Above post inaccurately states OP didn't ask for comp, clearly OP did. Maybe should have offered pressed latinum. Staff can recover payment in their copious leisure time. Anytime "goods" are taken or consumed without payment, accompanied by a request to have the vendor not expect payment could be described as a "request" for them to be comp'ed or provided complimentary without payment. To expect any WDW vendor to do so does not, to us, define un-disney behavior. You could not grab a T-shirt, take it to the register, and request that it be comp'ed just because the emporium's datalink to the credit card companies is not working. This whole "already paid" for appears to be the crux of the argument. Unless and until the DDP system is accessible, a truly draconian choice would be for all WDW restaurants to refuse to seat DDP patrons that bristle at paying now and recovering themselves that for which they feel they have already paid.