Well-Known Member
I don't know how this got into a MK vs. IOA thread because that is the last thing we need on the boards again. But I will just say this in IOA's defense. MK has had 30 years to expand and grow and Islands of Adventure has had 4. To say... "All they have is this," isn't exactly fair. I think it would be better to compare IOA to Animal Kingdom.Originally posted by MKCustodial
About MK vs. IoA, bash me all you want, I'd rather go with the magic rather that the thrills. How many times an evening can one ride Spidey, the Hulk, JP and Dueling Dragons. Cause, seriously, that's pretty much all IoA has.
I'm sorry, my senior party was lame, the DJ had an accident and couldn't go so we ended up listening to mix tapes all night long. I'd much rather have a picture with my best friends in BTMR or Jungle Cruise.