Updates on Kilamanjaro Safaris Refurb?


Well-Known Member
woah! ok I've seen Martin's videos and read as much as I could find on this attraction, but you have me intrigued! Mama Ceradactylus Water Effect??? I've never heard of this! Also, what do you mean by "several functions turned off"? I know the sound has been toned down, but were there different/extra movements before?

It was similar to the Jumping Carno hot spit effect just having the Mama drooling over you when it swooped down on you.

"several functions turned off"? refers to each AA figure has various functions like Head Nod, Head Turn, Pelvis, Wrist Twist, etc. some AA figures have 20 or so fuctions and some have over 40, so if they have some problems with actuators or rotacs they just turn off that certain function instead of repairing it.


Well-Known Member
It was there for the WDI previews and parties and several Eisner visits and cast previews but I think it was removed
before the Grand Opening day.
I really don't feel that things like that count as maintenance issues/declining by degrees. I don't really count the netting on the Iguanadon either as the only documented video I've seen of that was on Martin's video and if I'm not mistaken it was using a temporary narration as well.
It was similar to the Jumping Carno hot spit effect just having the Mama drooling over you when it swooped down on you.

"several functions turned off"? refers to each AA figure has various functions like Head Nod, Head Turn, Pelvis, Wrist Twist, etc. some AA figures have 20 or so fuctions and some have over 40, so if they have some problems with actuators or rotacs they just turn off that certain function instead of repairing it.
This type of thing though is what shouldn't be cut.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Hey Everybody, if you were to ride Kilimanjaro Safaris today, you might see something there that wasn't there before.

I'll give you a hint, they're black with White stripes, not the other way around!
Awesome, tapirs!! :D



Well-Known Member
So has the zebra habitat opened fully?

Whats the storyline? Is there one? Is the Warden Wilson character still heard?

Any other changes? Were all the ending water features removed?

Tip Top Club

Well-Known Member
The Zebra exhibit has opened with 11 Grant's Zebras. They also have two Grevy's Zebras but from what I'm told they won't be joining the new herd as was rumored.

It has officially opened as of October 23rd.

The Storyline is that you are going on a photo-safari through the Harambe Wildlife Reserve. Warden Wilson Retired earlier this year.

The area is great, the water features have been transformed into bubbling brooks and small waterfalls rather than shooting geysers.


We were there last weekend and the Zebras were added and in the script. They were actually blocking the road for us since there were so many.

The idea is now that you're on a photo safari and you're to have your camera ready at all times. The bridge was working for us so it's one of the few times that line in the script made sense.


Well-Known Member
The Zebra exhibit has opened with 11 Grant's Zebras. They also have two Grevy's Zebras but from what I'm told they won't be joining the new herd as was rumored.

It has officially opened as of October 23rd.

The Storyline is that you are going on a photo-safari through the Harambe Wildlife Reserve. Warden Wilson Retired earlier this year.

The area is great, the water features have been transformed into bubbling brooks and small waterfalls rather than shooting geysers.
Are Grant's Zebras the same thing as Plains Zebras? I believe the Disney Parks Blog said that Plains Zebras would be the first ones in the new exhibit

The Duck

Well-Known Member
Grant's is a subspecies of plains. And yes, the bridge has returned after an eight-ish month hiatus.
Glad to hear about the bridge. Last January, I took a 73 year old friend on his first WDW trip. He has lived a very sheltered life (practically Amish lifestyle) and I wasn't sure how he would react to the experience. After we exited Kilimanjaro Safari, he turned to me and said, "I thought that Disney would take better care of their property. Do you think they know that bridge is about to collapse?".


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to start a thread on this, but for the first time in a long time that I've experienced the old bridge shook and tilted with our truck on board.

Does anyone know if this is uncommon? Because again, in the many times I've gone to AK in the past few years it hadn't happened to me (except when I was much younger) until today.


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to start a thread on this, but for the first time in a long time that I've experienced the old bridge shook and tilted with our truck on board.

Does anyone know if this is uncommon? Because again, in the many times I've gone to AK in the past few years it hadn't happened to me (except when I was much younger) until today.
It happens about 50% of the time for me.

Princess Leia

Well-Known Member
Happened for me a few weeks ago. The CM mentioned it was an old bridge as we drove across. I don’t think we went slowly over it last year

Somewhat related- are they ever going to clean out the poacher’s camp?

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