So if you were to take up snow skiing, does that mean that the ski resorts should be supplying winter clothing to protect you from frostbite? Is the consumption of water a function that ones body requires, just like keeping warm in sub freezing temperatures? If so then it is up to you to make sure that your body is either sufficiently covered to prevent you from hypothermia or getting yourself enough water to prevent dehydration. If not please explain the difference. Oh, and by the way ski resorts do indeed sell clothing even after costing you an arm and a leg for ski passes. It's a high end entertainment venue as well, but, they don't give out parka's, ski goggles and thermal mittens to people that forget to bring their own. I believe that Disney doesn't require that you buy water either. You are welcome to bring it in with you, It is, after all, your responsibility to take care of yourself. And were does it stop. Hey, I'm hungry, Disney should be supplying free food to everyone. I mean it requires a lot of energy to traverse the parks all day long, these people may drop from malnutrition a high quality place like a Disney park, should automatically just give us food when we ask. There is no way to justify this stand. You take your own medicine when you need it, Disney doesn't buy your drugs, you buy your own food, it's not provided. (other then with a special plan which one way or the other you have paid for) You bring your own clothes or buy some when you are there, they don't give it to you. If you need to stay hydrated to prevent yourself from getting ill, that, my friend is on you. I think you would know that Florida is hot, it is up to you, just like sunscreen, to protect yourself. Take the smaller cup, drink it and if it isn't enough then buy some more... it isn't owed to you.
I also do not remember Disney advertising free water in any amount at anytime ever. In fact, I know that you know that when Disneyland opened they didn't even have fountains working. The sold Pepsi!