Unusual Disney Fact

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Great Movie Ride:

In Gangster Alley, there is a large poster for the movie "Public Enemy" on the left. This movie was released by Warner Brothers. For one reason or another, the poster was altered to read "Wagner Bros." It's tough to see, but is visible towards the top of the poster.

Near the "Public Enemy" poster, there is a sign that says "No help wanted." This sign may come from the Walt Disney Studios during World War II, though it may come from somewhere else.

The tuxedo worn by the James Cagney animatronic was actually James Cagney's favorite tux and was donated by Cagney's estate.

One of the male bandits in the Western scene is wearing a woman's hat. He's the one just to the left of the bank doors. The large bow on his hat is visible as you leave the scene.

As the vehicle enters the Alien scene, the baby Alien skin visible above the vehicle and the windchimes to the right are both props from the actual movie. Also in the Alien scene, there is a small box at Sigourney Weaver's feet. When Coca-Cola sponsered the Great Movie Ride, there was a Coke can sitting on it. When Coca-Cola dropped sponsorship, it was simply placed inside the box. It's still in there.

There is a small patch of Yellow Brick Road remaining on the ride path between the Fantasia and Oz scenes. Originally, the whole ride path in this area was painted as yellow brick, but almost all of it has worn away.

Spaceship Earth:

Most of the animatronics' faces were recycled from the Hall of Presidents and American Adventure.

The Earth projection effect at 180top is achieved through two projectors: one for the Earth projection itself, and another for the moving clouds.

One of the very early concepts for Spaceship Earth called for the vehicles to exit the sphere at the top, and spiral down on the outside in some fashion. The top section was constructed with this possibility in mind, and some of the potential track infrastructure was put in place. It still is there, extending from where the vehicles turn backwards to go down into the central core and spiraling up a bit more, until it dead-ends into the side of the sphere.

Living with the Land:

The Land's greenhouses currently hold two World Records for produce. The most tomatoes ever produced on a single plant in a single year (over 32,000) and the most cucumbers ever produced on a single plant in a single year (2,563, and the last one was Mickey-shaped). Several other world record attempts are currently being made. Each fruit from a record-candidate plant is individually counted by hand. The fruit is also weighed in small batches.

Pumpkins from The Land (non-mickey shaped ones) will be used in one or more episodes of The Unit this season. The producers were looking for pumpkins in July, and The Land was the only place that they could find them.

Much of the produce grown at The Land is used at Sunshine Seasons and The Garden Grill. Over 500 heads of lettuce are sent to these restaraunts each week, along with many boxes of cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and the occasional pumpkin.

The Behind the Seeds tour was originally meant to include a tour of the Aquacell filtration building (or, "Life Support"). The building was designed with this in mind and built so that Guests would enter at ground level, but be on a catwalk about a story above the floor of the building. However, the catwalk was never built.

The Integrated Pest Management lab seen from the Behind the Seeds tour was originally The Land's biotechnology lab. The current biotechnology lab was build during the conversion from "Listen to the Land" to "Living with the Land."

There are 9 backstage greenhouses that support the 4 show houses.

The corn seen in the Biotechnology exhibit in Innoventions and the E85 ethanol exhibit in Test Track's post show was grown in one of The Land's backstage greenhouses.


Well-Known Member
-The Castle, TOT, andd Everest are all 199 feet tall, because if they were 200 they would have to have a big red flashy light on them. (Not very pretty).

Castle = 189 ft tall

Funny thing about these companies is that their C.E.O (for all) was Minnie Mouse.

Fun story, nice legend. Completely False

-mmm Walt Created both "It's a Small World" and the "Carousel of Progress" for the 1964 Worlds Fair in New York. And both were moved in pieces to where they are today in Disneyland. The Carousel of Progress was the first to have Audio Animatronics. For the opening of "It's a Small World" Walt invited Children from all over the world and asked them to bring water with them from their countries. And at the opening ceremony, they actually poured their water from those different countries into the water on the ride.

Audio-Animatronics debuted in The Enchanted Tiki Room (1963), The first completed human size animatronic was Mr. Lincoln. The Small World thing is true, though. They did mostly the same thing for the Fountain of Nations in Epcot


New Member
This is an awesome thread. :king: I am making notes of the facts so that I can see them for myself when I go this weekend.:sohappy:


You guys probably know these already but...

- There is no alcohol served in the Magic Kingdom
- All of the parks were opened on the first day of the month, with the exception of AK (which opened on 4/22/98)
- If an attraction is not working, the call over the radio is 101 (ex: Space Mountain is 101). When it's back up, it's 102.
- Minnie Mouse has 200+ costumes

And, official, but I noticed this several times during my CP summer and thought it was hilarious...
- In the utilidors after park closing (when everyone is taking their $$ to cash control) they often played Steve Miller's "Take the Money and Run."

Probably a coincidence on that last one, but it happened several times when I was there so I think someone was playing a little joke!


Well-Known Member
All the American flags mounted on the roof tops of Main Street USA are not true American flags. One may have 48 stars, one may have 12 stripes, this is done so Disney can leave them out rain or shine, year round.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how true this is but...

A paint brush is hidden somewhere on Tom Sawyers Island left over from when tom was, well...doing some painting. If you find it your supposed to pick it up and take it to a CM who will give you a reward!

Love to know if this is true or not. I don't want to be the guy who goes running up to a CM with a big grin and a paintbrush only to be told that I shouldn't start picking up parts of the attraction


Well-Known Member
All the American flags mounted on the roof tops of Main Street USA are not true American flags. One may have 48 stars, one may have 12 stripes, this is done so Disney can leave them out rain or shine, year round.

I've heard lots about this, some in this thread I think but if I remember rightly, they are not incorrect flags (i.e all the stars and stripes are there), just altered slightly so they don't have to be taken down.


Active Member
(I belive) at one time the only newstand in all of WDW was in MGM. It never sold any newspapers just a few magazine and a few cold drinks.

I think that Virgin Record Store in Downtown Disney is the only place in WDW that sell comic books (but do not sell the Disney Comics or digests).:ROFLOL:

Marvel Comics (who have a area at IOA) once publish the film adaption of Disney Beauty and Beast and Pohchatas before the movie premiere.


Not sure how true this is but...

A paint brush is hidden somewhere on Tom Sawyers Island left over from when tom was, well...doing some painting. If you find it your supposed to pick it up and take it to a CM who will give you a reward!

Love to know if this is true or not. I don't want to be the guy who goes running up to a CM with a big grin and a paintbrush only to be told that I shouldn't start picking up parts of the attraction

'tis true


New Member
Disney realizes that most people will naturally walk to the right.

With this in mind, Main Street U.S.A. has mostly food shops to the right side of the street as you enter the Magic Kingdom to begin your day, with mostly gift shops to the right as you head towards the exit at the end of the day.


Never thought about that, but when you mention it that really does make sense.
Love this thread, wish I could think of some facts but anything interesting I can remember has already been posted.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how true this is but...

A paint brush is hidden somewhere on Tom Sawyers Island left over from when tom was, well...doing some painting. If you find it your supposed to pick it up and take it to a CM who will give you a reward!

Love to know if this is true or not. I don't want to be the guy who goes running up to a CM with a big grin and a paintbrush only to be told that I shouldn't start picking up parts of the attraction

It's true, and it's a lot of fun. My parents and I went over rather late in the morning (around 10-11am) with the thought that they would already be snatched up, but it would be fun to look. My dad and I decided to wander through a cave, while my mom waited outside. When we came back out, she was grinning from ear to ear and holding a paintbrush! Guest after guest would pass it, but just consider it part of the scenery and leave it alone.

I handed it to the CM that drove our raft back to Frontierland, and he handed me a great FP (special design) that was good for our entire party for either Splash or BTM that day. We already had FP for Splash, so I just ended up keeping it as a souvenir. :)
2 neat things from a fireworks cruise:

On the Grand Floridian/Polynesian side of the lagoon is a fake log in the water that was apparently a wave maker where they originally had waves planned at the beaches. Apparently erosion was a big problem so they d/c'd it. Is this true?

There used to be a large wave machine just off the shoreline of one of the islands. It wasn't very well themed back in its operating days but they may have covered up the remnants with some theming.

Heres some pictures and info that I found when I got curious about the Wave Machine...

Really cool idea but as I said in that thread back when it was active, the thought of large machinery underwater kinda creeps me out :lookaroun :lol:

Scott M

New Member
...A paint brush is hidden somewhere on Tom Sawyers Island left over from when tom was, well...doing some painting. If you find it your supposed to pick it up and take it to a CM who will give you a reward!...
I did not know this!!! Thank you for pointing it out, Philo and for verifying it, ELopez and Figment82.

Sure enough, I remember coming across this paint brush on a trip a few years back! But like the masses, I was not aware of the ruse and I assumed that it was merely part of the attraction.

Well, our next trip is this November and the hunt will be on. Of course this time, no matter how much time that I spend on Tom Sawyer Island or how hard I look, I won't find it.



Well-Known Member
Well, celebrities have to come and "OK", or sign off their AAs (i.e. Ellen Degeneres would have to sign off her AA when it originally premiered in UoE). If the celebrity doesn't feel like the AA is doing them justice, Disney will probably have to do and rework it or something.

When Clint Eastwood came to sign off on his, everything seemed fine EXCEPT for one thing. He didn't think he had enough..... bulge. :lookaroun

They put a sock in there. True Story.


New Member
Hey guys!
I went to MK today and had a park walk through and "orientation" of sorts, and that was bursting with fun facts! The ones I can rememeber are:

-All of mainstreet is in force perspective, where the buildings are taller in front, and shorter as you walk down the road. Also, the road gets more narrow the further down you walk, and there is a tinyy bit of a hill, or inclination. All of these things make the castle seem father away. Butt they also work in reverse, making the train station look a lot bigger and closer than it actually is (so that when you're tired at the end of the day you wont get so discouraged about how far you need to get to your car)
-The Castle, TOT, andd Everest are all 199 feet tall, because if they were 200 they would have to have a big red flashy light on them. (Not very pretty).
-On the windows of the stores on mainstreet are the park "credits" which give thanks (very subtly) to the people that helped to invest and make MK everything it is today. One of which is M.T. Lott, or said quickly...empty lot.
Which is all MK was before Walt Disney made a bunch of "dummy companies" to buy land from the Central Florida land owners. One of which was "Ayefour" orr I4 (the Interstate). Funny thing about these companies is that their C.E.O (for all) was Minnie Mouse.
-mmm Walt Created both "It's a Small World" and the "Carousel of Progress" for the 1964 Worlds Fair in New York. And both were moved in pieces to where they are today in Disneyland. The Carousel of Progress was the first to have Audio Animatronics. For the opening of "It's a Small World" Walt invited Children from all over the world and asked them to bring water with them from their countries. And at the opening ceremony, they actually poured their water from those different countries into the water on the ride.
-Liberty Square doesn't have any bathrooms. Why? Becuase they didn't have plumbing back then. Actually they used chamber pots (which is in your room, and you pour the contents into the street in the morning)...gross right? Well this would create line of sewage through the town. Well, you might have noticed that there is a brown cobble stone path through Liberty Square...and it represents the line of sewage that would have been during that time.

I know that's a lot but some of this stuff i'd never heard of!

Going along with the water from It's A Small World, when they opened Epcot they did the same thing and had people bring water from all different countries into the fountain (you know, the one that dances. lol)


New Member
the american flags above the buildings on main street have been slightly altered. So, being that thay are not TRUE American flags, they don't have to be lowered every night.

There are American flags that can be kept outdoors rain or shine, day or night. I learned that in the Air Force where we had one of those flags flying on base

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