Instead he created Jar Jar. Hed have been better with a sign.
No kidding. You could only be lucky enough to get a Glitter Sign. Be glad you don't hit the "George Lucas Raped My Childhood" sites.
Along with taking down the wand, I propose a few other changes to WDW.
1. Take the color stripes off the monorails. Just numbering them is fine. This isn't Vegas.
2. There is a drink stand on Tom Sawyers Island. Everybody knows that Huck Finn didn't carry a MasterCard. This is terrible show.
3. There are some statue busts at MGM in front of the ABC/Sounds Dangerous theaters. TAKE THESE OUT. I'M SO TIRED OF SEEING IDEAS REPLICATED ACROSS PROPERTY! Yeah, the busts that are in HM are enough busts for everybody. This isn't Walt Disney's Bust World.
4. When are they going to put in a REAL TREE to replace that obviously fake one at AK.
5. Illuminations is trying to tell a story -- and all those fireworks keep getting in the way and disrupting the point of the whole thing. IT ISN'T ABOUT DESTRUCTION AND BLOWING THINGS UP??? When are they going to get that?
6. When are they going to change the name to the Grand Californian and not the Grand Floridian? The original hotel is in CALIFORNIA. At least call it the Grand Diegoian.
7. Dougnuts -- at the French pastery shop. It's France. They can do better than offering the same thing that the place at the corner, next to the laundrymat, does.
8. Will Blizzard Beach ever dome that place off so they can finally have the indoor skiing venue like Dubai? They promise one thing and never followthrough to Imagineer attractions to their intended glory.
9. I hope the rumors of changing the Richard Petty Racing Experience to the Watch Lightning McQueen Drive Fast By Himself Because He Doesn't Need A Driver *Plus*ing doesn't go through. Not only would people be upset because they would be paying $399-$1249 for the experience to not even drive a car -- just watch it -- but I think I would throw up -- choke it back down -- and throw up again if I had to see one more Pixar overlay.
10. Finally, why do they let the Lovebugs out during the late summer/early fall? VALENTINES DAY -- Did the suits forget about that one?