Want to own the original EPCOT prism sculpture?

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
donickco is still the high bidder, with two days left to bid. Let's wish him good luck!

I ran across a family photo of this fountain topper yesterday. The e-bay photo doesn't give you the full sense of just how big this thing is. It's huge! The narrative description tells you it is 18 feet tall, but you really have to think to realize how tall that is.

Good luck, donickco!


Well-Known Member
18' is a lot.

I think I'm going to snipe in a bid for it the hour it closes if it's less than 3. A small price to pay for the holy grail of everything holy.

(not serious)


Well-Known Member
Picture it back in front of SpaceShip Eath. Right now, today, even with the ugly gravestones all over the place. Just picture it, tell me that you think that it would look outdated.


Active Member
User ID Bid Amount Date of bid
digger8099 ( 19) US $2,550.00 Feb-13-05 10:14:05 PST
ncontorno ( 102) US $2,500.00 Feb-13-05 09:53:46 PST
digger8099 ( 19) US $2,495.00 Feb-13-05 10:13:52 PST
digger8099 ( 19) US $2,301.00 Feb-13-05 10:13:39 PST
donickco ( 115) US $2,250.55 Feb-11-05 15:50:22 PST
ncontorno ( 102) US $2,124.99 Feb-13-05 09:52:17 PST
donickco ( 115) US $2,000.00 Feb-11-05 15:49:58 PST
kajtdd ( 139) US $1,450.00 Feb-11-05 15:47:01 PST
disney3xjc ( 280) US $1,201.00 Feb-11-05 14:16:25 PST
rheaney ( 229) US $1,101.00 Feb-11-05 10:58:36 PST
kajtdd ( 139) US $1,099.95 Feb-11-05 11:49:48 PST
icemakersman ( 512) US $1,000.00 Feb-11-05 03:27:35 PST
disney3xjc ( 280) US $801.00 Feb-11-05 07:19:05 PST
jorolubez ( 9 ) US $570.00 Feb-11-05 07:17:55 PST
sttng1701d ( 42) US $550.00 Feb-11-05 06:32:31 PST
disney3xjc ( 280) US $501.00 Feb-10-05 18:07:47 PST
icemakersman ( 512) US $500.00 Feb-11-05 03:27:16 PST
rbb1952 ( 318) US $250.00 Feb-10-05 17:22:49 PST
rbb1952 ( 318) US $225.00 Feb-10-05 17:22:29 PST
disney3xjc ( 280) US $200.00 Feb-10-05 16:41:44 PST
rbb1952 ( 318) US $175.00 Feb-10-05 17:22:14 PST
polarb3 ( 357) US $105.00 Feb-10-05 17:13:27 PST
polarb3 ( 357) US $85.00 Feb-10-05 17:13:12 PST
skeandubh_dirk ( 226) US $51.00 Feb-10-05 16:43:19 PST

dont know if u have access to that unless u bid... so here it is

-DonickCo :cry:


Well-Known Member
Come on DonickCo, $300 and it's yours. Go for $3000....we'll all know it's in a safe place..and hopefully we can all visit it and get our pictures taken with it as well.


Account Suspended
Thelazer said:
Picture it back in front of SpaceShip Eath. Right now, today, even with the ugly gravestones all over the place. Just picture it, tell me that you think that it would look outdated.

hmmmm??? Yup, STILL OUTDATED!!!


New Member
Does anyone know anything about icemakersman? He has bought alot of the big stuff off ebay. Even the toy story show nascar $10,000. Ahhh...I can only dream what I would do with that.


Well-Known Member
DreamerCM said:
I'm just responding in turn to everyone else. If you think that I'm going to be "nice" to people who verbally abuse myself (and others) then you got another thing coming. I respond to rudeness with rudeness, as most people do.

If you don't like the fact that the shipping costs are inflated, that's not my problem. I found out that they choose to use Fed Ex, and that's expensive. That's their choice, but it should be disclosed in the description of the item.

Too bad, so sad that you don't agree. But do yourself and everyone else a favor--find a place in real life that you can play out your high and mightiness so you don't have to inflict it on people here. I'm sure that you are probably used to people bowing down to you, but it's not happening here. I have seen far too many people get stepped on and take it because they have a need to be "liked" on this board. I don't have that need.

I know your flavor--and it sure ain't vanilla.......

Look, I don't know you, and you don't know me. I don't know what kind of problems people give you outside of the boards and I'm not going to ask because it's none of my business. But I would like to offer some friendly advice if you are willing to accept it. Here it comes, either way: If you have a problem with someone on the boards here, please, instead of starting blanket attacks on everyone on the board or personal attacks directed at the one or two people that are ticking you off, just click the "Report Bad Post" button and Steve, the man in charge here will handle it. He will likely handle it in private so that it doesn't have to involve everyone else on the boards that would be reading posts like the one above. I'm sure more than one person has probably hit the "Report Bad Post" button on one or two of your posts so you may even get a firsthand account of how effective that little button potentially can be. I would hate to see us lose a member of the boards so quickly after they started posting, but I would hate even more for the boards to just become a "flame-zone." I am willing to forgive and forget if you are and I'm sure you would find that most people here are of a like mind. Sometimes a bad day in the real world can cause little things online to flare up to levels they never should have in the first place.


Well the old Epcot logos may be outdated, but the key word is truly nostalgia. I look at the pictures on that auction and I think how prominently the prisms sat for everyone entering Epcot to see. And now they were cast aside probably in a warehouse for a year then sold off. It’s really hard to put into words. For me Epcot is the greatest, I can’t say why maybe because I was born in 84 and it opened in 82. It’s older and it had a certain spark to it. I watch the opening up of Epcot with Danny Kaye and I want to be back there to experience it in its early glory. However I am fortunate to have been to Epcot to see most of the old stuff that is now gone but seeing the old Epcot items that feature the old Epcot logos makes you sad for the old. I am really heart broken now to see that the land has changed, for me it was really the last place that hadn’t changed interior wise, I loved the cool colors inside in the food court and the balloons up above and that nice 80s style fountain. :(

Question about the Land real quick, is there exterior changing as well? I loved the old tile work on the outside going in.

And can anyone tell me where I can get some high res shots of the FULL fountain at night with the colors shooting up from below? I want it for a desktop, kind of like what SirNim has in his avatar.


With all the talk of the appearance of SSE and the LaL stones, it got me thinking about the original EPCOT prism sculpture. I've tracked down who the winning bidder was, but have yet to find out where it is now. Just interested, maybe he could bring it back in October. :p

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