Victoria & Albert's


New Member
Howdy folks!:wave: My wife and I are hoping to make a trip down to WDW for my birthday next February. My wife has been asking me where I want to eat on my birthday and I immediately thought of Victoria & Alberts. I have never eaten at Victoria & Alberts but have always wanted to. For those of you who have eaten was your experience? Did you feel out of place, what did you wear and, most importantly, how was the food? I'm not a big seafood fan, I can't even stand the smell of it, so am I gonna be able to get a meal I enjoy? I'm a little confused about the you pick from an existing menu or do they craft a personalized menu to suit your tastes?

I'm just a good 'ol mountain boy(with a strong southern accent)so I'm a little intimidated...should I be? Sorry to ask so many questions, I've just always been intrigued by V&A and it seems like it would be a wonderful experience.
Any opinions or reviews will be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
I know how you feel, my parents are going and are like really wanting me to go so we could have a "nice meal" i am scarred b/c im a very pickey eater. I always get accomidations when we go to down town chicago( i live in a western suburb) but i dont know what i am going to eat...and do they serve soda pop to those who arent 21.
thanks to
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We went there for our 1st anniversary this past December. It was wonderful. Jackets are required for men. I also wore a tie but thats not required. Everyone was dressed for the enviroment, you would feel out of place if you were not. But we didnt feel like it was too stuffy.
The service, food and presentation were unmatched. (and of course the price :lol:) But its a once in awhile for special occasions type place.

They provide you with a persoanlized printed menu. There are about 6 courses (I think or 5??) and there are usually about 3 choices within each course. So for example for the main course you could have the Leg of Lamb,the scallops or the filet, etc.etc..

My only suggestions pass on the truffles...had never had them...and too expensive just to say you have. But everything else was incredible.

To tie it into a Disney movie if you have seen Ratatouille you know how Remy talks about how each flavor adds to the next. It was just that way at V&A. Plus even if your not a coffee drinker get some just to see the old fashioned coffee maker they bring to the table...really cool.

I think if you have the $$ to do it for a special occasion its well worth the trip.

Also see this link for more info:

POST # 900 !!
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Well-Known Member
My DH and I went there on our honeymoon and we seem to be in the minority of not liking it. We felt out of place- more formal than what we are used to eating, and felt weird when we said we don't want wine with our dinner (I don't drink and DH isn't a big wine drinker) The portions are small- they were fine for me as I eat like a bird anyway, but for my DH- well he is a "big" guy and when we were done with our meal, he had to go and get something else to eat because he was still hungry (even after the 5 courses) Now, I am not saying it's a horrible place, it's just not for us. We are more burgers and steak at our local steakhouse than "fancy" fru-fru food. :shrug:
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Original Poster
We went there for our 1st anniversary this past December. It was wonderful. Jackets are required for men. I also wore a tie but thats not required. Everyone was dressed for the enviroment, you would feel out of place if you were not. But we didnt feel like it was too stuffy.
The service, food and presentation were unmatched. (and of course the price :lol:) But its a once in awhile for special occasions type place.

They provide you with a persoanlized printed menu. There are about 6 courses (I think or 5??) and there are usually about 3 choices within each course. So for example for the main course you could have the Leg of Lamb,the scallops or the filet, etc.etc..

My only suggestions pass on the truffles...had never had them...and too expensive just to say you have. But everything else was incredible.

To tie it into a Disney movie if you have seen Ratatouille you know how Remy talks about how each flavor adds to the next. It was just that way at V&A. Plus even if your not a coffee drinker get some just to see the old fashioned coffee maker they bring to the table...really cool.

I think if you have the $$ to do it for a special occasion its well worth the trip.

Also see this link for more info:

POST # 900 !!

Thanks Teenchy!:wave:

Just out of curiosity, what did you have during your meal? Also, my teeth are very sensitive to cold and I have to use a straw, am I gonna be able to get one? I know lots of fancier places(not necessarily Disney)don't even carry straws.
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New Member
My wife and I have eaten there twice (it would be more if I had my way...)
She is a very picky eater and has had incredible food both times. When you make your reservation they'll ask you if there's anything that you can't/won't eat and may modify the menu based on the reservations for that evening. Your server might even suggest leaving something out of a paticular dish if it would be more suitable to you that way. There are 7 courses in total and when you add them all up it's really quite a bit of food though the individual courses may seem small. The previous poster mentioned that they had to go get a bite after, I've personally not encountered that so far and I'm a pretty big eater myself. The menu changes as frequently as daily depending on what's fresh. It's a lot of $$$ for sure but it's not just a dinner, it's an experience, consider it like going out to a nice dinner in NYC and then seeing a show - b/c that's really what it is. I highly recommend adding the wine pairing.
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Howdy folks!:wave: My wife and I are hoping to make a trip down to WDW for my birthday next February. My wife has been asking me where I want to eat on my birthday and I immediately thought of Victoria & Alberts. I have never eaten at Victoria & Alberts but have always wanted to. For those of you who have eaten was your experience? Did you feel out of place, what did you wear and, most importantly, how was the food? I'm not a big seafood fan, I can't even stand the smell of it, so am I gonna be able to get a meal I enjoy? I'm a little confused about the you pick from an existing menu or do they craft a personalized menu to suit your tastes?

Go for it - you will not regret it. I've been once and it was the single greatest dining experience of my life. You do have to wear a jacket, but I didn't even wear a tie - just a nice shirt and khakis. Remember that although it is very fancy, the staff is still Disney staff. They're there to make you enjoy your meal, not to make you feel out of place.

The food was ridiculous. Just ridiculous. There are several courses, and you have two or three things to chose from for each course. If you tell them in advance that you don't like seafood they'll make something else. Basically, they'll do anything you want without complaining and do it amazingly.

Go for it!
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Just out of curiosity, what did you have during your meal? Also, my teeth are very sensitive to cold and I have to use a straw, am I gonna be able to get one? I know lots of fancier places(not necessarily Disney)don't even carry straws.

I'm sure you can get a straw - they'll have them there or, at the very least, they'll have someone go the 20 feet to Mizner's Lounge to get one there. Trust me, these people will do *anything* to make your experience excellent. As to cold stuff, I'm trying to think if we had anything cold - icewater, of course, but the wine was room temperature and I had mousse for dessert and that wasn't cold.

Concerning portion sizes, I'm a ravenous eater and so is my friend, and we were both stuffed at the end. Portion sizes seem deceptively small - I convinced myself that that was fine because it was all about the flavor - but by the end I was done and done.
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New Member
Original Poster
Go for it - you will not regret it. I've been once and it was the single greatest dining experience of my life. You do have to wear a jacket, but I didn't even wear a tie - just a nice shirt and khakis. Remember that although it is very fancy, the staff is still Disney staff. They're there to make you enjoy your meal, not to make you feel out of place.

The food was ridiculous. Just ridiculous. There are several courses, and you have two or three things to chose from for each course. If you tell them in advance that you don't like seafood they'll make something else. Basically, they'll do anything you want without complaining and do it amazingly.

Go for it!

Thanks fellow Carolinian!:wave:
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New Member
Original Poster
I'm sure you can get a straw - they'll have them there or, at the very least, they'll have someone go the 20 feet to Mizner's Lounge to get one there. Trust me, these people will do *anything* to make your experience excellent. As to cold stuff, I'm trying to think if we had anything cold - icewater, of course, but the wine was room temperature and I had mousse for dessert and that wasn't cold.

Concerning portion sizes, I'm a ravenous eater and so is my friend, and we were both stuffed at the end. Portion sizes seem deceptively small - I convinced myself that that was fine because it was all about the flavor - but by the end I was done and done.

Several of the finer restaurants that we have eaten at in WDW have given us the option to add flavorings from the bar(cherry, blackberry, etc.)to our sodas, will they do this at V&A as well?
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Well-Known Member
We've eaten there several times and we absolutely love it. We always go on our anniversary/DH's birthday. Since you're going for your birthday, make sure you tell them that when you make your reservation. I'm a big soda drinker as well as a picky eater. The first time DH said he wanted to go I was very worried. I didn't notice anyone drinking soda so I just had bottled water. DH is a wine drinker so he got the pairings. The food as well as the presentation is amazing. One thing I'd like to mention is, although, the price is already set for the meal, some things are extra. We had the Kobe beef which was an extra charge added. Let me tell you it was like butter! It just melts in your mouth. :slurp:

As for the straw, you could always just pick one up and take it in with you. That way you'll know you have it in case you need it. The flavorings for the soda, I have no clue. Personally, I would just drink the bottled water if your not going to have the wine pairings. My reasoning for it is the meal is all about all the flavors meshing together. I would be worried the soda with or without extra flovorings might mess that up a little bit for you.
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Well-Known Member
Just a word of caution though...when it says that jackets are required for men, I'm pretty sure you're still expected to wear trousers of some sort, shoes and a shirt underneath the jacket. I just didn't want you to read that too literally and show up with nothing but a jacket on. Just trying to save you a little embarassement is all. :p:hammer:
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Well-Known Member
You got some good answers so far, so I will give you some bullet points.

7 courses - a choice of three items for each course (typically)

If you don not like, or cannot eat, a certain kind of food tell them WELL AHEAD OF TIME.

My ex-wife hated fish. They created a different menu for her, where the fish course was replaced with a second poultry course. In fact, one of the offerings she had came topped with Cavair (Warm Celery Cream - the was the Amouse Bouche course) She would have just taken it off, but our "Victoria" noticed it and took it back to the kitchen. She also took mine back so my ex-wife and I could eat at the same time and they would both be the right termperature. To pass the time while waiting they poured me an extra glass of wine :D (making a total of 7 by the time the night was done). All was done without any comments or complaints from me. They just did it = service.

I would bring a straw if your teeth are that sensitive.

Soda - not with some of the offerings that you can have. Overcarbonation and massive amounts of sugar sort of dull the tasts. I would stick to water if you dont want wine.

It's not stuffy or formal. Its very friendly. They are very accomidating and friendly. It's almost casual in a formal sort of way, if that makes sense. Nobody is going roll their eyes if you use the wrong fork or lay your spoon on the bread plate.

Jacket is required - but do yourself a favor and throw on a tie. If you say a tie is too constricting, you cant breathe, it chokes you, etc then buy a shirt with a bigger collar - really :)

Remember you are going there to TASTE the food, not to fill your stomach. I enjoy scarfing a plate of nachos too, but this is not that kind of eating. Take your time to taste the food, savor it, think about it as you are eating it and eat slowly. It's an event, not a race.

It's a very nice place, with some very good food, and is nothing at all to be "Scared" of. They are very friendly and inviting (it is Disney after all :) )

If you search around these forums, I did post the menu I had somewhere on here.


Edit: I did the searching for 'ya :)

Here are the selections we chose, (I have the choices somewhere, but not handy on line), so you can get an idea of what you may be presented with. (and that Veal Cheek - I still talk about it ) The wines I had are also listed.

Notice how in the fish couse (#3) my ex had poultry. Because she does not like fish, she was given different offering when fish would normaly be on the menu.

And really, look at the menu, what sub-10 year old is going to appreciate whats on it?

Amuse Bouche - Warm celery cream with basil olive oil. Mine was topped with smoked salmon and Iranian Caviar, the fish was left off Kerri's. Paired with Codorniu Cava Brut, Penedes NV

Kerri: Smoked Colorado Buffalo with Melted Cabbage Slaw and Grains of Paradise
Me: Blue Lump Crab and Fresh Gulf Shrimp with Petite French Green Lentils - Paired with Trimbach Gewurztraminer, Alsace 2002

Kerri: Serrano Ham and Gruyere Cheese Stuffed Quail with Root Vegetable Flan
Me: Poulet Rouge with Fresh Porcinis and a Truffled Egg paired with Feudi di San Nicola Negro Amaro, Puglia 2003

Kerri: Poulet Rouge with Fresh Porcinis and a Truffled Egg (same thing I had in the previous course)
Me: Atlantic Turbot with Winterpoint Oyster, Salsify, and Spinach Veloute paired with Domaine Maillard Pete et Fils Chorey-Les-Beaune Chardonnay, Burgundy 2004

Kerri: Duet of Australian Kobe Beef
Me: Marcho Farms Veal with Roasted Beet and Veal Cheek "Lasagna" paired with Charles Joguet "Cuvee Terroir" Cabernet Franc, Chinon 2003

Kerri: Rasberry Gelato with Micro Garden Mint
Me: Comte Sainte Antoine, Pierre Robert and English Stilton Cheesecake paired with Ramos Pinto Porto Tawny, Villa Nova de Gaia

Kerri: Hawaiian Kona Chocolate Suffle
Me: Caramelized Banana Gateau

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Oh Meyla Weyla
I may as well throw in my questions too:

I've seen pictures of some of the dishes and it looks like they are so fancy that people who don't normally eat at places like this might not even know "how" to eat it. Like are some of the items on the plate for garnish purposes only? Is it all to be eaten? Would you feel uncomfortable if you didn't know and had to ask?

I really need to eat there eventually, but it just really intimidates the heck outta me :eek:

Also, are there a lot of people there all at once or is it a very small place?
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Missing my mind...
Premium Member
There are only about 10 tables in the whole place. The tables are spread out enough that no one will notice if you aren't eating it correctly. It isn't uptight at all. I was very relaxed. The staff is incredible. If you have any questions or concerns during dinner the staff will treat you with great respect and be very helpful. Trust me this place is nothing like any other high end restaurant out there. They will treat you great no matter who you are.

Dinner usually last about three hours. You will leave full, happy and euphoric. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had in a restaurant. I would also highly recommend the wine pairing and the after dinner coffee.
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Naturally Grumpy
We always look for an excuse to include V&A's on a visit, and have never been disappointed in our meals there. We both enjoy wine, and the pairings are a chance to try some interesting new combinations.

You have to call a dedicated number for reservations, and they collect a lot of information from you. If you have any specific dietary requirements or preferences, mention it then and they will have something appropriate available for you.

Don't be at all shy in asking questions and talking with your service team (they dropped the Victoria and Albert personalities a few years ago). They will be more than happy to explain anything, make suggestions and if requested, can have the chef talk to you personally. It's like asking for directions....just do it. They take great pride in the restaurant, will be happy to spend as much time with you and answer any questions. Also, don't be shy to bring your camera and ask to have pictures taken, many people do.

I don't believe there is any need to bring a straw...these people wrote the book on service. As an example, coffee is brewed at your table in a special "contraption". I wasn't thinking and picked it up to pour myself another cup. Not only did our service team immediately appear, but a second team came over as well.

The only negative I can think of is that the harpist didn't know "You are the Sunshine of my Life" when requested at the last anniversary visit. I'll make a point of requesting it ahead of time for the next visit.

Do try it
PS, except for the Chef's table, they accept the DDE, giving a 20% discount!
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Oh Meyla Weyla
Great answers, thanks!

One more question from me then, is the tipping any different from any other restaurant, or is it the standard tipping procedure?

I do have DDE though, so I guess the tip would now be included for me and I wouldn't have to do anything extra...
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Naturally Grumpy
Great answers, thanks!

One more question from me then, is the tipping any different from any other restaurant, or is it the standard tipping procedure?

I do have DDE though, so I guess the tip would now be included for me and I wouldn't have to do anything extra...

Tipping is the same...just that 18-20% of this bill is :eek:
This is probably the one place where you will feel that they actually deserve it...maybe a bit more!
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New Member
DH and myself were lucky enough to eat at the Chef's Table last August. Although many $$ it was a fantastic evening. DH wore shirt and tie and I wore blouse and trousers - nothing too fancy. DH eats no meat but does eat fish and I don't eat meat, fish or cheese and I had spoken about our dietary requirements when booking. We had plenty to eat (and DH had plenty to drink with his pairings:slurp:). The staff were attentive without being OTT. It certainly makes for a romantic evening - recommended. By the way we didn't take our 15 year olds with us - not their style!
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