Walking Harness


Active Member
I actually use the verizion Migo phone and have the chaparone service which I can look on my phone and see a map of his location and a address for emergencys. The phone is also very simple to use, has only 5 buttons which are user programable and dial with only 1 push.


Well-Known Member
I actually use the verizion Migo phone and have the chaparone service which I can look on my phone and see a map of his location and a address for emergencys. The phone is also very simple to use, has only 5 buttons which are user programable and dial with only 1 push.
I believe the new Disney Cell Phones (are they still making them or did this flop? hahah) offer this as well. Kids may feel more special if their "special Disney phone" also has Cinderella plastered on the back of it!


Well-Known Member
Hi Susan and welcome to the boards!:wave:

I have to agree with everyone else and say that a harness for a 7/8 yr old is just too much. I think they are old enough to understand when you give them instructions. The advice about taking a toy away or leaving the park was good, but I also have one that we used when we first started taking our DD. We told her that if she wandered off or misbehaved (she is a good kid anyway, so we didn't have to worry) she would be leaving the park for the rest of the day. But her dad and I would be staying and having fun, we would hire a babysitter for her and she could spend the rest of the day sitting in the room doing nothing. Might sound harsh, but it worked. There is no way they want to be left out of the fun. Have fun on your trip!!


Have you thought about getting them the same t shirts to wear? Some families all wear the same brightly coloured t shirts, a different one each day, so you can spot them wherever you are. Just an idea!


Active Member
I believe the new Disney Cell Phones (are they still making them or did this flop? hahah) offer this as well. Kids may feel more special if their "special Disney phone" also has Cinderella plastered on the back of it!

As much as I dont want to say that something disney isnt the best but....My verizon service is the best, I can leave VA and drive to WDW and only lose service 2 or 3 times in the state of SC. Onve at WDW there are few places that it dosent work, the Land, Star tunnel at Space Mountain, the caves at TSI. Im not sure about the Disney service but the only thing better than Verizon on property is nextel......Im only guessing on nextel since disney seems to run everything off of it.


Well-Known Member
I was never a fan of those. They look like you are walking a pet.
You only see a couple of those with the 1000's of guests but they stick out like a sort thumb.

I am not going to say anything else about this subject.

Have a great time but when you get weird looks dont get mad at them.
Just smile.


New Member
I was never a fan of those. They look like you are walking a pet.
You only see a couple of those with the 1000's of guests but they stick out like a sort thumb.

I am not going to say anything else about this subject.

Have a great time but when you get weird looks dont get mad at them.
Just smile.

I saw at least 10 people per day with these harnesses and the ones that didn't wanted to buy mine!
never once got a weird look either!
I must agree with all the folks who say that it sounds like 7-8 is a little old for the harnesses.

I love the ID idea. I think it would work great. Teach them to look for a person behind a cash register or a WHITE nametag.

Maybe get one of the lanyards with the "ziploc" style pouch and put a card with the child's name, your name, the resort you will be staying at, your cell number, etc. It will allow the gang to collect pins too!

I don't recall when you said you were going, so it may be a slack time for the parks, so the crowds may not be very large. Not that it matters, but it may be a comfort to know that there won't be THAT many people in the parks.

I think that you came to the right place for some input.

The bottom line is to do what YOU feel comfortable with. If other people call it a leash or whatever, ignore them. Your children are your responsibility. Kudos to you for wanting to keep them safe and under control.

I can tell you from Christmas and New Year experience at WDW...too many people let their kids run out in front and get under foot. I was tripping and falling over them! It was still a good time...I'm not exactly a small guy, so my main concern was not squashing a child. I would just laugh at myself, and make sure that the kids that ran into me or tripped me were ok.

The advice given thus far was great...so I guess the whole point of my post was to say...to take the advice of the folks that have spoken so far.

Enjoy your trip and a big thank you to your family members for their service to our country and you and your friend for your sacrifices too!



Well-Known Member
I was never a fan of those. They look like you are walking a pet.
You only see a couple of those with the 1000's of guests but they stick out like a sort thumb.

I am not going to say anything else about this subject.

Have a great time but when you get weird looks dont get mad at them.
Just smile.
Can I give weird looks to the parents who let their kids run wild and then the kid trips and falls?


I just hope they smile and don't get mad at me


The Mom

Premium Member
Just a warning; I moved the "other" thread as you people were getting pretty nasty in your comments. I will not hesitate to do the same here.

I'm sure the OP is appreciative of all the ideas posted to keep children close by and safe at WDW. If anyone has any more to add, please do so. Otherwise, consider the topic closed. (I will close it later today) Again, if you have nothing polite and nonjudgmental (on either side of the fence) to post, I suggest that you just skip it.


New Member
We just went to Disney World last week. We used a stroller and harness for my 2 year old (he really needed it and we found it to be very useful).

However, we also have a 4 year old and we did not use a harness for her. She was old enough to listen and follow the rules. She sat in the stroller if she was tired, but she really did walk most of the time (by her choice). If she needed a break, we would take one. She stayed close to us and held hands when we needed her to. It is a big place and it can get crowded, but it is also laid out in such a way that I think you will be able to keep an eye on them without the harness.

Whatever you choose to do I am sure will be the right choice. What works for some does not always work for others. I just thought I would let you know what worked for us. We truly had a magical trip and I hope you enjoy yours!


New Member
As much as I dont want to say that something disney isnt the best but....My verizon service is the best, I can leave VA and drive to WDW and only lose service 2 or 3 times in the state of SC. Onve at WDW there are few places that it dosent work, the Land, Star tunnel at Space Mountain, the caves at TSI. Im not sure about the Disney service but the only thing better than Verizon on property is nextel......Im only guessing on nextel since disney seems to run everything off of it.

Really? I have Alltel myself and don't think I found a single spot inside WDW that I didn't have service. And as Alltel, Verizon, and Sprint all use the same technology and have roaming agreements, we should all have service anyplace one of us does.

My phone even rang in Spaceship Earth (just hit the cancel button then called back after we got out.)


Well-Known Member
Cingular works really well there also. I don't believe we had a dead spot anywhere. We actually didn't have them on that often (only when we separated or waiting for my family to come) but when we did, they worked great.


Active Member
Since this is your first time going I understand your anxiety since you dont know what to expect. I think the only time you should have any worrys about seperation is after a big show/parade finishes, or at the end of the day when everyone is leaving. At these times just make sure you hold hands with the 2 older kids and everything should be fine. I think the harness are great for younger kids since they have freedom without being able to dash off. We do have a harness but almost never get to use it because my daughter (2) puts up too big of a fuss and she pretty good about staying close or holding hands. My husband always puts one of his business cards in her pocket which has all phone numbers on it just in case, god forbid, she would get lost. I like the idea about the shoe tags and want to look into that myself. Also having those prepaid cell phones is a great idea. Just lay down some simple rules about staying together and make sure you give them instructions about what to do if they get seperated. I know you will do what is best for you and your family.


New Member
I have to agree that 7 & 8 are too old for a harness. We have a 4 year old and the three times we have been with him, we used a stroller. I, personally, am not a fan of the harness or the ones that attach at the wrist. I would put the older ones in charge of pushing the stroller. I also agree with the idea of getting a laynard with the fast pass holder (can find almost anywhere at WDW) and place the vital info on a card into it, in case they do get separated.

Best thing to do is plan ahead and start going over what to do if you get separated. WDW can be very crowded, depending on when you go. Plan ahead and you should be just fine! Hope this helps!


New Member
Original Poster

Thanks so much for all the great advice. We will certainly sit down and think this out before we go. As I stated,it is not a matter whether harnessing is good or bad. If we do use them, it will be for piece of mind. I am trying to get a feel of the crowd size,the hassles,the " stress" moments etc. When Dads join us,we should be fine. I want to have an idea of what to expect and how to handle the crowds etc. I know the harness topic brings up lots of emotions,so I am very appreciative for the sincere responses without any negatives or criticisms. We are all so excited. Thank you for support of our husbands. In these times,the moments we get to spend together as a family are so cherished.
Thanks again

Susan K


Well-Known Member
I am trying to get a feel of the crowd size,the hassles,the " stress" moments etc. When Dads join us,we should be fine. I want to have an idea of what to expect and how to handle the crowds etc.

When are you going? Unless you are going on Christmas Day or the 4th of July, it really seems like you are working it up to be a lot more scary than it is. You aren't going to be mauled or flailing about in mass crowds for your life. It gets a little busy during the fireworks if you insist on being part of the throng directly in front of the castle, but that's by choice and you can easily avoid anything like that by finding alternate viewing areas or waiting for the crowds to thin out a bit at the end of the day instead of going in the mad rush out.

It's Disney, which means waiting in ordered lines with organized chaos and the occasional confusion (usually caused by a pesky character distracting people), but unless they are developmentally disabled a 7 or 8 year old should have no problem navigating the crowds that appear and keeping track of you (and vice versa). And, if they do get separated from you, it is Disney World, and a 7 or 8 year old should have no problem finding and recognizing a cast member to help them find their "lost parents". The parks are really extremely safe (remember the place is under constant video surveillance), and I'm sure you will have a magical time; don't worry yourself into not enjoying it even before you go.

Good luck,


slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Since this is your first time going I understand your anxiety since you dont know what to expect. I think the only time you should have any worrys about seperation is after a big show/parade finishes, or at the end of the day when everyone is leaving. At these times just make sure you hold hands with the 2 older kids and everything should be fine.

To that end, here's another friendly non-harness suggestion, though admittedly, it'll only work depending on the moods of the kids...

If you find yourself in a park at closing, all the buses run at least 2 hours after closing, and many of the shops stay often later, too. Grab an ice cream, go into a shop, and keep them otherwise occupied until much of the crowd have dissipated. This way, you're not swept up in the mass exodus.

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