Well-Known Member
We walked 8 miles a month ago and that was tough because it took us so long and it was a bit boring. If I was training alone, I definitely couldn't do it. Weather on Sunday isn't supposed to be so great, so we may wait on the dress rehearsal till the following weekend. Playing it by ear. I don't think I can run 23 in the rain! I had trouble doing 9 last weekend in the horrible weather!
The boredom is what would get me, for sure. I hope the weather gets better for you guys! I am with you on not running in super crappy weather...I'm starting to get over my aversion to running in the rain but man, it's so much more pleasant to have nicer conditions.
On my way to the gym last night, I checked the mail and saw the best envelope in the world. I ran back upstairs because I knew I couldn't open it without my DH. It was excitement for both of us. Our welcome packet is here and we will be in Disney in a month!!!