You really want to get into a p***ing match about a cup of water, claiming it costs the company extra? Guess what? SO DO WATER FOUNTAINS! That water doesn't just magically appear in the water pipes. And water is an "asset" that the company doesn't have an obligation to provide to guests. Got it. So you're in favor of removing said water fountains, then, because "Nowhere on your ticket does it say 'water included'", and by providing any form of "free" water to guests it's costing TWDC money [and God forbid a penny escapes their grubby little paws] because guests can just buy water. Your post is quite possibly one of the most ignorant posts I've read on here in a while, and that's saying something.
I'll drink out of the water fountains if I'm thirsty. It's water - Yeah, it may be warm or taste funny (I kinda like the taste, it reminds me that I'm at WDW
), but it's definitely better than passing out due to dehydration. We'll also bring a bottle with and refill it at places like the Electric Umbrella, Sunshine Seasons, Backstage Express, or Restaurantasaurus.