Apologies for that - it wasn't my intent.
I would add that we have visited Disney many times since the policy was implemented and that we've never experienced the kind of invasive behavior described by many people here. No one has ever knocked when the Room Occupied sign was out, and I'm pretty sure they skipped our room and came back because I heard housekeeping knocking on other doors. I find it hard to believe, as someone reported, that a housekeeper actually said, "Oh, we ignore those signs." On my daily walks around the property, I often saw housekeepers knocking repeatedly and calling out "housekeeping" more than once before entering. No barging in. I don't doubt that some have had bad experiences with the policy, but I believe they're the exception. The hue and cry that followed the implementation of this policy has died down, and I expect in part it's because Disney has found a way to be less intrusive.
I understand perfectly what you're saying about the mere existence of this policy being a disruption. One of the things we liked most about DVC is the lack of daily housekeeping. We don't need it and sometimes the housekeeping schedule had them in our rooms just as we were returning from the parks, pool, etc to get ready for the evening. But we've found the trash removal service to be quick and a lot less disruptive than an entire room cleaning. It is what it is, and we understand why Disney is doing this. I made my feelings known to Disney when the policy was adopted, then decided to work with them if necessary to keep the disruption to a minimum. So far it hasn't been necessary, but that may change in May when we bring our baby grandson to Disney for the first time. But there's no way I'm going to let this policy get in the way of having a great time.