Well-Known Member
Ah, that's a bummer. I think I did it both for 18 and 19 and it was a closed tent that was definitely heated the year it was freezing, and seemed cooled the next year when it was hot. After the race they had eggs and potatoes and stuff too, plus a small bar as well as the usual sodas and fruit drinks. And it seemed like a lot of people, so I figured it made decent money. Being able to get my gear bag and sit in a chair with a beer and some eggs was a nice option. I wonder if they had to switch it up in 2020 due to Guardians construction. IIRC they used to send us up that way to get around to where the bag drop and race retreat were... closish to the finish but not a convenient walk in those years since they made you go out a different way. Some combination of the big blue building messing with race retreat and the spine construction detouring the finish perhaps?I haven’t seen anything, but if they brought Runner’s Square back like they did in 2020, it wasn’t really worth it. It was open air and placed in an inconvenient location. Also, the “short cut” to the corrals wasn’t really noticeably shorter unless you were in the first couple of corrals and they didn’t seem to actually go early because there was already easily a few hundred from the regular area in my corral by the time I got there using the “early access” perk. The photographers didn’t seem to be available much either beyond volunteers coordinating cell phone pics, the one from an official photographer I remember getting, he told me he was making an exception and had to do it quick so a line didn’t form. Although you do get a small towel, a rice krispy treat, and fruit and bottled beverages!
Now in reviewing the maps it looks like they really changed things up in 2020. They had you running around and through Epcot early to make up some miles they didn't have you doing later in switchbacks and WWoS, although you did end up going through Blizzard Beach. I'm guessing some of this had to do with construction either at Epcot where they normally had the big tents set up or for roads/bridges that they had to put you on a different route. Maybe they did it all on purpose but hopefully they just put it back. IMO running around WWoS was kind of fun and went by in a flash. So I don't see what the problem was there unless it had more to do with the blue monster than anything else.