WDW 2010: Same old pixie dust?


New Member
See Goofy that is my point. You and others seem to think every new add is about you. It's not, and you seem completely unable to relate to the target audience, parents and their children. Whom I suspect will be overwhelmed by the new Fantasyland.

Empathy is good. In case you don't know what I mean, it is being able to see through others "eyes" and relate to their viewpoint even if it isn't yours.

Thank you!!!

I never thought of it that way, you made my day. Have a good night everyone. :wave:
jt, SirGoofy's post was all sarcasm :lol:


Well-Known Member
I think SirGoofy is saying he wants all these things to come jt and was typing with sarcasim.

Apologies if I misinterpreted either of your post, jt and SirGoofy.

You mean he has become hooked on pixie dust? :lol::sohappy: Sorry Goofy, I misunderstood what you were saying. :wave:

74 seems more and more like a lone voice of doom as each day passes. :lookaroun

Gotta go :)


Premium Member
All of which are on Disney's level. I've had just as many problems with Disney customer service in my life as Uni, and the Uni CM's are just as good as Disney's.

That statement once again confirms to me that you don't have the slightest clue. Yes, there are some staff at Universal that are great, however, as a whole, I think you'll find the vast majority of people would say that Disney lead customer service by a considerable margin.


I think SirGoofy is saying he wants all these things to come jt and was typing with sarcasim.

Apologies if I misinterpreted either of your post, jt and SirGoofy.

jt, SirGoofy's post was all sarcasm :lol:

Thanks guys.

You mean he has become hooked on pixie dust? :lol::sohappy: Sorry Goofy, I misunderstood what you were saying. :wave:

It's cool.

But I'm far from "hooked on pixie dust".:lol: I think the recent announcements are a great step in the right direction, even if a couple of the new additions are misguided, IMO. There is still need for great improvement in many areas of the parks, some of which are moving in the right direction, some of which are still stuck in the mud.

Still, I am very happy at what's coming. Don't get me wrong.


Well-Known Member
Returning in 2010:

Mass amounts of decision making that causes internet bloggers, writers and amatuer experts to go after each other like sisters on Springer discussing Billy Bob Swanson's love for me not her.


Well-Known Member
Woah-Uh yeah...Thread. :lookaroun :lol:

So here's my two cents:

A- Midway Mania does indeed have a much more complicated ride system and programming footprint. The difference is that Universal is much more flashy with technology than Disney, they like to pack it in there and blow minds with acid-like visions of flames, water, glass breaking, all while spinning around at a million miles an hour while the sky explodes and goblins scream "WE SEEEE YOURRRR SOUUULLLLL!" whereas Disney is more content for using technology for the humble warm feeling of "plunking" plunger darts in a life sized board game. Of course both rides are incomparable and equally fantastic, so there's no need to pit them against each other. But knowing alot about the back-of-house goings ons of both attractions, yeah...I'd say Midway Mania is much more complicated.

B- Everest is by far more advanced in design than Harry Potter, Potter is pretty much the simple big-ole-showbuilding concept, to me akin with Indiana Jones, Men In Black, or Dinosaur. The castle is facade- Tall, but still not the Modern Marvel of Everest. Again, I'm imagining Universal will do what they always do, use technology to impress, with brooms flipping around with flames and water spewing towards you, and death eaters going "WE SEEEEE YOOUUURRRR SOULLLL....POTTERRRR!" Whereas Disney is content with making a very complicated roller coaster look like a really simple train in the mountains. They're both great, it's really just a matter of the personalities of the two companies, not a matter of one being better. Again though, from what I know of Potter and knowing everything about the other, yeah, I'd say in terms of Engineering Everest will be the champion...But it's not going to be as flashy, because Disney, again, is more simple in aim.

C- I don't think Sir Goofy is biased towards Universal...He just has a massive crush on Harry Potter Land.


D-Yes, I'd assume this year will be quiet.

Universal's Coaster will still be broken all the time though, so there's that... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yes, there are some staff at Universal that are great, however, as a whole, I think you'll find the vast majority of people would say that Disney lead customer service by a considerable margin.

Based on my friends who work and or play at Universal frequently, they would agree with this.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, now that you mention it, I cant think of anything new coming next year either. I know they have the new marketing campaing thats very similar to this year's. But I know of nothing either. But atleast they are actually doing something. Space mt. will hopefully be opening this month and will hopefully be better. They got a new FL coming, star tours. And yea, they wont be here in 2010, but atleast they're actually doing something. So how is that stale? If you consider that stale than wait until all those projects are done, then go to WDW. In the meantime you could avoid it in 2010 and save some money.


Active Member
Yes, the rumor seems to be that after filming is done for Japan's version of the ride, the production team will then begin filming Soarin' over the World. This probably means 2013 at the earliest for this. There was some speculation that this would be announced at D23, perhaps next year.

I enjoy going to Universal.

I think Spiderman is an amazing ride. I also love how when I go, I never have to wait very long for it.

What I don't get is the love for things that aren't really there. The queue is themed, but is it on par with Toy Story Mania, Dueling Dragons or Temple of the Forbidden Eye? I don't think so.

I also don't think it has a particularly elaborate story. There are better stories in theme park attractions, but the story in the ride is fine. What makes the ride is that it's basically the combination of a Star Tours/Body Wars vehicle (albeit smaller) on a track. The complaints about Toy Story Mania can also be applied to Spiderman in that it's largely screen based - the advantage that Spiderman has is that it's far more elaborate in how it uses those screens from a guests perspective. Sure, Toy Story Mania may actually be more complex, but guests perceptions probably wouldn't indicate that.

As for Universal on the hole. I think Universal's attractions do a better job at catering to the market that Disney fails to reach. That's the adult male demographic. This creates a marketing problem for thme as outside of fanbois, this demographic typically won't spend more than one day at a theme park. By not having attractions that are more appealing to families, Universal has positioned itself as a 1 day distraction as opposed to a week long destination.

Harry Potter as a land should have addressed this, as this is an even greater problem in Islands of Adventure. The problem is, there are no family friendly dark rides being built alongside Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. I'm eagerly anticipating the new attraction and the new land, but I don't think it's gonna be the crushing blow that others anticipate. If anything, it will hurt the attendance at the Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. I would be surprised if it affects the attendance at Epcot at Magic Kingdom.

Now getting back to the actual topic, Disney has cooled off on new projects in recent years.

2000: Journey Into Your Imagination refurb
2001: Share a Dream Come True Parade, One Man's Dream, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Magic Carpets of Aladdin, Playhouse Disney
2002: Journey Into Imagination with Figment refurb
2003: Alien Encounter closes, Mission: Space, Mickey's PhilHarmagic, Wishes
2004: Stitch's Great Escape, Turtle Talk with Crush
2005: Soarin', Lights Motors Action, Crush 'n' Gusher, Journey Into Narnia
2006: Expedition Everest, Pirates of the Caribbean refurb, The Seas with Nemo and Friends
2007: Monster's Inc Laugh Floor, Haunted Mansion refurb
2008: Toy Story Mania, Spaceship Earth refurb
2009: American Idol Experience, Sum of all Thrills, Space Mountain refurb, Hall of Presidents refurb, Tomorrowland Transit Authority refurb
2010: (nothing)
2011: Star Tours 2.0
2012: New Fantasyland

I may be missing some things, but there seems to be a large gap betwen Toy Story Mania and Star Tours 2.0. I don't expect a D or an E ticket in 2010, but is it out of the realm of possibility to add a much needed B/C ticket to DHS and/or DAK? I don't expect it to happen, but it would fill the gap.

You're so lucky! It's always a 40 minute wait or more for me!

The queue is AMAZINGLY themed! When I was little, I actually got scared and felt like I was really being attacked by these villains. Best theme park experience ever. Felt SO real. Love the large room with the offices and the TV News playing.

The story is suposed to be simple for people not into comics but sorta in depth for people into them. Sometimes simple is better.

Spiderman is NOT mostly screen based. Big no-no. Remember the big simulated drop, or the explosion, or the statue of liberty, or the numerous city alleys, ect?

TSMM is not very complex at all... in fact it's probably one of the most basic Disney rides of all time (in concept). Not saying it isn't a great ride though.

Universal targets Men in general wether it be 5 year olds or 50 year olds. There are barely any girl attractions. And I don't see how men only go to 1 park? Is there something I'm not catching here?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Drum roll.....

an announcement about the 40th.

At the rear end of 2010.

Ah, but announcement's of things to come in years following are not things of substance in the present tense.

And I have yet to hear anything definitive from the inside that WDW's 40th will be acknowledged in any meaningful way (i.e. the year-long marketing event, new parades, shows, pyro ... and ... oh yeah, attractions too!)

I'm speaking simply of 2010.

After a 2009 that saw one 'major' (by Disney's own metrics) attraction debut in ONE park. That was the American Idol Experience.

And, of course, we did have a rehab of HoP and one ongoing with Space Mountain. But I have a hard time taking normal updates/plussing and talking about them as significant ... and I say that fully realizing I am posting on a site where many folks get excited by a construction scrim to allow for painting!

Why should anything new come? We know how Orlando likes to live of its legacy. Maybe the song could become the new theme for TDO. Plus marketing still likes to plug E:E and TS(M)M as new.

How come when you state the facts so obviously and to the point, you don't engender the ...um ... ah ... strong emotions that I do? I guess they love me more!:ROFLOL::king::drevil:

But you are correct, TDO likes to market old news as new. Going back five years, the only truly major project to debut was Everest. One major attraction despite having four parks. The only other attraction of note that wasn't a replacement (although some might argue it was since it was part of a Studio tour at one time) would be TSMM in early 2008.

Five years.

Four parks.

One truly major addition (almost four years old now).

Also, no new parades or pyro or major shows.

And with the major projects not coming before 2011-2014, that's a lot more stale pixie dust.

So ... 2010's coming. And there's nothing of note on the way for the year. Maybe we'll have some new napkins or cup design to keep the fanbois happy ... along with some construction walls (more demo than building at this point).

That was my point. And getting Steve's site some more action. And with seven pages of fun here, I can only imagine what lies ahead!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh look, the same old tired stale drone from Mr. 74.

And it reads the same as if the new FL was never announced. How utterly predictable and overwhelmingly boring. :snore:

He's walmarted himself. :lol:

JT ... your online bulge is showing yet again.

You can't resist me.

The 'new' Fantasyland isn't really new, so much as reworked. I'm very happy to see it happen, even in its dumbed down state. ... But that's a project that won't show significant progress much before 2012.

After years of staleness, I posed a simple query. What's coming to WDW in 2010.

The answer is nothing.


Well-Known Member
That statement once again confirms to me that you don't have the slightest clue. Yes, there are some staff at Universal that are great, however, as a whole, I think you'll find the vast majority of people would say that Disney lead customer service by a considerable margin.

I realize this is your site and it's your prerogative to post whatever the heck you want, but you seem to have a vendetta or some sort of deep seated animosity towards SirGoofy. With the exception of Merf, who had it coming, I haven't seen you treat another poster this way.

As for the substance of your post, I don't see how it's so clear that Disney leads customer service by a considerable margin. Both draw from the same talent pool, both pay relatively paltry wages that work as a disincentive for recruiting talent, and both are in the same industry. I will concede that Disney has an advantage in its image being self-recruiting, in that working for Disney is a dream for a lot of people. In any case, I think someone would be justified in preferring the customer service of one over the other. It's anecdotal experiences, anyway, so it's not like it could possibly be "wrong." Much like how comparisons between DLR and WDW's cast are similarly pointless in that they are biased towards personal experiences and our predispositions.

Steve, maybe your belief about Disney's customer service isn't so objective, either. Moreover, maybe that "vast majority of people" are the people here, who have a predisposition towards Disney.


Active Member
To be fair, new shows/parades/nighttime shows can happen rather quickly after announcements. So you never know....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally Posted by rsoxguy
A lot of WDW may be the same old/same old, but I still enjoy spending time there with my family.

Truly! That's really the point! We know nothing new is coming, but my fiance and I are looking forward to going for a short trip in the fall next year. It may be the same old pixie dust, but its the still the best out there.


Well ... not really. Disney does offer pixie dust in locations from Anaheim to Paris, Hong Kong to Tokyo and on the seven seas. You can get fresher, higher quality stuff in those locales.

I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends at WDW. But I enjoy spending time with them all over the world, and I don't have to be in a Disney park (or any theme park) to do so.

Again, I'm not saying a fun time can't be had at WDW at all.

I'm addressing the fact the property has grown very stale over the years and that after a 2-3 year period where there has been very little 'new' across four parks, we have another year coming up where there won't be anything at all ... while IOA will debut a very significant addition.


Active Member
That statement once again confirms to me that you don't have the slightest clue. Yes, there are some staff at Universal that are great, however, as a whole, I think you'll find the vast majority of people would say that Disney lead customer service by a considerable margin.

I've had the same experiences at USF and WDW in terms of customer service. Both were AMAZING. I don't think it's a far leap to say USF is behind WDW's customer service (how would you even measure this BTW? critics?)

Plus, in this economy, employees would be dumb not to be on their absolute best behavior in fear of losing their job which leads to better CS.


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Original Poster
Here's my educated guess- We'll get the Parade of Dreams from California in October.


Much like the great Eureka parade that DCA debuted with, I've been told PoD floats have been dismantled/destroyed.

I'm still trying to find out if DL's off-again, on-again, off-again 55th Anniversary parade is either ... well, off or on.

Right now, MK plods on with 1991 and 2001 era parades.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rsoxguy
A lot of WDW may be the same old/same old, but I still enjoy spending time there with my family.

Well ... not really. Disney does offer pixie dust in locations from Anaheim to Paris, Hong Kong to Tokyo and on the seven seas. You can get fresher, higher quality stuff in those locales.

I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends at WDW. But I enjoy spending time with them all over the world, and I don't have to be in a Disney park (or any theme park) to do so.

Again, I'm not saying a fun time can't be had at WDW at all.

I'm addressing the fact the property has grown very stale over the years and that after a 2-3 year period where there has been very little 'new' across four parks, we have another year coming up where there won't be anything at all ... while IOA will debut a very significant addition.

It took IoA 10 years to push out something signifcant. It may be a great expansion, but it has been 10 years.

And you state "WDW is stale" like it is a fact. I bet you are the minority in that argument.

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