Walt Disney World Resort Hotels Go Smoke-Free

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Well-Known Member
This is silly. Bad enough you cant even a cig in the parks anymore. How does Disney plan on enforcing this. Alot of rooms say "smoke free" but people still smoke away. What are they going to do? send a mickey security guard over and give you a nice stern talking to? I think it's a good idea on paper but wont be enforcable in the real world.


This is silly. Bad enough you cant even a cig in the parks anymore.

You certainly can. You may not be able to light up in Philharmagic, but there are plenty of designated areas. It's sort of how I don't unzip and ______ in line because "Aw man, I could really urinate right about now". There are designated areas.

How does Disney plan on enforcing this. Alot of rooms say "smoke free" but people still smoke away. What are they going to do? send a mickey security guard over and give you a nice stern talking to? I think it's a good idea on paper but wont be enforcable in the real world.

It's not hard (for a non-smoker, at least) to tell when a room has been smoked in. If there are penalties for smoking in a non-smoking room now (I really have no idea), those would probably be extended to cover all rooms.


New Member
Yeah there are rules and procedure but no one really enforces the policy...it's all about avoiding confrontation.

I agree...this sounds good, but I'll wait and see if they bother to enforce it.


Well-Known Member
If your smoking in a room at the Contemp or Floridian, is Disney really going to kick you out of the room and potentially lose thousands of dollars? Ofcourse not. Maybe at the all star... LOL:ROFLOL:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member

Usually when you check in, you give the resort a credit card imprint. That not only allows you to charge things to your room; it allows WDW to charge you for any room cleanup beyond the usual, which would now include deodorizing a room if someone smokes in it. I believe people who pay in cash usually have to leave a cash deposit in case of room damages. I also believe, when you check-in you also usually sign an agreement on what you agree to cover if room damages occur. All of this means that, before you even get your room key, you've been briefed & agree to adhere to the resort's policies. No one can say they weren't warned...

True, you can dispute the charge with your credit card company, and from there I don't know what would happen. Maybe WDW has a "Do Not Reserve Rooms To These People" list & you'll be on it. :rolleyes: Maybe, if Mousekeeping notices on Monday that your room smells like smoke, You'll get an impromptu visit from a manager on Tuesday, ostensibly just to make sure all is well, but really an attempt to catch you in the act. Maybe your neighbors (you know, all us whiny non-smoking types) will narc you out for ruining our precious schnozzes. And if you are caught, I would go so far as to say Disney could forcibly remove you, call local authorities if necessary (though they're always loathe to do so). Will they? Dunno. Sure it seems silly to sick a cop on a smoker but really, who looks worse: The resort manager who calls the cops, or the nicotine addict whose actions precipitated the call? The next day, the manager will still have his/her job, the smoker will have his/her family's vacation ruined.

OR, smokers can just smoke in designated areas. Sounds like the least amount of hassle for everyone.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for smoking in designated areas. I think its a good idea. When people get back to their room at night though they wont want to walk all the way to a smoking area. Disney's not going to call the cops on anyone. They will go out of their way to aviod confrontation with anyone staying on property. Disney knows they cannot charge someone for smoking in a room. You can not put a monetary value on a room smelling like smoke. If you were to smash a TV, they could charge you the price of the TV. This new rule will be impossible to enforce.


They can, and will, put a monetary value on the cleaning required to get the room back to it's "non-smoking" status.


Well-Known Member
Theres no way any kind of charge will be billed to the room for smoking. How do they even prove that it was you that smoked? They know if they ever tried to charge you 500 dollars for smoking, not only would they face a lawsuit or a fight in court, but they would lose a customer for good. Easier to just ignore it. Good rule on paper but not enforcable at all.


New Member
You can't be that stupid
No, I am not that stupid....but all would agree that Disney has more than adequate accomodations for the handicapped, as they should. My point was that Disney is discriminating against the LEGAL act of smoking. The choice to smoke is a person's right, just as it is one's right to not be forced to be around it. Don't non-smokers know how to request non-smoking rooms when booking? If they do this, and still walk in to a non-smoking room that has smoke odor, they definitely should demand a cleaner room. Think about hotels outside of Disney....I don't have pets and am not a huge admirer, but I agree that hotels should accomodate for those who travel with their's. If I'm staying at a hotel that allows dogs, I make sure I'm placed away from those areas. Reservation accomodations can be made MONTHS in advance.

Like I said....Can't Disney set aside certain hotels that offer smoking rooms, that are located together, separate from non-smoking, just to give the option to those who wish to smoke in their room or balcony? For example....I recently stayed at Caribbean Beach, and there are dozens of buildings that house resort guests. Setting aside 1 building that has the smoking option in every room would be accommodating. I'm just thinking....where are these designated smoking areas going to be? I would hate to be in "Buidling 51" and the nearest guest smoking area is between Buildings 38 and 39. I don't throw my cig butts over a balcony nor light up in non-posted areas. I'm all about being considerate and having smoking areas, but I don't like Disney taking away the smoking room option completely. I'm well aware that Disney owns the property, as many people remind us, but a compromise to appease both sides could have been approached rather than banning it completely in or near rooms.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Theres no way any kind of charge will be billed to the room for smoking. How do they even prove that it was you that smoked? They know if they ever tried to charge you 500 dollars for smoking, not only would they face a lawsuit or a fight in court, but they would lose a customer for good. Easier to just ignore it. Good rule on paper but not enforcable at all.

Sure they'd bill you. There are hotel chains that bill you if you steal a towel that costs them $2. If some obnoxious twit smokes in their room and it winds up costing them money to get the smell of smoke out of it (which might require closing the room for the night, losing income), they'll try to get it out of you. And if they "lose a customer for good" who costs them money, how is that exactly a loss?

Like I said, people can and probably will dispute the charge, but that doesn't mean Disney won't try to bill you anyway,


No, I am not that stupid....but all would agree that Disney has more than adequate accomodations for the handicapped, as they should. My point was that Disney is discriminating against the LEGAL act of smoking.

Disney is legally obligated to have accomidations for the handicapped. They can't not have them, period, and it's not their choice. Disney isn't discriminating against smokers. If they said "You can't stay here because you smoke." or "You can't come in this park because you smoke." you argument might have some legs. They are saying "You can stay here, and visit our parks, and you can smoke in this location and this location and this location." I fail to see the discrimination. I do, however, see someone who feels like they got an entitlement taken away, when they did not.

I don't throw my cig butts over a balcony nor light up in non-posted areas. I'm all about being considerate and having smoking areas, but I don't like Disney taking away the smoking room option completely. I'm well aware that Disney owns the property, as many people remind us, but a compromise to appease both sides could have been approached rather than banning it completely in or near rooms.

Disney doesn't want a compromise. They don't want to displease the smokers or please the non-smokers with this. They simply don't want to pay the cost of the upkeep for those rooms. Changing the location of said rooms saves them nothing.


Active Member
As a supporter of the Disney company, I am disgusted at the recent decision to make all resorts smoke-free. Yes, I am a smoker, and I respect the rights of non-smokers. I can live with public building smoking bans, I can live with designated areas throught the resort, but to TOTALLY disallow smoking in private rooms, away from other guests, is an outrage:fork: !!!! When guests make reservations, they can specify whether they want a smoking or non-smoking room. When I am visiting the resort, I enjoy my right to smoke in a room I requested to be a smoking room, with my door shut, away from other guests. I understand that percentages of requested smoking rooms have gone down...but there are still thousands that would like to have the option.
My solution is to offer at least one hotel in each resort package (value, moderate, deluxe, etc.) that offers smoking rooms to those who desire them. Disneyworld is supposed to offer all the comforts of home, and I smoke in mine. Disney would NEVER make its resorts unaccessible for handicapped guests, laws discriminate against that.....so, why discriminate against smokers? Why would I want to spend my hard-earned money and be a "guest" at a place that does not value my comfort and satisfaction? I am totally disgusted!!

Are you willing to PAY MORE for your "right" to smoke in a room that is owned by someone else? It cost a lot more for cleaning a smoking room then a non smoking room. If you want a smoking room, then Disney should pass those expenses onto those who want to smoke.

Like ISTCNavigator57 said, I'd rather them spend the new saved money on R&D or upkeep over the overall resort and not just the smoking rooms.


New Member

In reference to Wonka's Disney isn't discriminating against smokers. If they said "You can't stay here because you smoke." or "You can't come in this park because you smoke." you argument might have some legs.

Yes I do feel an entitlement has been taken away. They ARE in effect saying "you can't stay here" when I pay hundreds of dollars for a room and expect my needs to be accomodated. I can't stay in the privacy of my reserved room and smoke.

Oh well, I know I'm in the minority here, but many other countries aren't as paranoid of dropping dead on the spot if they have to walk around a smoker for 2 seconds as some Americans are. I LOVE going to the smoking areas at the parks....the last time I met several people from all over the U.S. and talked with some from Europe. It will be interesting to see the foreigners' response to this decision...I bet in many of their homes, this is not even an issue.


New Member
in response to convrsboy Are you willing to PAY MORE for your "right" to smoke in a room that is owned by someone else? It cost a lot more for cleaning a smoking room then a non smoking room. If you want a smoking room, then Disney should pass those expenses onto those who want to smoke.

Simply put, yes I would pay more to have the option of smoking in my room.


Like I said....Can't Disney set aside certain hotels that offer smoking rooms, that are located together, separate from non-smoking, just to give the option to those who wish to smoke in their room or balcony?

Problem is...the smoking rooms are being wasted much of the time. If they set aside a building and designate it as smoking, they run into a problem when there is high demand for rooms. They could end up turning away guests who won't take the smoking rooms. Thus...lots of empty smoking rooms.
It's simple economics.


New Member
Ok, I've gotta do it...I posted my two cents worth on yesterday's forum about the exact same thing, and today I'm gonna post my two cents worth again...SO...here goes....

I am normally a very softspoken, funloving, easygoing person but this topic really rattles my cage and gets me stirred up...

I absolutely,totally and utterly HATE smoking! I applaud Disney for making this decision and I hope and pray that very soon I will see the day that they TOTALLY ban smoking in the parks as well. My wife and I both have allergies that are greatly aggravated by cigarette smoke. Sure, Disney has designated smoking areas in the parks but #1 They are way too close to the flow of traffic and other places that non-smokers might want to go to and #2 Disney's CMs don't enforce the smoking policy in the parks AT ALL, you constantly see smokers walking around outside of the designated areas puffing away.

I know I'm gonna get flamed for saying what I'm about to say but I really don't care because I feel very strongly about this issue...I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING SMOKERS TALK ABOUT BEING PERSECUTED AND HAVING THEIR RIGHTS TAKEN AWAY!!!:mad: If anything, smokers have more privelages than non-smokers. I work in management with well over 100 people under me and two things that absolutely burn me up(and I've seen it at every job I have ever had) are #1, smokers get more breaks than non-smokers. How often do you see non-smokers standing around outside their place of employment chit chatting and chewing gum? How often do you see smokers standing around outside their place of employment smoking a cancer stick?
My #2 point is closely related to my first...smoker productivity is much lower than that of non-smokers. I see it on a day to day basis. The smokers that work for me are much less productive than the non-smokers. IMHO it seems like the smoker is spending most of his/her time either smoking or being distracted because he/she is thinking about how soon it is until their next smoke break.

Non-smoking employee: Can I please go sit down and rest for five minutes,I'm really tired and stressed?

Boss: No, you already had your ten minute break,wait until lunch!

Smoker:I am really tired and stressed, I really need a cigarette. Can I go smoke one real quick?

Boss: Didn't you already have your ten minute break?

Smoker: yes, but I'll be really quick, I promise!

Boss: Well, ok, but make it snappy!

I realize that smoking is an addiction and I understand(as much as I can)that it is very hard to quit, but I just don't understand why smokers continue to smoke when the evidence is overwhelming that smoking is very harmful to your health and second hand smoke is even worse. I am begging you smokers out there to help me understand why you continue to smoke in spite of how horrible it is for you, I just don't understand it . To an extent I understand the addiction part because I am morbidly obese due to my addiction to and love for food. I know overeating and not eating healthy is killing me but I still continue to do it but at least my overeating isn't killing those around me(unless I trip and fall on a little kid at work or roll over on my wife in bed some night and smother her to death.):lol: It's one thing to refuse to stop doing something that is only hurting yourself and a totally seperate thing to refuse to stop doing something that is hurting both you and the ones around you(even if they are smokers also,you are still contributing to their deaths).

Please forgive me for my rant, I am not trying to stir up a fight or get this thread closed, I just needed to vent and I'm hoping to get some good answers from smokers so I can better understand the smoker mindset. There was a newbie on the other thread yesterday who was arrogant,beligerant and very argumentative that just helped to reaffirm the image most of us non-smokers have of smokers. Here's hoping that this thread draws a more civilized crowd...
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