WDW College Program !!!


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Original Poster
So i have submitted my applicationa dn had my interview for the program. I listed my highest preference for role under transportation (i love monorails) but i think i will be happy with anything in WDW.

Anyway, has anyone else out here been through or done the wdw college program ? what was your experience ? should i accept it ?

any input would be great !


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Your WDWCP ExpEARience will be the best and most wonderful time of your life. I was a CPCM for an entire year and I miss it every day.


So i have submitted my applicationa dn had my interview for the program. I listed my highest preference for role under transportation (i love monorails) but i think i will be happy with anything in WDW.

Anyway, has anyone else out here been through or done the wdw college program ? what was your experience ? should i accept it ?

any input would be great !

RAXIP (I hope I spelled you sn right) just finnished I believe.


New Member
I did the CP in 2003, working in Merchantainment at Epcot, and LOVED it. I'm still working as a Campus Rep because I loved it so much that I want to get everyone else to go!!

I lived in a 4-bdrm apartment w/7 other girls...then we were moved to a 3-bdrm w/"only" 5 other girls. I still talk to several of my roommates, and we try to get together and visit WDW once every couple of years.

I will say this: you'll get out of it what you put in to it. Please be aware that you may be working long hours in the heat--but if you stay positive, you will have a WONDERFUL time. Good luck!

(If you need anything, just PM me!) :wave:


Active Member
My wife works for a local college and has had students go thru the program. Some loved it and went on to the post graduate programs and others who hated it and couldn't wait to get home. I think one of the main things is that you have to go in understanding that your not doing anything to do with what you are going to school for, you are just there as a worker and can be placed anywhere. I've heard they work you a lot of hours. But if you know that going in you can have a great time.


New Member
I first did a College Program in Spring 2003 and worked at Fantasyland Attractions at the Magic Kingdom. I loved the program so much that I became seasonal and returned for a few days or weeks (depending on what else was going on in my life) each year. Then, in Summer/Fall 2006, I came back for another program and was first placed at the Friendship Boats at Epcot, then at Monorails. Just as a quick note, while I absolutely loved working at Monorails, it is not the easiest place to work. The training is difficult, the shifts (times and length) can really get to you, and a lot is expected of you regulation-wise while driving the trains (which you will only be doing about 25% of a shift, on average). I am not discouraging you from going to Monorails, as I had just mentioned that I enjoyed my time there, but I just wanted to give you a realistic look at the area.

No matter where you work, one of the best things about working at WDW is the ability to pick up overtime in different areas, based on your training and the areas' training needs. This is done through the Extra Hours Hotline and it gives you the ability to work with and meet people you might not have otherwise encountered. As a result of this, I was able to work in all four theme parks (and the TTC), both water parks, Downtown Disney, the Sports Complex, several of the resorts, several backstage support areas, and the Disney Reservation Center in Orlando. Unfortunately, my two favorite areas for making new friends with Cast Members are going away (Pleasure Island and Evening EMH wristbands :cry:), but there are still plenty of other places to try new things and meet new people.

So, in summary, the College Program for me was absolutely awesome! While my brother is very reserved about sharing his opinions, since he has also done two programs, I would think that he enjoyed them, too. Of course, you have to go into the Program with an attitude of wanting to be there and wanting to enjoy it, despite the bad times that occur. Then again, that is the case with most things in life, isn't it?


New Member
My wife works for a local college and has had students go thru the program. Some loved it and went on to the post graduate programs and others who hated it and couldn't wait to get home. I think one of the main things is that you have to go in understanding that your not doing anything to do with what you are going to school for, you are just there as a worker and can be placed anywhere. I've heard they work you a lot of hours. But if you know that going in you can have a great time.

Very true. I did it for an entire year, and I can give you the pros and cons, but I don't want to either discourage you, or give you false hope.

Truth is, a) you make it for what it is, and b) don't have too high of expatiations, because you may be disappointed. And be catious, CPs are resented by some (if not, most).

However, it is a wonderful opportunity, and if whatever you will get out of - your Disney fix will be spoiled and beyond (free access to the parks), you WILL meet just about someone from every country around the world. And you will find out how cooperate America works (and even happy land IS cooperate America).

Have fun, be realistic, and also be careful...

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Do CPs get to pilot the monorails? You know there is a pecking order in any organization or department.

When I did my cp, the transportation guys rotated between collecting money at the parking lot entrances, directing people where to park and driving the trams.

I had one roommate who was hired to pilot the friendship boats in the Epcot lagoon and that's all he did for the length of his CP.

But then, we did shorter programs back then- mine was summer only and lasted 3 months. With the longer programs, maybe they do put CPs in the pilot's seat of the monorails. :shrug:


New Member
I did the CP from Jan-May of 1990. I worked in Mickey's of Hollywood at the Studios. It was the first year the Studios were open and the park was pretty small then. The official closing time for the park was midnight most nights, but my store stayed open an hour after that. Then another hour to clean up. That made my shift one of the latest (if not the latest) of the CPs - 6:00 pm-2:30 am.

My store was always insanely busy. On nights I was a cashier, I would have a line of guests about 3-4 deep pretty much from the time I arrived to store closing. And this was with all the registers open!

Since my hours were so late, most of the parties would be winding down by time I got off work. I usually slept until about 11 AM, so most of my roomies were off to work before I ate breakfast. The odd hours suited me, though, because I was a night owl.

I lived with someone from Mississippi, Canada, France, Germany, and Italy. The Europeans didn't really like the Westerners and vice versa. The French guy and I got along OK, because I was taking French at the time and he was happy to teach me. Only saw the German three times in four months. He was shacking up with a girl he met.

I spent just about every waking non-working moment at the parks. I became soooo spoiled by that! I must have ridden Horizions, Haunted Mansion, and Spaceship Earth 50 times each! I enjoyed talking to people in line (especially those with kids) and giving them tips. I'm usually a shy person, but I wouldn't mind chatting up complete strangers!

Work was tough, with the hours and the constant stream of people, but I loved it. Mainly because when I wasn't working I got to go to the parks as much as I wanted. The permanents had a hard time accepting the CPs. At first, we got the cold shoulder quite a bit. This was for two reasons, I was told: 1) They perceive the CP as taking hours away from them and 2) We would be gone in the near future. But by the end of the program, most of the perms warmed up to us. Just in time to say good-bye and bring in another crew, I suppose.

There were 6 people in my store on the College Program. Two extended until the end of summer, living with a perm. Two absolutely hated the CP and couldn't wait to go. I almost extended, but decided to leave. Have you ever seen the movie "Big Fish", where Ed Bloom decides to leave the perfect town, but doesn't have his shoes so it makes leaving that much harder? Well, it was a lot like that.

My experience was very positive, despite some of the not-so-fun things. I still wish I could do it again. You may not end up with the perfect job. (In fact, just about every job at WDW has something annoying about it). And you won't make any money. But if you love the parks, don't pass it up.


Well-Known Member
Do CPs get to pilot the monorails? You know there is a pecking order in any organization or department.

When I did my cp, the transportation guys rotated between collecting money at the parking lot entrances, directing people where to park and driving the trams.

I had one roommate who was hired to pilot the friendship boats in the Epcot lagoon and that's all he did for the length of his CP.

But then, we did shorter programs back then- mine was summer only and lasted 3 months. With the longer programs, maybe they do put CPs in the pilot's seat of the monorails. :shrug:

Yes, CPs do infact pilot monorails now. I myself prefer driving boats:king:

To the OP, transportation has a very limited number of slots available, so good luck, and I hope you chose a good second option just in case.


Well-Known Member
So i have submitted my applicationa dn had my interview for the program. I listed my highest preference for role under transportation (i love monorails) but i think i will be happy with anything in WDW.

Anyway, has anyone else out here been through or done the wdw college program ? what was your experience ? should i accept it ?

any input would be great !

I have done the CP 4 times (in fact, I just got back from my 4th 2 weeks ago). The CP is a great experience. I highly recommend doing it.

Capt. Brat

New Member
Former Transportation Host

I was on the CP from May of 2001 to January of 2002 in transportation. I also wanted to drive the Monorails, but was very happy after the fact that I got put into Watercraft instead. More variety than the monorails... 13.2 (or is it 13.4) miles of monorail tracks versus free floating watercraft on two very large lakes. I was trained to pilot the Ferry boat and the Cruisers, but not the Launches.

I believe that the monorails were assigned to a certain position for a period of about two hours (as were watercraft assignments)... and there are 12 trains, but lots of stops... so the people that I knew in rails would spend more time on crowd control rather driving the train.

In watercraft, the deck hands remained on the boat rather than at the docks, so you got to move around more. Plus you rotated from deckhand to pilot if everyone was trained, or you drove the whole time if there was another cast member that wasn't trained as a pilot. There were still times that you did crowd control, but I think that I got to spend a lot more time on the boats rather than on the docks.

And like the others have said, the CP is what you make of it. Go with the intent of working hard, and learn as much as possible. Enjoy what ever you get into! Best of luck!


Active Member
I just started Career Start (basically the same thing as CP except I havent started college yet) last week. I was supposed to be doing talent costuming at Epcot, but there was a mix up about my driver's license so i got switched to character costuming at Epcot. Other than that small mix up, I love it here. Im in a one bedroom at Chatham & I am usually gonna be working 6am-2pm so i have almost the entire afternoon to do whatever I want.


Well-Known Member
I just started Career Start (basically the same thing as CP except I havent started college yet) last week. I was supposed to be doing talent costuming at Epcot, but there was a mix up about my driver's license so i got switched to character costuming at Epcot. Other than that small mix up, I love it here. Im in a one bedroom at Chatham & I am usually gonna be working 6am-2pm so i have almost the entire afternoon to do whatever I want.

What is talent costuming? Is that for the performers in the World Showcase?

Glad to hear you are having fun.


I was a CP Spring of '98 on the opening crew of Animal Kingdom and I was a transportation host. I know of people that got to work monorails and boats, but I was in the parking lot. Still not that bad as you got some exercise and driving the trams and pargo's was fun.

Words of advice...(if you are like me when I was 22)...Vista Way is a non-stop party. I think there were literally 3 nights in 4 months that I wasn't partying. You will meet TONS of people as most don't have friends that are there with them. The MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do is take your job seriously. The jobs that CP's get are the worst jobs and the worst hours for the worst pay...but that's not what it's all about. Imagine your freshman year of college all over again. (again, assuming you are like me when I was younger, i.e. always up for a good time) So, with that being said, as long as your extra-curricular activities don't interfere with your shifts, you will be fine.

Having Disney on my resume definitely helped me get my first few jobs out of school. It's what you make of it for sure. The people that left or didn't like it in my experience were the people that didn't like their roomates, had issues with people partying too much, didn't bring extra $$$ with them as your paychecks will cover little, or were just introverts. Introverts didn't do well in Vista Way...

You will have the time of your life for sure...I'll never forget the Spring of '98 and I still have friends I met their 10 years ago.


Active Member
What is talent costuming? Is that for the performers in the World Showcase?

Glad to hear you are having fun.

Sometimes it was gonna be dealing with the performers in World Showcase, but a lot of it was gonna be driving to DTD & getting costumes from PI, taking them to textile services. It was also gonna be driving the pargos around delivering costumes to the world shocase performers. Thats what they told me anyway. I was only in talent costuming for not even an hour & a half before getting transfered to the character room.


New Member
Sometimes it was gonna be dealing with the performers in World Showcase, but a lot of it was gonna be driving to DTD & getting costumes from PI, taking them to textile services. It was also gonna be driving the pargos around delivering costumes to the world shocase performers. Thats what they told me anyway. I was only in talent costuming for not even an hour & a half before getting transfered to the character room.

You will be busy. That's for sure.


Well-Known Member
I was a CP spring of 2000. I worked in Quick Service Food and I would recommend staying away from QSFB. I loved everything about my program but the job. If you are looking for a truly unique Disney experience then stick with transportation or attractions or anything that won't involve being stuck in a hot kitchen all day. I could have stayed home and gotten a job at the local pizza joint if I had wanted to shovel pizzas out of an oven all day. The apartment was fine, roommates were cool, and everything else was fantastic. I just didn't enjoy the work experience.
I'd have to disagree with Vista Way being a constant party. It might be for some people but it doesn't have to be. If you're not the partying type, you can still feel comfortable staying in Vista Way. It is not hard to avoid the ones who want to party 24/7. I'm not into that whole scene and never once had a problem in the 4 months I was there. It wasn't hard for my roommates and I to find other things to do. If you do want a constant party scene this is definitly the place to be, but if you don't, you can still be happy here.

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