Well, I gotta say, I expected a different response to my last post, but I'm glad I didn't get it. You guys all hit the nail on the head.
Imagineer99, you said:
"I enter these contests because they make me think of WDW in a creative way."
Well put. That one sentence nearly outweighs my entire rant.
NemoRocks, you said:
"I've even had to buy two books on how to get the best out of Photoshop and have yet to put together a good wallpaper."
Even though the second part of your sentence is untrue, the first part rocks! That's AWESOME that you're putting forth that kind of effort to make yourself better at something you enjoy, and you know what....IT SHOWS!
I've seen such progression with so many of you in these contests. And you guys aren't only teaching yourselves, you're learning from the guys that have been doing this kind of stuff for years, and in some cases, do it for a living.
I can remember a while back when CalDisney first started posting his artwork in the old Digital Media section. His first set of stuff left a lot of room for improvement, and he knew it. So, he asked for criticism and feedback on his work. He got just that from guys like NowInc, me, and others, and then he practiced and made more stuff. Now his entries and artwork have jumped 300% in quality. He simply wanted to learn and get better at something he really enjoys doing.
THAT'S what it's all about!