It’s not like there was much of a choice for 2021 anyway, if you wanted to participate, virtual was the only option. I get having an expectation of running on (or near) the date of the expected race if you sign up for something with the prior intent of running as a virtual, but this one was kind of thrust upon us after we’d signed up for a live race.
For me, I dropped down to marathon-only because I knew I would never run Dopey over four days (as an obligation) on the same trails I run on for fun. It’s easy to knock out challenges when you’re on-site and have the structure and support of a formal race, plus other runners to help pace you, etc. It’s a lot harder to find four days and stay motivated to go through the progression of distances with a) work/family obligations/ life/etc getting in the way, but also b) without the boost that you get from being in a real race route, with other runners, water/medical stations, and other fun distractions.
I know how hard it was to find time to fit just the three days of the last Star Wars together and did that 2-3 months late myself.
When you have a live race thrust upon you as a virtual, it feels to me that you aren’t so much obligated by a time schedule (after all since the live race was cancelled, there were literally no live race dates to run on, they couldn’t stick to their schedule, so why should you have to?). So, to me, it becomes more of a running challenge, like the ones your run tracking apps might give you, that you can complete on your own schedule.
Knowing how difficult it is for me to plan multi-day runs (and that no one in their right mind would attempt Dopey in the heat about 8-9 months of the year), I understand the delay to the now cooler weather and I’m impressed with anyone that could do it in the four day schedule as intended. I have no qualm with the dates so long as it’s before the next one.