For those of you who haven't seen this auction on E-Bay- it's for Walt Disney's Passport. The bidding starts this Saturday and the bids start at $3,500. Now I would bet the auction gets up to or over $10k... I don't think most people on this site have an extra $10k laying around. So i think we should the do the following to make sure this passport stays in good hands:
Everyone on this site should donate about $5 to the owner of and then on saturday the owner of wdwmagic takes the total he received and places a bid on the passport. Hopefully it will be enough money to buy the passport and then once has won the auction, he donates the passport to WDW and makes sure they display it somewhere on property for all to see.
I'm affriad if we don't do this, the passport may end up in the wrong hands and be destroyed by a trading card company and cuts up the signatures and sells them, or is bought by someone who doesnt love Disney the way we all do. This passport is a very important piece of Disney history and needs to be saved, it was only issued a year before Walt's death, so come on people, let's make this happen!