Now, in regards to purchasing land...Universal actually has no shortage of land that it owns. The only thing is that all the other land isn't exactly close to the current development, and it is in some areas broken up by other land owners or major roads. Universal City Management Properties is relatively flush with developable land if they can come up with an efficient way of getting between its largest undeveloped parcel (an approx. 580 acre plot of 3 properties, plus another 100 acres if they buy out a vacant plot of land right on Sand Lake that borders the north side of said property). Oh, and there is also another large plot (180 acres) on the north side of Sand Lake between John Young Pkwy and the turnpike. Lots of room still.
I'm still digging (I love doing this kind of stuff, you should have seen me go when the Orlando Thrill Park was announced and I had everything tracked down and connected in about two hours. I was helping a friend at Rosen write a paper on its imminent failure), but there's a lot of land and a lot of different sales and such to look at. If you're curious, I would suggest starting here.
What we need is a map where we can see the land that Universal owns! Could anyone make one?