Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
It just keeps getting better with every new incarnation. I'm sure the next created persona will have the comedic value of the Monty Python crew, but with the limited vocabulary you noted.

Its car crash viewing, a bit like Paul McFartny at the olympics, you know its woeful but you just have to keep looking.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
It just keeps getting better with every new incarnation. I'm sure the next created persona will have the comedic value of the Monty Python crew, but with the limited vocabulary you noted.


Well-Known Member
There are, the problem is that they are not the ones posting here, you being an exception. The ones posting here are just spouting nonsense. You have the guy i quoted who claims that "No one can spend a full day at a Disney park" and that EVERYONE spends a full day at Universal. I love a lot of things Universal does, Potterland besides the FOH, Spiderman, Hulk, MIB, T2, Horro Makeup Show, City Walk, etc. I love those things, have not had a chance to stay on property so i cant comment on that. But i have to call out people being flat out ignorant about Disney

This was my original post, unedited and unchanged. So unless I'm losing my mind which is possible after this thread let me break it down a little more, but only after I repost it so we can all follow along.

"How can anyone come to WDW annually and spend 12 days? With nothing new to do in 3 of the parks for nearly half a decade it's stale. My wife and I love Disney and venture to the parks at least once a month, but were done with MGM and AK within 3 hours tops. We also visit Universal monthly but between both parks are there from open to close. Plus their is already half a day worth of entertainment under construction at the Studios."

The first sentence I stick behind because I personally would visit other Disney Resorts across the globe than continue to visit a stale WDW if i were visiting from afar. The second sentence just backs up sentence 1 through my own eyes. I mean maybe an Eticket snuck past me in the last 6 years, who knows. The third sentence talks about how my wife and I visit WDW monthly but we both get bored with and this is key now, BOTH AND ONLY MGM and AK. Never did I say A Disney park in general. Still following along? Alright hang on we're nearly their. The fourth sentence talks about my wife and I visiting Universal monthly and BETWEEN the two we can stay all day. That means a half day at both btw. The fifth and final sentence is just a simple observation. Pretty noticeable if you ask me.

Hypocrite out!

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Rapists are disgusting people. People who have a different point of view are not disgusting.

A person spewing hatred, vile and poison and attacking those who dont agree with him are a problem. That is what he does. He does try to use facts but it is hard to get them when they are surround with childish attacks and pathetic one liners.

You also need to learn what facts and truth are. His opinion on WDW is not facts or truth. His vile opinion on management are not facts and truth. I swear he is the WDW communities version of the "Birthers" and "Tea Partiers"

So in essence what you are saying that is one fringe group is bad but the actual fringe group of people spouting lies, opinions, and vileness are okay?

Sorry but hopefully most people ignore or take what Disneyhead says as a grain of salt. I am happy that the vast majority of people go to WDW and have fun and dont come here and have to listen to these hate filled people with nothing better to do then spout their opinions as if they are fact.

Name one thing that 74 or Disneyhead said that was an opinion and not a fact. Hotel occupancy is down (fact). Attendance is down/stagnant (fact). Guest spending is down at WDW (fact). DME usage is down (fact). 74 also states he enjoys and has fun at WDW, but he isn't blind to the problems. Guess you missed that in his posts. He also gives credit where it is due. Missed that too I guess.

See, unlike you, I know that facts are different from opinions. And unlike you, I can analyze WDW's numbers and see, well, they really aren't as good as you or the other dusters want to believe. You only look, and this is where you and the others fail, at the bottom line, not how they arrived at the bottom line. When you take into account there has been NO attendance growth in years, hotel occupancy being down, and guest spending being down, you have to wonder how they get to their bottom line. Disneyland has been carrying the U.S. park numbers on its shoulders for a while now. When WDW's MK is the most visited park in the world, why does DL have to carry the park numbers? Shouldn't WDW be carrying the U.S. parks? I mean, even Jay Rasulo has to admit WDW's numbers are down. Why is it hard for some people to believe WDW has been impacted by poor management (which 74 rants about), and Universal's sudden success? Because it damages your vision of WDW? Because it makes you (and by you I mean those who are pixie dust afflicted not you directly) realize not everything is rosey in Orlando?

And as far as 74 being a conspiracy theorist, I don't know the man personally, so I won't take a shot at him, unlike you and the Disney brainwashed minions. Oh, and no, I am not saying one fringe group is ok while the other is bad. They BOTH are. Thing is, most of the vile being spewed comes from the DISNEY FAN FRINGE. Notice who are the first ones to attack when someone dares say something positive about Universal. Notice who the firsts ones to attack when someone dares say something negative about WDW. Yes, the DISNEY FAN FRINGE. Sorry, but that is the truth.


Well-Known Member
Why are you putting words in people's mouths? I think a mental health forum would be better suited for you than here.
I know what he is referencing, but that post just proves my point. I agree a mental health check would be good, or at least some new material.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I keep looking for a betting house to take the over/under of when these reincarnations will get the boot, but no one will give me any odds.....

Excellent. Gives this one too much credit though. :rolleyes:
Well, no thread is complete with out a Python reference. Had to toss in the Black Knight to the conversation. :) Plus, posting pictures of trolls in threads have become boring.

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
Kinda like the Great Goofini right?

No, not at all. That ride was actually better before when you went through the barn with the chickens from World of Motion. Not that it was ever a very good ride.

The Harry Potter ride has much cooler scenery. You're right across from Hogwarts, Hagrid's house and Buckbeak. The theming elevates a mediocre kiddie coaster to a seriously better experience, I think. It's fun to briefly glimpse one of the greatest theme park lands ever from a slightly elevated height.


Well-Known Member
No, not at all. That ride was actually better before when you went through the barn with the chickens from World of Motion. Not that it was ever a very good ride.

The Harry Potter ride has much cooler scenery. You're right across from Hogwarts, Hagrid's house and Buckbeak. The theming elevates a mediocre kiddie coaster to a seriously better experience, I think. It's fun to briefly glimpse one of the greatest theme park lands ever from a slightly elevated height.
I agree, WWOHP looks awesome and it looks like that the expansion will be a huge success. WWOHP may not be just the best themed land ever, it may just be the best themed land ever.


Well-Known Member
You last line is a little confusing since you said the same thing twice but it probably is the best themed expansion
Sorry, I meant to say It may not be just one of the best themed lands ever, it may just be the best themed land ever.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Yes I am noticing a lot of bickering on here, lol... if people weren't Disney fans, then why would they waste their time on here? And dare I ask...what is a "schill?"
Fans are most passionate when they see something they *love* being mistreated. Bickering seems to stem from people whom can't see the faults for the trees to those who are called out for stating the blind obvious when something isn't as it should be, be it an attraction, effect, anything.

And it's amazing now how some newcomers so quickly endear themselves.


Well-Known Member
It does seem like Universal is becoming the place that has the amazing new tech rides. I hope Disney is ready to invest in new technology rides. I was just wondering how guests are going to react to riding the new Gringotts coaster/simulator/projection attraction. If guests ride the new Gringotts like on a monday, and then go to DHS on tuesday and ride on Rock and Roller coaster. I would think they are going to laugh at Rock and Roller coaster. It is just a bunch of what looks like cardboard cutouts of driving on a street in LA. I love Rock and Roller coaster but I am affraid it will look cheep next to Gringotts? Gringotts coaster sounds like it is going to be an amazing roller coaster.


Well-Known Member
It's threads like this one that make me long for the pre-internet days when a conversation like this would inevitably lead to a genuine, good old fashioned fistfight - complete with split lips, bloody noses, and torn corduroys.

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
It does seem like Universal is becoming the place that has the amazing new tech rides. I hope Disney is ready to invest in new technology rides. I was just wondering how guests are going to react to riding the new Gringotts coaster/simulator/projection attraction. If guests ride the new Gringotts like on a monday, and then go to DHS on tuesday and ride on Rock and Roller coaster. I would think they are going to laugh at Rock and Roller coaster. It is just a bunch of what looks like cardboard cutouts of driving on a street in LA. I love Rock and Roller coaster but I am affraid it will look cheep next to Gringotts? Gringotts coaster sounds like it is going to be an amazing roller coaster.

I still like Aerosmith, but at least Revenge of the Mummy has detailed scenes and characters beyond the queue line, even if that ride isn't as great as it could have been.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
It does seem like Universal is becoming the place that has the amazing new tech rides. I hope Disney is ready to invest in new technology rides. I was just wondering how guests are going to react to riding the new Gringotts coaster/simulator/projection attraction. If guests ride the new Gringotts like on a monday, and then go to DHS on tuesday and ride on Rock and Roller coaster. I would think they are going to laugh at Rock and Roller coaster. It is just a bunch of what looks like cardboard cutouts of driving on a street in LA. I love Rock and Roller coaster but I am affraid it will look cheep next to Gringotts? Gringotts coaster sounds like it is going to be an amazing roller coaster.
While RnRC is a cool ride, even the Mummy puts it to shame... And Gringott's won't be full fledged coaster but more dark ride/coaster hybrid...
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