in the resorts and parks. So it would make sense for a company to create opportunities for more visits by these customers who have already agreed to invest in the product.

What PUMBA100 needs to do is make the reservation for that particular room ahead of time and wait until the discounts come out. When the discounts come out, call and they will give you a discount for which ever room you booked (usually is 25 - 30% less per night than what is offered).

PUMBA100 is upset because the standard room is not available, he/she should have booked in advance. Example, I have reservations for end of Oct and I am waiting for Disney to announce AP or FL resident specials so that I can apply it to my reservation. Bottom line: they will apply the discount later. Be patient and follow-up on Disney website for specials.


New Member
hcswingfield said:
Hi, Lynx
I hope you realize I was being sarcastic, too. Of course I know any company is in business to make money! I'm glad they do, too, because if they didn't they couldn't stay open.

Yeah, I know. I was playing along with you and spreading the sarcasism. ;)


New Member
GoofyFreek said:
Umm...... they havent even released the October rate. Right now they are running a rate for $59 a night. Do you think they are going to raise it in the slowest time of the year?? I think you need to wait a little bit longer cause I can almost assure you that they will be released. And I will even go out on a limb and say it will be $49 a night just as it has been for the past 3 years.

But if you choose not to go that is fine with me cause that is one less person I have to stand behind while waiting on all my favorite rides.

Gosh,that is mean. We are all brothers in the circle of life. Never leave a man behind. Disney fans need to unite. Hakuna Matata.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely True Wannab@Dis. The room discounts are never guaranteed. They never have been nor will they ever be, most likely. Disney has chosen to continue with this program and in fact, enhance it via the Best Rate program. Id have to be REALLY dumb to not take advantage of a discounted room rate when I could get it and yet still have the same Magical Disney experience!!
Hey Wonka you are partially correct. If I didnt have the AP discounts I still would go and stay at a resort I liked. Would I possibly upgrade? Without a discount, no I probably wouldnt be able to afford to do such. Would I go as often as I have? ( 6 times last year, 5 times this year) The answer is no I probably wouldnt be able to afford to go as frequently without the discounts. Would I still go at all? Yes probably but maybe at a Value as opposed to a Moderate or a Deluxe and maybe for not as long of a time as I would have normally. I Am not completely jaded on the whole discount thing. Just the opposite in fact.
As far as booking your room and then having the discount applied to it, that I understand. However please keep in mind that ALL of the resorts only have a set number of rooms available at the discount rate. If you call you may not be able to get the resort you wanted at a discount even if you have it booked at Full Price now. I have been told that as the time to check in gets closer, room occupancy is evaluated and additional rooms may be released into the discount pool to sell better. Is it guaranteed that you will get the discount if you are already booked in a full price room? Not from what I understand!!! If I am wrong on this one please someone correct me!!!!
Hey K-Dub I agree with the whole Book & Bail thing. I have heard some stories of people (AP holders) who under the old system would call in a few times book several different resorts and then figure out where they want to stay 6 days out and cancel all the ressies but the one selected hotel!!! Not cool on a whole lot of levels including that you are taking up a discounted room that another AP holder may want, that is never going to be used by the orginal person!!! In addition Disney now has to pay all these people who are doing your reservations and cancellations which leads to higher overhead and artificially inflated phone counts. When the rooms are cancelled, they go back into the pool at FULL RACK RATE. The resort in questions does a constant evaluation process to see if the resort is selling well. It becomes their decision as to if these rooms should be added back as a discounted rate or Full Rack rate, giving all of the AP holders LESS of a pool of rooms to select from.
Also the Best Rate program was set up so additional phone calls to switch over to the discounted rate wouldnt be needed, hence freeing up their reps to take more calls and book more new reservations instead of modifying ones that already exist!
I am a very optimistic person in general and look foward to a long and happy relationship with me and my discounts!!! Belle


New Member
HotPinkMidNite said:
My family is part of both AAA and the Disney Vacation Club and it has definitely helped us save in the past. However, despite all that, we just aren't in the type of financial situation that would allow us to go more often than once a year, especially lately with my college expenses.

I think my first statement might have been misinterpreted. I don't mean to sound like I'm spiting anybody who has a AP pass. Even if I could afford it, I would probably only go once or twice a year. Going less often makes the next visit even more magical. However, I have friends who have never even been once because of expenses. I just felt pumba's statement seemed a little bit selfish given the fact that he goes several times a year and just because something doesn't go his way, throws a fit and immediately turns on Disney a little too hastily.

Couldn't agree more. We have annual passes and are FL residents which means that the possibility for a discount exist in both cases. Yet, we book in advance(way in advance) and continue to follow up for discounts. However, if they are not available , it is not going to stop us from making our trip and enjoying the disney magic with our kids. I also agree with your statement "going less makes the next visit more magical". Example, we live 4 hours from Disney and have annual passes . We have the opportunity to go several times a year. However, we choose to go once for an extended period.
ZapperZ said:
However, we cannot criticize someone just because he or she has the good fortune of being able to afford something that someone else can't. By the same token, everyone here can be criticized for any minor complaints because we are fortunate enough to have the luxury to even talk about these things when there are literally children dying of hunger elsewhere. A lot of things can look utterly trivial when put in that perspective.

I must say that I find it very surprising, and a little disconcerting, that there's such animosity not just towards the person who started this thread, but to passholders in general. I can cite many "anecdotal evidence" of some unpleasent incidents with "green" visitors to WDW. But it would be completely inappropriate for me to use that as a "dig" towards infrequent visitors or one-time visitors to the park. I love the fact that they are there for the first time, and see the joy and wonder in their faces. Often, we chatted while in line waiting for an attraction and when they realize that I've been there many times, more often than not, they tend to ask for suggestions. I take delight that I can assist them in telling them where to go, what to do, when to do it, etc.

I just didn't realize that by becoming a passholder, I have become, instead, an economic burden to Disney that they can do without.


Like I said, I wasn't attacking pass holders. I have nothing against pass holders what so ever. I was simply stating my opinion in saying that pumba's statement sounded selfish from my point of view, not saying that pass holders are horrible people because they have more than I do.

With that said I apologize to any deserving passholders who misinterpreted my statement


New Member
Passholder or not, we are all fortunate to be able to go. Yes, Disney is not a cheap place, therefore many families cannot spend the money and take their kids. And if they do, it's usually in a big hurry for 2 or 3 days which loses part of the magic and fun. I consider myself fortunate and encourage anyone to go to WDW if they can. It's expensive, but it really is a happy place and I for one, get my money's worth.


Well-Known Member
hcswingfield said:
Even as a passholder, I will never be an economic burden. I spend WAY too much money on meals, souvenirs and shows!

Same with me. I go there with a luggage half empty, and go home with a luggage tagged with "HEAVY" by the airlines. :)

And this is on top of the 2 or 3 large boxes of stuff I have them ship directly to my home. No matter how many times I go there in a year, there is ALWAYS a lot of things for me to buy. If Disney ever want any proof of how well their passholder program is working, they don't have to look far between you and I. :)



Active Member
ZapperZ said:
Same with me. I go there with a luggage half empty, and go home with a luggage tagged with "HEAVY" by the airlines. :)

And this is on top of the 2 or 3 large boxes of stuff I have them ship directly to my home. No matter how many times I go there in a year, there is ALWAYS a lot of things for me to buy. If Disney ever want any proof of how well their passholder program is working, they don't have to look far between you and I. :)


I'm doing all my Christmas shopping there during my fall trip!


New Member
There's something quite disconcerting in this thread that's only been touched on lightly, and as an AP holder and a stock holder, I'm frankly worried.

It appears that someone from Disney has or is holding a gun to the OP's head and draining his/her pocketbook!

This action both shocks and dismays me, as I never saw the financials in the last quarterly report, never saw leg-breaker/hired muscle positions come available, and certainly don't approve of the (initial) use of such force on people who are already sending a portion of their income our way.

If Disney has a new policy of forcing people to pay us, why not start with the folks who never step foot in a Disney park? Stupid Eisner!


Le Meh
Premium Member
pumba100 said:
The question is, do you make more money from the person who returns 30 times at a discount or from the guy who visits once or twice at full retail?

Actually you are wrong. If you have one person on his 5th visit of the year, and one person on their first visit of the year (or their life for that matter), the person visiting for their first time, will likely buy more souvaniers, eat at the more expensive establishments, and do more "extra pay stuff". The person who visits multiple times a year does not generally spend as much money in the parks on each visit. Therefore you have a choice, why fill up my resort with return guests, when I can get first timers in that will spend more money.

Seems pretty simple to me.....you dont give the discounts to encourage a high volume of the lower spending peeps when you can get the higher spending peeps at a higher price.


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
Actually you are wrong. If you have one person on his 5th visit of the year, and one person on their first visit of the year (or their life for that matter), the person visiting for their first time, will likely buy more souvaniers, eat at the more expensive establishments, and do more "extra pay stuff". The person who visits multiple times a year does not generally spend as much money in the parks on each visit. Therefore you have a choice, why fill up my resort with return guests, when I can get first timers in that will spend more money.

Seems pretty simple to me.....you dont give the discounts to encourage a high volume of the lower spending peeps when you can get the higher spending peeps at a higher price.
Actually I dont know if I agree with your train of thought Hakuna. I go a few times a year and have upgraded on restaurants, accomodations and other stuff (Tours etc) that I may not have done on my first or even fifth trip of my life as there is just so much more to see that is included!!!
Also I Am assuming that the Marketing department has done the math and finds that if your resorts arent filling up as quickly as you had hoped, an empty room briings no profit to any of the park sectors ( dining, souveniers, accomodations etc) Better to have a room filled at a discount than not at all. Is this displacing full price guests? No probably not as they tend to book further ahead than the people who are waiting for a discount to be released. Belle


Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
Actually I dont know if I agree with your train of thought Hakuna. I go a few times a year and have upgraded on restaurants, accomodations and other stuff (Tours etc) that I may not have done on my first or even fifth trip of my life as there is just so much more to see that is included!!!
Also I Am assuming that the Marketing department has done the math and finds that if your resorts arent filling up as quickly as you had hoped, an empty room briings no profit to any of the park sectors ( dining, souveniers, accomodations etc) Better to have a room filled at a discount than not at all. Is this displacing full price guests? No probably not as they tend to book further ahead than the people who are waiting for a discount to be released. Belle

I believe the basis of his posts (and mine) are based on the OP being upset that there were no AP discounts available and all the rooms WERE booked at rack rate. So, Disney still has someone spending in the parks AND they have sold the room at the higher rate. It's a win/win deal for them.


Le Meh
Premium Member
wannabeBelle said:
Actually I dont know if I agree with your train of thought Hakuna. I go a few times a year and have upgraded on restaurants, accomodations and other stuff (Tours etc) that I may not have done on my first or even fifth trip of my life as there is just so much more to see that is included!!!
Also I Am assuming that the Marketing department has done the math and finds that if your resorts arent filling up as quickly as you had hoped, an empty room briings no profit to any of the park sectors ( dining, souveniers, accomodations etc) Better to have a room filled at a discount than not at all. Is this displacing full price guests? No probably not as they tend to book further ahead than the people who are waiting for a discount to be released. Belle

Belle, I totally agree with what you are saying.....I was couching my comment in the environment of high occupancy times...

All us DVC'ers and AP'ers know when the slow times are and take advantage....


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
Belle, I totally agree with what you are saying.....I was couching my comment in the environment of high occupancy times...

All us DVC'ers and AP'ers know when the slow times are and take advantage....
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH NOW I agree with ya!!!! I am frankly pretty shocked that Disney decided to release AP rates right up until Dec 25th this year via the Best Rate Program ( or so I was told) I havent looked into it myself as that would interfere with my family gatherings for the holidays but for the people who do choose to go at that time of the year, I Am thrilled for ya!!!!!!
I am with you on the fact that Disney is not going to offer a discount if it believes that they can sell the room at full rack rate!! That would just be DUMB!!!! and as I have a lot of respect for Disney's Marketing team, dumb wouldnt be an adjective Id use to describe them!!! Belle


Well-Known Member
Hey Wannab, If Disney can sell out its resorts with no discounts, I would certainly have no problem with them doing so!!! I Am not expecting a discount because I Am a nice person or they like having me around, I look for discounts because it is more financially prudent for me to do so. Disney releases them as a room booked at a discount will always be more profitable than one not booked at all. To limit and restrict the discounts to so many rooms per resort and adjust the number as the occupancy numbers are revealed makes perfect sense to me. As I have said before, if I cant get resort A I will try for resort B or Resort c. Of cours I can be a little more flexible with my dates than most ( No kids, no hubby and a very understanding boss at work!) so I may get a resort that will be sold out on other dates but as I can play with my dates, I might be able to get that specific resort! It has been like that for a while now and to say or think otherwise is wrong. Belle


Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
Hey Wannab, If Disney can sell out its resorts with no discounts, I would certainly have no problem with them doing so!!! I Am not expecting a discount because I Am a nice person or they like having me around, I look for discounts because it is more financially prudent for me to do so.

I really think we're on the same page, just took a little time to get down to the 'meat and potatoes'! I'm all for discounts and look for them every time I visit. In fact, I've been able to get some great deals over the last few years and hope to get more. But, I don't get bent out of shape and say 'down with the corporate monsters' if I have to pay a few bucks more for my room. In all actuality, it doesn't really matter since I budget my money. More money on the room, less money for souveniors and food. I just really don't get the OP and their view that they somehow deserve a discount or are entitled to a discount.

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