uncle jimmy
Premium Member
Same, I'm a banana an hour+ before a race and that's about it for food wise.On course during my first Disney half (and every Disney run) I stopped at every hydration stop and switch between PowerAid/Water. Usually I run on an empty stomach.
I’ve always taken the sport beans but never actually ate them. Just put them in my belt.
I like the sports beans after a race.
I never used gels during races until I started training for a marathon and I looked into the most natural things I could use as sources of energy.
I enjoy those during the Fall weather runs! I've found many squeeze packets better on my belly than some gels or drinks... plus they're so easy to open and close. Your Adverse comment made me laugh from remembering all the times things didn't work for me, which at the time I didn't find funny.I often will have an apple sauce squeeze packet before a run if I am going after work and don’t feel like I have enough energy to fuel my run.