Universal Vs. Disney


New Member
Indy95: COME ON!! Don't you know how much 'the most expensive theme park attraction' comes out to be? :lol: My guess: A lot:lol: !
I know the dollar amounts for the Disney attractions...so I'm waiting for an answer for Spider-Man to see if it really was the most expensive.


Account Suspended
Indy95 said:
I know the dollar amounts for the Disney attractions...so I'm waiting for an answer for Spider-Man to see if it really was the most expensive.

I highly doubt you are going to get a dollar amount back from Lynx04! I think he was just 'slinging mud' and really has no idea what he is talking about. I mean I just can't see that attraction as being 'the most expensive' theme park attraction! It just doesn't make sense to me......

And if he does come back with a number he's gonna be like...... well it was like 300 million to build (fake number)! I'm sure he just made that up or heard that from someone who made it up!


New Member
Love the guy who posts about everyone having their own opinion and being entilted to it....then rips a guy that dares to post a viewpoint that doesn't match his. :lol:


New Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
Pie anyone....popcorn....cookies?

Anyone? :lookaroun

Mods: can we close this, it's getting a bit heated in here.
Vendor, oh vendor - overhere! I'll take a popcorn and a coke please - this is getting interesting...


Well-Known Member
moink said:
well seeing as how you only quoted part of what I was saying... I suggest you quote the entire thing and not make me look like the idiot. I do appreciate others opinions but if you quoted my entire "spiel" then you would remeber that I said that he was shoving his ideas down everybody's throat.

well now that we cleared that up...

Not trying to be an idiot just trying to clear my name... sorry if I made you angry tigger248.

No hard feelings here. :wave:

But, I did post that entire quote from that particular post. I wasn't trying to make you look like an idiot. I just thought it looked like you were contradicting yourself. I guess we viewed the post you were refering to differently. I didn't see it as he was forcing his ideas at all.


Account Suspended
Lynx04 said:
I remember reading that Spiderman cost 100 million. I have heard other articles state it was closer to 200 million, but I will take the less amount, since it is true that parks do inflate attraction cost.

Here is one article about it


Yep! Just the type of answer I expected! Well..... FYI: Mission:Space costs 250 million to construct and that is an 'actual' amont! Why would a theme park inflate an actual cost of a project? I really am not following you there at all!!!


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Original Poster

I didnt mean for this to start any fights im kinda new here... this wasnt a good way to start off...:eek:


Well-Known Member
moink said:
I can see that... I dont think I'll be doing this again...
It's cool, you didn't know. It's just a really sensitive subject. Sometimes they can go a while before deteriorating into a fight... but othertimes... yeah...


New Member
Lynx04 said:
I remember reading that Spiderman cost 100 million. I have heard other articles state it was closer to 200 million, but I will take the less amount, since it is true that parks do inflate attraction cost.

Here is one article about it

Ok, so reading through all of the fluff and overhype (which was 99% of the article), here's the meat:

[font=arial,helvetica]Spider-Man Figures

$100 million- Reported cost of the ride. (Terminator 2 3-D [SW Vol. 23, No. 4], which opened in 1996 at Universal Studios Florida, is pegged at costing $60 million.)

Final tally:

Test Track-$105 million
Indiana Jones Adventure-$105 million
Tower of Terror-$124 million

That's right ladies and gentlemen...Spider-Man is OFFICIALLY NOT the most expensive ride built up through 1999. I repeat: Spider-Man was NOT the most expensive.

Please return to your regularly scheduled programming...

P.S. Does anyone know if this Thierry Coup worked on D ick Tracy's Crimestoppers? If I were a betting man...


Well-Known Member
Your doing a huge Apples Vs. Oranges poll.... They cannot be equaly compaired...

(that and this is a disney only board.. so their is biasm...)
(hides from rotten tomatoes..)


New Member
Yep! Just the type of answer I expected! Well..... FYI: Mission:Space costs 250 million to construct and that is an 'actual' amont! Why would a theme park inflate an actual cost of a project? I really am not following you there at all!!!

Mission Space did not cost 250 million. I get my info from what I read, I read that the attraction when constructed was the most expensive. If that is wrong then what can I say other then, I read incorrect info. At least I don't go around make-up things just to out do someone else. If you check my past posts, I back myself up with other info. If I am wrong well at least I have the correct info now.

Please show me the info that states that MS cost 250 million, I thought the figure was around 100 million.


Active Member
Spiderman is the most expensive ride in the U Studio history which costs over 100 million dollars to develop the whole technology. But I am not sure if it's the most expensive ride ever built. I remebered when Indy Adventrue came out in 95, Disney said this WAS the most expensive ride (100 millions) ever built (because of the ride system is so complicated). But right now I would bet on Mission Space or Test Track (it cost so much because the repair fee), and Tokyo is currently building the most expensive Tower of Terror of the three. (which is around 150 million dollars) Expedition Everest is reported over 100 millions as well so there's plenty of indications that show Disney does out-spend Universal Studio. The next potential E-Ticket of Disney potentially coming out in 2007/2008 will be DCA's "Incredibles" ride(based on pixar animation film) which they develope the kind of riding techology called "Robocoaster" for ten years. I heard some say it is going to built in about 150 millions.


Well-Known Member
jaredliu said:
Spiderman is the most expensive ride in the U Studio history which costs over 100 million dollars to develop the whole technology. But I am not sure if it's the most expensive ride ever built. I remebered when Indy Adventrue came out in 95, Disney said this WAS the most expensive ride (100 millions) ever built (because of the ride system is so complicated). But right now I would bet on Mission Space or Test Track (it cost so much because the repair fee), and Tokyo is currently building the most expensive Tower of Terror of the three. (which is around 150 million dollars) Expedition Everest is reported over 100 millions as well so there's plenty of indications that show Disney does out-spend Universal Studio. The next potential E-Ticket of Disney potentially coming out in 2007/2008 will be DCA's "Incredibles" ride(based on pixar animation film) which they develope the kind of riding techology called "Robocoaster" for ten years. I heard some say it is going to built in about 150 millions.
The Robocoaster wasn't developed by Disney... it was developed by Strata. Also, the technology behind Mission:Space wasn't even developed by Disney, they just purchased the technology. The last attraction that Disney developed the technology themselves for was ToT. (Well, and the wet/dry technology at DisneySea, but that was developed LONG ago.)

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