WDW 2010: Same old pixie dust?


New Member
JT ... your online bulge is showing yet again.

You can't resist me.

The 'new' Fantasyland isn't really new, so much as reworked. I'm very happy to see it happen, even in its dumbed down state. ... But that's a project that won't show significant progress much before 2012.

After years of staleness, I posed a simple query. What's coming to WDW in 2010.

The answer is nothing.

If you knew the answer, then why did you make this thread? To purposely get people annoyed? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In terms of the masses, no it hasn't. I don't know why, but I get the feeling that many people see Uni as the estranged cousin of Disney, and therefore feel it is unworthy of their vacation dollars.

Personally, I know a large group of people that went to Uni instead of Disney one year, and now won't go back to WDW.

I think that there's plenty of room(and need) for both resorts, and would really wish Disney fans would give Uni a chance, and Uni fans Disney a chance.

Universal has a wonderful product in Orlando (although being a movie buff, I'd rather visit Hollywood ... and from a theme park perspective, UNI-Japan blows away its American cousins much the the way TDR offers a more Disney product than Disney itself does now).

But interesting how this thread has taken the turn to yet another Disney vs. UNI bashfest.

I'd expect most folks here favor Disney. Overall, I do too. I am a big Disney fanboi myself or I wouldn't be here. That doesn't mean that Uni (or BEC's parks) is some vastly inferior product. In some ways, Uni does things better than Disney. I'll take Spidey over CTX ... MiB over Buzz ... Mummy over RnRC any day.

But that's neither here nor there.

Pixie dust is powerful. I have heard enough stories from Disney fans who took one whole day out of week-long or 10 day trips to visit UNI and couldn't wait to get back to the safety of WDW Marketing Hype.

I am not immune to pixie dust at all. But stale pixie dust doesn't do it for me. Need the fresh stuff!


Well-Known Member
You're so lucky! It's always a 40 minute wait or more for me!

The queue is AMAZINGLY themed! When I was little, I actually got scared and felt like I was really being attacked by these villains. Best theme park experience ever. Felt SO real. Love the large room with the offices and the TV News playing.

I typically go in early December and it's been dead. I would guess that I'm not seeing the entire queue then? I'm probably missing villains and what not.

The story is suposed to be simple for people not into comics but sorta in depth for people into them. Sometimes simple is better.

I think that's a smart decision. I am not a comic book fan, I'm indifferent towards them but I'm at least familiar with the characters and have seen the three Spiderman movies. The storyline as a simple good vs. evil is easy enough to comprehend and it doesn't detract from the ride.

Spiderman is NOT mostly screen based. Big no-no. Remember the big simulated drop, or the explosion, or the statue of liberty, or the numerous city alleys, ect?

Most of the visuals are screen based because most of the ride is stationary in front of a screen, much like Toy Story. Now while you're in front of the screen the ride turns into a simulator, but the sets/effects that are not the screens aren't what makes the ride. It's the simulator/screen aspect. I also am guessing that the simulated drop isn't that difficult, it's just a cycling of the windows. It's certainly impressive, but I'm also lumping that in with the screens as it's used with the screens for the effect.

I think the problem is that on this site, "screen based ride" is defamatory. I don't feel that way at all - I like how the screens are used on many attractions, and I feel that screens can do things that audio animatronics and other technologies cannot.

Universal targets Men in general wether it be 5 year olds or 50 year olds. There are barely any girl attractions. And I don't see how men only go to 1 park? Is there something I'm not catching here?

My point was that by targeting men and men only you are less likely to get Universal Orlando as a vacation destination. If it appealed to families like Disney does, they would be more apt to see people spend more than a day or two there.

A few years ago we went to Islands of Adventure with my nephew who was 6 months old. They couldn't take him on anything in that park because it all has height restrictions. They couldn't even take him on The Cat and the Hat because he had to be able to sit up on his own.

Now Harry Potter started as a Children's franchise, but as the series evolved, the books and the movies became darker (I believe the last few movies have been PG13. I don't doubt that the land will have elements which children can interact with the environment, but without a children/family friendly dark ride, I don't think this land is going to be a significant hit on Disney's attendance.


Active Member
Universal has a wonderful product in Orlando (although being a movie buff, I'd rather visit Hollywood ... and from a theme park perspective, UNI-Japan blows away its American cousins much the the way TDR offers a more Disney product than Disney itself does now).

But interesting how this thread has taken the turn to yet another Disney vs. UNI bashfest.

I'd expect most folks here favor Disney. Overall, I do too. I am a big Disney fanboi myself or I wouldn't be here. That doesn't mean that Uni (or BEC's parks) is some vastly inferior product. In some ways, Uni does things better than Disney. I'll take Spidey over CTX ... MiB over Buzz ... Mummy over RnRC any day.

But that's neither here nor there.

Pixie dust is powerful. I have heard enough stories from Disney fans who took one whole day out of week-long or 10 day trips to visit UNI and couldn't wait to get back to the safety of WDW Marketing Hype.

I am not immune to pixie dust at all. But stale pixie dust doesn't do it for me. Need the fresh stuff!

You started this thread stating WDW was getting nothing and IoA was getting Harry Potter...

And you're shocked it turned into Uni vs. WDW? Are you serious? :brick::hammer:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's because if you look at all of WDW1974's posts earlier today they were nearly all negative it's extremely annoying. jt04 has a right to state what he did (wow, I just stood up for jt :lol:)

Please. Grow up and join the real world. Everything isn't magical all the time.

The OP wasn't negative so much as matter of fact. If you don't like the fact Disney is putting forth largely the same stale product year after year in Central FLA then take it up with Burbank. I'm just stating what's factual.

What's annoying is when folks have nothing of substance to add (or even a pithy one liner) and simply post to take a shot.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Both DLR and WDW have suffered when it comes to parades. Gone are the days when you would get big street shows like the Aladdin and Lion King parades, Party Gras, etc. Pixar Play Parade is currently the only one that truly measures up to Disney standards, imo.

Parade of Dreams was another true quality production by the entertainment dept. and now of course, the floats have been destroyed. DL was supposed to get a new parade for the 55th, and last I heard those plans were scrapped. Unfortunately we're stuck with the Celebration Street Party for another year. I guess Disney is telling us - if you want a real Disney parade go to Tokyo!

They also have nice parades in Paris and Hong Kong. Seasonal ones as well. And you are right, PPP at DCA is a fun and creative parade.

As to an earlier question, some of WDW's floats (including the huge princess float) have been around and recycled since 1981.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My sentiments exactly.

'74, your constant complaining is wearisome. If WDW is that stale to you, find a better vacation spot. Your money will be better spent and you'll be a happier man.

Did I ask?

Can you not discuss the subject at hand?

WDW IS stale, largely. But it's my local resort and a bad day at EPCOT or DAK is better ... well, frankly, I don't really have bad days there.

That's not the point at all.

And since WDW is so close, I don't consider most of my visits there as vacations. More like escapes.

But I'd be a happier man if so many fans didn't defend mediocrity and decisions that give them a lesser product.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Sooo....Seeing that everything has already been said...:lookaroun:lol:


  • WWYC? No more? Now that we have "Give a Disney Day" does that mean we loose all the craptakular banners? Exciting!:lookaroun
  • BAH Removal? the 10 years are up.
  • Innoventions Rebrand? They've kept it quiet, but I have some rumblings.:shrug:


Much like the great Eureka parade that DCA debuted with, I've been told PoD floats have been dismantled/destroyed.

I'm still trying to find out if DL's off-again, on-again, off-again 55th Anniversary parade is either ... well, off or on.

Right now, MK plods on with 1991 and 2001 era parades.
Spectro is a classic at this point. Realized that on my last trip...It's become what MSEP is to Disneyland to our MK. I think it should stay...but be upgraded of course.:wave:


Active Member
I typically go in early December and it's been dead. I would guess that I'm not seeing the entire queue then? I'm probably missing villains and what not.

I think that's a smart decision. I am not a comic book fan, I'm indifferent towards them but I'm at least familiar with the characters and have seen the three Spiderman movies. The storyline as a simple good vs. evil is easy enough to comprehend and it doesn't detract from the ride.

Most of the visuals are screen based because most of the ride is stationary in front of a screen, much like Toy Story. Now while you're in front of the screen the ride turns into a simulator, but the sets/effects that are not the screens aren't what makes the ride. It's the simulator/screen aspect. I also am guessing that the simulated drop isn't that difficult, it's just a cycling of the windows. It's certainly impressive, but I'm also lumping that in with the screens as it's used with the screens for the effect.

I think the problem is that on this site, "screen based ride" is defamatory. I don't feel that way at all - I like how the screens are used on many attractions, and I feel that screens can do things that audio animatronics and other technologies cannot.

My point was that by targeting men and men only you are less likely to get Universal Orlando as a vacation destination. If it appealed to families like Disney does, they would be more apt to see people spend more than a day or two there.

A few years ago we went to Islands of Adventure with my nephew who was 6 months old. They couldn't take him on anything in that park because it all has height restrictions. They couldn't even take him on The Cat and the Hat because he had to be able to sit up on his own.

Now Harry Potter started as a Children's franchise, but as the series evolved, the books and the movies became darker (I believe the last few movies have been PG13. I don't doubt that the land will have elements which children can interact with the environment, but without a children/family friendly dark ride, I don't think this land is going to be a significant hit on Disney's attendance.

You probably are. The queue gets you all pumped up for the ride. :D


I think the combination make the ride. It's the first ride system of its kind, and it wasn't meant to be split between screen/simulator/dark ride but rather a combination as a whole. I think the screen time and not screen time is about 50/50 though.

Very, very true!

My family still loves to go. If you have a dominant male family then you're probably more likely to go. :shrug: (even though my family is more female than male, they still love it! :lol:)

Yes, that's IoA's biggest flaw IMO.

Well, no child I know could read any of those HP books. :lol: I think it's more like a teenager/young adult series or the series was meant to grow with its audience? I like the dark aspect of the later books. It's great seeing how Harry grows and evolves from an innocent 10 year old into the person we see today and how he handles those "dark" situations.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yes, the rumor seems to be that after filming is done for Japan's version of the ride, the production team will then begin filming Soarin' over the World. This probably means 2013 at the earliest for this. There was some speculation that this would be announced at D23, perhaps next year.

There's only one problem here.

And that's the fact no one I know at Disney and no reputable online 'expert' has said a thing about any new version of Soarin.

And last I heard, OLC had nixed the idea of Soarin for TDS, so if a film is made it will be for WDW and/or DCA.

Now getting back to the actual topic, Disney has cooled off on new projects in recent years.

2000: Journey Into Your Imagination refurb
2001: Share a Dream Come True Parade, One Man's Dream, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Magic Carpets of Aladdin, Playhouse Disney
2002: Journey Into Imagination with Figment refurb
2003: Alien Encounter closes, Mission: Space, Mickey's PhilHarmagic, Wishes
2004: Stitch's Great Escape, Turtle Talk with Crush
2005: Soarin', Lights Motors Action, Crush 'n' Gusher, Journey Into Narnia
2006: Expedition Everest, Pirates of the Caribbean refurb, The Seas with Nemo and Friends
2007: Monster's Inc Laugh Floor, Haunted Mansion refurb
2008: Toy Story Mania, Spaceship Earth refurb
2009: American Idol Experience, Sum of all Thrills, Space Mountain refurb, Hall of Presidents refurb, Tomorrowland Transit Authority refurb
2010: (nothing)
2011: Star Tours 2.0
2012: New Fantasyland

I may be missing some things, but there seems to be a large gap betwen Toy Story Mania and Star Tours 2.0. I don't expect a D or an E ticket in 2010, but is it out of the realm of possibility to add a much needed B/C ticket to DHS and/or DAK? I don't expect it to happen, but it would fill the gap.

You're going back almost a decade. And sadly look at that list. How many things are simple refurbs? How many are replacement attractions (usually vastly inferior ones)?

For having FOUR major gates, WDW has been woefully short on both major and minor new attractions as well as new entertainment offerings be they seasonal, parades, pyro, shows etc ...


Active Member
Please. Grow up and join the real world. Everything isn't magical all the time.

The OP wasn't negative so much as matter of fact. If you don't like the fact Disney is putting forth largely the same stale product year after year in Central FLA then take it up with Burbank. I'm just stating what's factual.

What's annoying is when folks have nothing of substance to add (or even a pithy one liner) and simply post to take a shot.

This whole thread is simply to take a shot at WDW. You constantly say it's stale.

So, what does it matter if they think you're always posting something negative? You are! At least admit it :rolleyes::lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That statement once again confirms to me that you don't have the slightest clue. Yes, there are some staff at Universal that are great, however, as a whole, I think you'll find the vast majority of people would say that Disney lead customer service by a considerable margin.

I think that's a bit harsh, Steve.

And while I agree generally that Disney has had better staff, it certainly isn't like it once was.

A friend called me a few days ago after pulling up to the Epcot parking plaza and was greeted by a CM who was SMOKING. Same friend later saw a CM at the entrance plaza with a Sea World water bottle around her neck.

If this was even a decade ago, those folks (if they had even been hired) would have been fired on the spot.

The bottom line is on Disney forums UNI's cast are often portrayed like the seedy old carnies that Walt was sickened by and largely that isn't the reality at all.


Well-Known Member
Spiderman is NOT mostly screen based. Big no-no. Remember the big simulated drop, or the explosion, or the statue of liberty, or the numerous city alleys, ect?

TSMM is not very complex at all... in fact it's probably one of the most basic Disney rides of all time (in concept). Not saying it isn't a great ride though.

Spiderman IS mostly screen based. Every scene you went on to mention has a screen. Especially the simulated drop, which is entirely a screen and nothing else.

I don't take "screen based" as a derogatory term though, so...

And Midway Mania is more complex than anyone can imagine.

The technology to make a 3-D image 3 dimensional from every angle, let alone, calculate and redirect trajectory from vehicles that don't always park in the same spot is nothing compared to the technology that keeps 20 ride trains and 52 screens operating in perfect coordination, not to mention the astronomical number of plates that are broke in a single day, and the raw computing power that has to render them in real time without pause or glitch, and do so in high definition 3 dimensional projection. And did I mention all of this happens at the same time, in 10 game booths, on two tracks, operating ten to twenty hours a day, seven days a week, and all year round? Oh yeah, and these thousands a guests an hour can never see more than one Toy Story character in one place.

And that's just the middle part of the iceberg, there's still a boatload of neat stuff further under the water.

So will Yeti. So much for that WDI engineering marvel.

Only when the Yeti brakes it won't maim/strand/rough house/injure/beat up tourists.

Seriously, I used to defend them getting RRR running, but it's been having way too many delayed openings and they're still only running like two of seven trains. And there's that one train that makes the ride rough. I don't think it's dangerous or poorly designed, I just think it's become a Test Track sized headache.

(Oh, and at least the Yeti got three years under it's belt...)


Well-Known Member
This whole thread is simply to take a shot at WDW. You constantly say it's stale.

So, what does it matter if they think you're always posting something negative? You are! At least admit it :rolleyes::lol:

He has the right to express his opinions just like everyone else :shrug: If people don't agree with what he has to say and/or don't want to read his posts, then maybe they shouldn't have clicked on this thread in the first place. And although you may not agree with him it certainly is a fact that nothing major is opening in 2010.. so far nothing has been announced yet.

They also have nice parades in Paris and Hong Kong. Seasonal ones as well. And you are right, PPP at DCA is a fun and creative parade.

As to an earlier question, some of WDW's floats (including the huge princess float) have been around and recycled since 1981.

HDKL's Halloween parade looks amazing. It really is sad that the rest of the world gets big, lavish productions (that can sometimes go way over-the-top. hello, Tokyo! :lol:) Here in the States we get a closed Fantasyland Theatre replaced with princess meet-and-greets and shows like the Stitch Supersonic celebration.


Premium Member
I think that's a bit harsh, Steve.

And while I agree generally that Disney has had better staff, it certainly isn't like it once was.

A friend called me a few days ago after pulling up to the Epcot parking plaza and was greeted by a CM who was SMOKING. Same friend later saw a CM at the entrance plaza with a Sea World water bottle around her neck.

If this was even a decade ago, those folks (if they had even been hired) would have been fired on the spot.

The bottom line is on Disney forums UNI's cast are often portrayed like the seedy old carnies that Walt was sickened by and largely that isn't the reality at all.

I dont know what it is, but in my experience, if you are going to have a guest service issue with a CM, it's going to be at a parking booth, with security, or at the Epcot International Gateway.

However, taking those out of the equation, and particularly in-park, I don't think you'll beat a Disney CM. I would rank them in a different league to any other park. The vast majority are excellent. At other parks, I've found only a minority to be excellent.


Premium Member
Pixie dust is powerful. I have heard enough stories from Disney fans who took one whole day out of week-long or 10 day trips to visit UNI and couldn't wait to get back to the safety of WDW Marketing Hype.

I am not immune to pixie dust at all. But stale pixie dust doesn't do it for me. Need the fresh stuff!

I think you have to consider that Disney as a whole, and including the current park offering does represent real pixie dust to many many guests - even taking the marketing out of it (true pixie dust never goes out of style, no matter how old it is) . For many guests, it isn't the latest ETicket, or the latest firework show that they take away with them, it's an interaction with a character or a cast members, the first site of the castle, and so on. It sounds very cheesy, but talking to people outside of the fan community, this is the kinda thing you hear.


Active Member
I dont know what it is, but in my experience, if you are going to have a guest service issue with a CM, it's going to be at a parking booth, with security, or at the Epcot International Gateway.

However, taking those out of the equation, and particularly in-park, I don't think you'll beat a Disney CM. I would rank them in a different league to any other park. The vast majority are excellent. At other parks, I've found only a minority to be excellent.

But that's just your personal experiences. :shrug:

He has the right to express his opinions just like everyone else :shrug: If people don't agree with what he has to say and/or don't want to read his posts, then maybe they shouldn't have clicked on this thread in the first place. And although you may not agree with him it certainly is a fact that nothing major is opening in 2010.. so far nothing has been announced yet.

This whole thread is "WDW is so stale. IoA is getting stuff. When is Disney not going to suck?". I'd be surpised if I was the only one to see this. This isn't even News or Rumors either, it's complaining and ranting.


Active Member
Spiderman IS mostly screen based. Every scene you went on to mention has a screen. Especially the simulated drop, which is entirely a screen and nothing else.

I don't take "screen based" as a derogatory term though, so...

And Midway Mania is more complex than anyone can imagine.

The technology to make a 3-D image 3 dimensional from every angle, let alone, calculate and redirect trajectory from vehicles that don't always park in the same spot is nothing compared to the technology that keeps 20 ride trains and 52 screens operating in perfect coordination, not to mention the astronomical number of plates that are broke in a single day, and the raw computing power that has to render them in real time without pause or glitch, and do so in high definition 3 dimensional projection. And did I mention all of this happens at the same time, in 10 game booths, on two tracks, operating ten to twenty hours a day, seven days a week, and all year round? Oh yeah, and these thousands a guests an hour can never see more than one Toy Story character in one place.

And that's just the middle part of the iceberg, there's still a boatload of neat stuff further under the water.

Point taken about the drop, but the other scenes aren't. I love screens for rides and how they are being used. I couldn't imagine Nemo as an AA, but on screen it looks just right. I do hope TLM isn't screen based though because of its very elaborate scenes like Under the Sea and Kiss de Girl, but some concepts screens work wonders on!

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