WANTED: Annual Pass Buddy


New Member
Good luck in your search for a buddy, but honestly, I don't really mind being alone at WDW. It's good to go with friends, but every once in a while, you just need to go alone and do what you want, when you want. Sometimes I tire of hearing people say, "I don't want to ride It's a Small World! It's so scary!" Plus, you can fill up all those single spaces that crop up on rides and shows. Who needs to wait 3 hours for Fantasmic? Show up 20 minutes before and find an open single space!


Active Member
In the Parks
I feel your pain...

And it does cut both ways - sometimes it's GREAT to just go to the parks to get lost in your own "world". You tend to see a few things you've never noticed before, just little things, but none the less. Others it's just great to people watch. I would just used to sit on a bench sometimes, and just watch the faces of families - so excited, fun, happy - and others, you could just tell, if no one was looking - they could kill the wife/husband/kid... It's kind of funny to watch every emotion available happen through out the day.

Then other times, it's nice to go with someone that shares your "excitement" (for lack of a better word) about going to the parks. It's fun to share facts or stories about particular rides/experiences/locations, etc etc, with a fellow Disney Freak!

I wouldn't at all call his request a "personals search". It's good to find a friend to go with you sometimes...:animwink:


Active Member
Good luck in your search for a buddy, but honestly, I don't really mind being alone at WDW. It's good to go with friends, but every once in a while, you just need to go alone and do what you want, when you want. Sometimes I tire of hearing people say, "I don't want to ride It's a Small World! It's so scary!" Plus, you can fill up all those single spaces that crop up on rides and shows. Who needs to wait 3 hours for Fantasmic? Show up 20 minutes before and find an open single space!

Barry, I didn't realize you went alone to WDW! Have you tried visiting people some of the CM's you know from that other forum you post on alot... :animwink:

If you need someone to go with Barry, I go every week, so just Private Message me...

But now, as you can see, we have the first real WDWMagic Personals Service. Next up, WDWMagic Matchmaking Service. I mean, to go as far as to list your orientation, (and don't take this wrong in any way), but it really isn't necesscary, specifically because this is just for a meet with someone, just a date or a marriage (at least, I don't think so). I think you should just work on making yourself known on the forum, make some friends and then plan meets, that always works- as you will find plenty of nice people here at WDWMagic (many of them live in Orlando).


Active Member
I didn't see it as a "Personals" type thing. The guy wants to go to WDW and meet people. It's a fun place to be and I understand why someone wants to meet new people.

I go alone as well. I do what I want to do and take my time with it. Single rider lines are so much shorter too!

Good luck on your quest.

Have fun.


Well-Known Member
I'm considering purchasing a Seasonal Annual Pass soon. Thing is, none of my friends want to. Either they don't like going to the parks or don't have the money. That is why I'm writing this thread. I'm looking for fellow Annual Passholders or Cast Members (preferably around my age), who wouldn't mind joining me to the parks every once and awhile. This will be a great way for me to meet new people around the area and avoid feeling all depressed walking down Main Street U.S.A. alone. :lol:

Well, I'm guessing that I'm not "around your age" (especially today being my birthday and GW Bush declaring it a day of mourning!). However, I do have an annual pass, and we tend to go to WDW at least twice a year (2006 was a record breaker with 4 separate trips). I do not mind meeting up with new people to do the theme parks. So you're more than welcome to meet up with us. Making new friends at WDW has been one of the joys of going there.

Our next trip will be on Memorial Day for the "Red Shirt Day" events of that week. :) You may PM me directly if you wish.



New Member
haha, this thread reminded me of my first date with my bf... we had just met and i picked him up to go see a movie that was playing an hour away... and to scare him, i launched into this big rant about how 'gay people are going to hell and i hate them and go to church 4 times a week' and all this stuff (no offese against religion!) just to see how he would react, cause i knew he was very open minded. there was an awkward silence untill i started cracking up. we still laugh about it seriously, good luck! i may be going this month!

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
My 2 cents, instead of finding a single designated "Buddy," (who might not be a ranting homophobe, but still not a person you wind up getting along with for another WDW trip, let alone more than one), I'd say get your own pass, plan your own trip, then come on here to brag about it (like we all do). I'd bet some people going during that same time would like to get together to say Howdy, and if you get along well enough, you can spend more time with each other, and if you don't get along, no pressure. If you want to hedge your bets, buy your annual pass voucher, then write threads about the time of year you plan on going ("Who's going in early May?"). If no one is going, don't plana trip just then. If someone is going, then book a trip for around the same time and make some plans for a day or two with those other members.

I just think a plan like that affords you more flexibility if you don't get along with those other members, not to mention giving you an out if you happen to meet someone completely out of the blue while you're there. I know that, if I were single, and I planned a more-than-likely non-romantic WDW with someone I met on the boards, and I stumbled across an incredible woman who also seemed interested in me, I'd constantly be looking at this other stranger wishing he or she would get the hint and cut me loose. Hopefully, you're not as shallow as I am :D but why take the chance with hard defined plans to take a trip with a stranger?


Well-Known Member
Congratulations!:sohappy: Too bad there aren't any "standard greetings" for annual passholders the way DVC members get when they join! :)

We won't be getting there till late May, but we might contact you then! :D



Well-Known Member
I finally got around to purchasing my Annual Pass last night. At first I was uber-excited. I drove straight through the Epcot parking tolls, found a nice parking spot, and slid my pass through the ticket machine. But once I actually started walking the park, that's when the loneliness started to kick in. :lol:

I just wanted to revive this topic and ask once again if there are any Annual Passholders or Cast Members out there who would be interested in joining me to the parks from time to time. If interested, just send me a PM. Thanks. :)

The very best time I ever had at WDW-(been going since 1971) was the one time I went with my family and they all wanted to crash one day at the pool so I jumped on the Monorail and went to MK.I spent the entire day hanging around Main Street and really enjoyed myself.I got to take my time and soak in all the theming and every nook and cranny that most people dont really get to enjoy.I was on 16 and loved it.

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