Walt Disney Classics Collection presents Dreamfinder with Figment

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Well-Known Member
jedimaster1227 said:
It just seems that you are having your own logic issues here because in all of the other threads, you knock the "Disney Dweebs" (as you called them) for being so into something or dedicated to something. For example:

Now you are saying it is alright? Those two statements conflict, and so does your logic. Please explain, kind sir! :lol:

Actually, it appears to be more of a problem with your 'reading comprehension' skills than my logic. ;)

I've never been against anything for the 'dweebs' as long as it appears to be a good idea that the masses will embrace also. The 'dweebs' just don't have the numbers to make things successful on their own. :wave:

Also... put a link to quotes outside this thread so everyone can see the context. :rolleyes:


wannab@dis said:
Well.... there you go. Something for the Dweebs... cause nobody else is going to pay that kind of money. :lol: They have these types of events all the time, so I'm not sure how much I would read into it.

Oh by the way... I'm not against DF coming back as part of a rehab... I've said it dozens of times, but nobody seems to understand the point. Without a good attraction, DF will not make IMAG a successful rehab. Just like Figment didn't make this last change super popular. My point is simple... the rehab could still flop even with DF around. ;)
There it is folks! Dingdingding! What was the over/under on post #27? Who had post #27? Step right up and claim your prize!

Yeah, man, those stoopid Disney Dweebs.. gotta hate those guys! What I wish is that WDC would have more events for people who hate Disney. I mean, what a huge market! Why waste their time focusing on the small group of nerds who love Disney so much they'd spend $350 on a single evening when there's huge market of Disney haters to cater to!

Man, I can't stand those Dweebs... good thing I can spend my free time on an... internet... message board.... for.... Disney theme park fans....


wannab@dis said:
No way... DF is not that well liked to be host of the campaign... in fact, many consider him creepy. You should really get out more!

? Is there a well-known Dreamfinder Wariness Guild? Have I missed the marches in the streets due to public dissatisfaction and rising uncomfort levels with Dreamfinder? Get out more?! What does that even mean?

"Many consider him creepy." Is this a social movement I'm unaware of? Because so far the only person I've heard express that sentiment is you. Of course, I've heard you express it at least five dozen times so maybe that counts as multiples. Now I have no doubt that some folks might actually find him creepy, but I'm just not seeing this groundswell of Dreamfinder angst that you repeatedly point out as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. On the contrary, I have seen lots of fansites and tribute boards dedicated to Dreamfinder and hoping to bring him back.

Then again, I don't get out much.


Well-Known Member
MiklCraw4d said:
There it is folks! Dingdingding! What was the over/under on post #27? Who had post #27? Step right up and claim your prize!

Yeah, man, those stoopid Disney Dweebs.. gotta hate those guys! What I wish is that WDC would have more events for people who hate Disney. I mean, what a huge market! Why waste their time focusing on the small group of nerds who love Disney so much they'd spend $350 on a single evening when there's huge market of Disney haters to cater to!

Man, I can't stand those Dweebs... good thing I can spend my free time on an... internet... message board.... for.... Disney theme park fans....

um... ok? :veryconfu


Raven66 said:
I've been wanting to ask this for ages...........What exactly was Dreamfinder?:veryconfu

He was the host of the original Journey into Imagination ride... you can see him in the pictures linked in the original post. He was sort of a wacky magical inventor... after welcoming you to the original ride he created the character of Figment to show the possibilities of imagination. It sounds kinda wacky, but if you go download Marni's great video tribute to the ride you'll get an idea of what it was about.


Active Member
MiklCraw4d said:
There it is folks! Dingdingding! What was the over/under on post #27? Who had post #27? Step right up and claim your prize!

Yeah, man, those stoopid Disney Dweebs.. gotta hate those guys! What I wish is that WDC would have more events for people who hate Disney. I mean, what a huge market! Why waste their time focusing on the small group of nerds who love Disney so much they'd spend $350 on a single evening when there's huge market of Disney haters to cater to!

Man, I can't stand those Dweebs... good thing I can spend my free time on an... internet... message board.... for.... Disney theme park fans....


? Is there a well-known Dreamfinder Wariness Guild? Have I missed the marches in the streets due to public dissatisfaction and rising uncomfort levels with Dreamfinder? Get out more?! What does that even mean?

"Many consider him creepy." Is this a social movement I'm unaware of? Because so far the only person I've heard express that sentiment is you. Of course, I've heard you express it at least five dozen times so maybe that counts as multiples. Now I have no doubt that some folks might actually find him creepy, but I'm just not seeing this groundswell of Dreamfinder angst that you repeatedly point out as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. On the contrary, I have seen lots of fansites and tribute boards dedicated to Dreamfinder and hoping to bring him back.

Then again, I don't get out much.

Thank you so much for saying what needed to be said! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


jedimaster1227 said:
Thank you so much for saying what needed to be said! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Little known fact: My name is Cherokee for "sayer of things that need to be said".

Glad you enjoyed, but watch yourself... none of us are safe with the Dreamfinder Death Squads roaming the streets. The next door they kick down could be yours! It's a freaking movement, dangit!

And dxwwf3, you almost owed me a new rug because I nearly soiled myself at that video clip. That might be my new catchphrase.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
MiklCraw4d said:
And dxwwf3, you almost owed me a new rug because I nearly soiled myself at that video clip. That might be my new catchphrase.



Well-Known Member
That sculpture just makes my heart leap with joy. That's the figment I remember. Figment was supposed to be the playful, childish, and always optimistic side of humans. He's been ruined in what he now is. That's not figment in our building now. I think they killed Figment and buried him in the pet cemetery because what we have now has no soul and is just plain annoying.

However, even just the facial expression on this sculptures figment sets things back to how they're supposed to be. He's happy and excited about his dreams coming true and that my friends is what Figment is about. I sure hope this is a hint at what's to come. If I had the money and time to spare I'd come down for this event just to throw my support behind it.

I so miss Figment and his creator the Dream Finder.


Active Member
MiklCraw4d said:
Little known fact: My name is Cherokee for "sayer of things that need to be said".

Glad you enjoyed, but watch yourself... none of us are safe with the Dreamfinder Death Squads roaming the streets. The next door they kick down could be yours! It's a freaking movement, dangit!

And dxwwf3, you almost owed me a new rug because I nearly soiled myself at that video clip. That might be my new catchphrase.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


kcnole said:
That sculpture just makes my heart leap with joy. That's the figment I remember. Figment was supposed to be the playful, childish, and always optimistic side of humans. He's been ruined in what he now is. That's not figment in our building now. I think they killed Figment and buried him in the pet cemetery because what we have now has no soul and is just plain annoying.

Haha well said... I had a similar thought when I saw the figure. The sculpt is really, really well done, and completely evokes the look of the character in his heyday. It's a hard thing to put into words, but they just got the expression perfect. Funny how it's the slightest visual cues that can make such a big difference in how a character is depicted...


Well-Known Member
MiklCraw4d said:
He was the host of the original Journey into Imagination ride... you can see him in the pictures linked in the original post. He was sort of a wacky magical inventor... after welcoming you to the original ride he created the character of Figment to show the possibilities of imagination. It sounds kinda wacky, but if you go download Marni's great video tribute to the ride you'll get an idea of what it was about.

Thanks for sorta explaining it. :lol: My DD and I really enjoy the ride as it is. But I have never been on Dreamfinder. As long as Figment is in it, I guess we will still ride.


Well-Known Member
Magicot said:
Psssst:lookaroun, wannab@dis, I think your losing the Dreamfinder battle . . .

How 'bout a comeback?:p
There was never anything to lose. I made an easily understood point that a couple of people lacking common sense couldn't comprehend. If they want to pat each other on the back for their babbling posts, that's fine with me and doesn't require my input. :wave:

Edit: removed 'simpleton' since some assumed it was an attack. It was merely meant as a lack of judgment or using common sense. My apologies for anyone that was offended as none was meant.


Active Member
wannab@dis said:
There was never anything to lose. I made an easily understood point that a couple of simpletons couldn't comprehend. If they want to pat each other on the back for their babbling posts, that's fine with me and doesn't require my input. :wave:

Excuse me, but just because you have more posts than most people on this forum, doesn't mean that you are a genius and we are idiots. This isn't a war, but you are making it out to be one. Get over it, because this is just a forum. Even you are a "Disney Dweeb" because you are on this forum and you have one of the highest post numbers of all members in the forum. So, if anyone is a true "Disney Dweeb," it is you! So, you might want to stop making fun of yourself and knocking yourself. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all-even to yourself!

Back on topic, I think that the statue shows an amazing depiction of the duo and especially the Dreamfinder. I feel like the walk around characters also did an amazing job of portraying the bearded man.


Well-Known Member
jedimaster1227 said:
Excuse me, but just because you have more posts than most people on this forum, doesn't mean that you are a genius and we are idiots. This isn't a war, but you are making it out to be one. Get over it, because this is just a forum. Even you are a "Disney Dweeb" because you are on this forum and you have one of the highest post numbers of all members in the forum. So, if anyone is a true "Disney Dweeb," it is you! So, you might want to stop making fun of yourself and knocking yourself. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all-even to yourself!

Hey... calm down. I'm not sure where that came from... nobody called you an idiot, but your post goes to my point exactly. You're not using common sense in the DF discussions. I've agree wholeheartedly that I'm a "Disney Dweeb" but I haven't selfishly wanted everything to be about me or those like me. We're not strong enough in numbers to sustain a business.

You need to quit thinking everyone that disagrees is attacking you and use your head a little. There was absolutely nothing in this entire thread that should have caused you (or miklc-whatever) to get upset and babble around like a couple of kids. You're not helping whatever mission you're on concerning DF when you continually cry foul when there isn't one.

If you have problems understanding the posts, ask for a little insight or help. Otherwise, get over yourself. You're being foolish.


Active Member
wannab@dis said:
Hey... calm down. I'm not sure where that came from... nobody called you an idiot, but your post goes to my point exactly. You're not using common sense in the DF discussions. I've agree wholeheartedly that I'm a "Disney Dweeb" but I haven't selfishly wanted everything to be about me or those like me. We're not strong enough in numbers to sustain a business.

You need to quit thinking everyone that disagrees is attacking you and use your head a little. There was absolutely nothing in this entire thread that should have caused you (or miklc-whatever) to get upset and babble around like a couple of kids. You're not helping whatever mission you're on concerning DF when you continually cry foul when there isn't one.

If you have problems understanding the posts, ask for a little insight or help. Otherwise, get over yourself. You're being foolish.

Unless simpleton means something else where you are from, I believe that is meant as an insult, and most people would take it as an insult. So how is simpleton not used as an attack? Flawed logic?

You are using the same flawed logic that you accuse me of-let my examples prove my point:

The only people that would see this idea as creative are those "Disney Dweebs"...
From http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=75471&page=2

Well, maybe some. But most of those "dweebs" (or purists, anti-change, etc) think this is a grand idea MAINLY because it mentioned Dreamfinder. Go back and read the posts here. There's no denying that fact.

The crux of the matter is simple... those that want TRUE progress and change are not going to be that excited about the return of Dreamfinder with or without some 'new technology'. It makes no sense for a fourth attempt. It's time for a change to a whole new idea!

Of course... the purists that are stuck in the past rejoice that this MAY be true. If for no other reason than it gives them hope for Horizons or WoM being brought back. :rolleyes:
Again from http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=75471&page=2

Should I go on? You need to realize that you are a Disney Dweeb just as much as any of us. So, once again, stop targeting yourself.


Well-Known Member
jedimaster1227 said:
Unless simpleton means something else where you are from, I believe that is meant as an insult, and most people would take it as an insult. So how is simpleton not used as an attack? Flawed logic?

You are using the same flawed logic that you accuse me of-let my examples prove my point:

From http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=75471&page=2

Again from http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=75471&page=2

Should I go on? You need to realize that you are a Disney Dweeb just as much as any of us. So, once again, stop targeting yourself.
Listen... let me figure out a way that you may be able to understand. There's a HUGE difference between a fan who goes to enjoy the parks, loves Disney, and wants to see it continue to succeed and a fanatic that only wants things to be created for them to enjoy and could care less whether or not it's a success.

Both of those "fans" can be considered to be a dweeb, but I would hope that you can understand the difference. I'll be sure to spell out exactly the group that I'm referring to in the future if that will help you. I'm sorry that you feel the need to continue trying to cause an issue where there is none. I would hate to put you on ignore.

Edit: The more I think about this... the more I feel it just needs to be said. You need to get over yourself and quit trying to cause problems. You've done it in the past and you're doing it again in this thread. There was absolutely nothing wrong in this thread except your (and mikl....whatever) attempting to cause problems. I suggest that you stop the attempts before you get to go visit ghostbuster and some of the other troublemakers. And for the record... simpleton refers to someone that doesn't use common sense or good judgement. It's not an attack other than to point out a lack of common sense.
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