WDW Commercial Animation


I on the other hand think the animation is quite good, especially considering everyone is so used to their traditional forms. Mickey and (especially) Donald look fantasic (as does the misc. characters in both commercials). Goofy does look goofy, but how else do you want him to look? He is Goofy.




New Member
I agree with the majority, that I think the animation is lacking. Do we know that Pixar did the animation? I thought they were no longer working with Disney... and that Disney was branching off on their own as far as the computer animated stuff. If that is the case, and this is what we have to look forward too... :hammer: Toy Story III is supposed to be done by Disney without Pixar, wasn't it?

General Grizz

New Member
Cute story...

HORRIBLE plastic Mickey...

Pains me every time I see Mickey drawn that way. The other characters are good though... minus Scrooge, Daisy, Minnie..


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BigNorm said:
Welcome to the 21st Century Folks. CGI is the future and hand drawn animation is on it's way out, as much as I hate to admit it. Even Disney has closed some of its hand drawn studios. Eventually I believe that the only Mickey cartoons, except for the classics, will be CGI. Twice Upon A Christmas anyone?

You are correct about everything except for one thing: CGI animation isn't the future, its the present.

Simple reason why is because it doesn't require thousands upon thousands of drawings.


I'm affraid this is the future. Unfortunately what most people don't realize is that hand drawn animation has people with a natural artistic talent to draw, while 3D animation has people who have a different kind of talent mainly technological. This is why Pixar was so successfu,l cause they had a good mix.

I thought the animation was horrible. It looked like a college students final project, in his 3D animation class.

Let's just hope Disney reconsiders it's dealings with Pixar.



I was soooo excited to see the commerical. And it was really cute and very magical...except for the way the characters looked. The color looked really dull and their faces were weird. I miss hand drawn animation but there's also things 3d can do that hand drawn cannot. But this commerical did miss something eventhough it was cute...= ).


New Member
by saying that you think the 3D animation of mickey & co. is bad, are you basically saying you don't like philharmagic?


Active Member
I don't mind them being 3-D.

I thought the commercial was well done. We are in a new age where CGI is the best thing out there. It's progress and progress isn't a bad thing.


Active Member
Pittsburgh Pirates 2005 Season:
"Come Hungry"

"Come Hungry?" What kind of motto is that?

He he.....I'm a Phillies fan so I feel your pain!!


WDWBro said:
by saying that you think the 3D animation of mickey & co. is bad, are you basically saying you don't like philharmagic?

Philharmagic is one of my favorite attractions. And I think they (the characters) look great in the show. Just how they look on the commerical is what bothers me....they look..liquidy or something. Lololol..horrible termonology. = ).


New Member
I loved the commercial, but the Soaring building dropping in confused me. The first time I saw it was as I was moving around the room and I kept wondering why they put in sponsorship for an auto mechanic store. It took several viewings before I recognized it for Soaring. Guess I would have preferred soaring people on the ride or something from the Land. This really fooled me until I caught it fully.

General Grizz

New Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
Are you kidding me? We're now going to be critical of their commercials? Geez, some of you really have too much time on your hands.
Some people prefer Mickey as they know him. When they see him as a plastic blob, well, they have a right to go to a Disney discussion board and talk about it.


Well-Known Member
Philharmagic's animation is far Superior than the animation that was used for Twice Upon a Christmas and the new commercial. Do you not remember the first time they introduced CGI Mickey during the Oscar's a few years back? I remember how funny it was seeing the celebrities giving an awkward look at mickey's new form. Mostly it was like --->:confused:

Wckd Queen

New Member
mkepcotmgmak said:
is this commercial online anywhere? i went to the wdw website, and didn't see it there...

thanks for any info-
Josh, I just saw it during Amazing Race on CBS, but I am willing to bet you will be able to catch it tomorrow night on ABC during LOST.

I made a point of looking at Goofy, and his face looks a bit distorted in parts, but I *think* it was meant to be that way? Jiminey looked pretty good though. The color, well, its supposed to be twilight/night, so that could explain the color. Dont forget, with CGI the effects are going to be different than with traditional hand drawn. I thought the night lighting was pretty effective though.

And...I second what Grizz said :wave:


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Not saying that they don't have the right to discuss it, but it just amazes me that no matter what Disney seems to do, there's someone out there just ready to pounce. So, I take MY opportunity to voice MY opinion, by saying that I beleive they are wasting their time to complain, and that there are other more important issues to discuss about Disney.



Well-Known Member
Heck, combine the Kingdom Hearts models with better moving mouths and expressions, and these commericals could actually look decent...


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I find the commercials entertaining, which is IN PART, what they are supposed to do. The other part of that is they are a marketing tool for WDW. I just find it curious that people seem to take on the "movie critic" role every time a new commercial airs.

I just don't worry that much about the esthetics of the commercial, but rather that they are mildly entertaining and cute.

Give Disney a break guys. They have enough complaints in the suggestion box without everyone taking pot shots at their commercials too.

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