After reading up on the latest Blue Sky survey released by Uni on Screamscape and later these boards, I decided to check out the link myself.
I can also attest to the large amount of attention towards a LOTR area, but what surprised me more was I received a series of questions on how I would feel about a "South Park" in UNI/IOA.
These weren't as detailed as the forementioned LOTR questions, however it definitely piqued my interests and my hopes, as I've been a life-long SP fan.
Anybody have any thoughts? I'm sure the always controversial SP has mixed feelings on these boards :lol:
I can also attest to the large amount of attention towards a LOTR area, but what surprised me more was I received a series of questions on how I would feel about a "South Park" in UNI/IOA.
These weren't as detailed as the forementioned LOTR questions, however it definitely piqued my interests and my hopes, as I've been a life-long SP fan.
Anybody have any thoughts? I'm sure the always controversial SP has mixed feelings on these boards :lol: