Underrated/Overrated attractions?


New Member
OVERRATED: 1) Primeval Whirl--I hate wild mouse coasters and the tilt-a-whirl didn't make it any better. I find this ride to be one of the most unimaginative things in any east coast Disney park. The most unimaginative ride in all of Disney is Mulholland Madness at DCA--a generic wild mouse w/o the tilt-a-whirl.

2) Alien Encounter--I'm sorry, but the darned thing is too gross in concept with the fake blood spatter and faux spitting. I mean why don't they just pour glop on us, call it Alien snot, and get it done with? Too too yucky!

3) Body Wars--never liked that I could recognize the actors--Tim Matheson was in Animal House (and several other flicks) and Elizabeth Shue was in Karate Kid and Adventures In Babysitting before this ride existed. I always end up feeling nauseous (and I'm not a motion sickness kind of guy) and I think it has more to do with the hammy acting than anything else.

4) I'm gonna get slain for this one but...Horizons. Sorry, just don't see what some of you saw in this one. Of the Epcot original dark rides, I always felt that this one was the half-beaten step child. Just seemed like a rehash of some of the other attractions' themes. But it's been since '89 when I was last on it. Maybe I had a bad burrito from the Mexico pavilion, and it ruined my perspective. But my memory is that it didn't do it for me.

UNDERRATED: 1) Timekeeper--too good and too new of a show to be given the seasonal treatment. I've been to MK on so-called "off season," found the place packed to the gills w/ this fun, educational, very pleasurable gem inexplicably boared up for the day.

2) Country Bear Jamboree--can't believe no one else has said it yet. I love the bears, love that they change the shows depending upon the season. Used to be one of my faves from childhood, so sentimentality for it plays a huge part.

3) Muppets 3-D--always cracks me up. I think this is Disney's overall best 3-D because it doesn't rely on making little kids soil their pants. Plus I love that they have Stadler and...er...uh...what's his name?...the other old guy...up in the balcony.

One final comment, since somebody said that Living With The Land was overrated because it had Fast Pass. You couldn't get me to wait in the horrendous slow moving line for this one w/o Fast Pass. And right around 2:00ish (about an hour after I've had lunch), I need my nap dammit! And this ride always inspires the most pleasant snooze. Is it me, or are the boats for this attraction in need of Oompah-Loompahs? They always remind me of the boat in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, as in "there's no way to tell which way we're going, or which way the river's flowing....":D


Active Member
Honey I Shrunk The Audience - This is on every video Disney has put out about rides. I just don't think its that great.


New Member
I have to disagree with two attractions that are being consistently and unfairly maligned IMHO. TEst Track is not that bad, yes i'm sure it can be better. But without question the ride is fun, amusing and has a great ride vehicle. Also Fantasmic...are you people blind! That show is awesome and so much fun. I can't believe the number of you who find this show overrated but yet on other posts have raved about the 100 years parade at MK which was a pure rehash. I'm sorry, I just had to vent.


i didn't think i would like it at all but it turns out i loved cranium command ... test track was fun the first time but not so much the second but i still think it was good ...what I really despised
was that rediculous little show thing AFTER test track with those annoying cartoon kids and their pointless 5 minutes of babbling about nothing .... run! run i tell you! never go on that thing ... if you see the line ... flee ...leave while you still can!!!
:brick: :hammer:
i liked kali rapids cuz i got to go on it 5 times in a row but it was too short .


Well-Known Member
i know this is going to be blasphemy and you're all going to hate me, but the most overrated ride is...... Splash Mountain. And here's why: I stood in line for almost one hour to find out it was an eleven minute log flume ride. Yes, i know there's some good scenery, but it's hard to relate to the story when no one can see the movie anymore. Plus i find the music a bit grating, i think it must be Brer Rabbits voice.

As for underrated, pick any ride in World Showcase for example: El Rio Del Tempio and Malstrom. They never seem to have very long lines.


New Member
There are two rides at WDW I will not do w/o getting Fast Passes. One I already mentioned--Living With The Land. The other is Splash Mountain. I'd lump Test Track into the bunch, but long waits can be avoided with the single rider line. But for LWTL and Spl Mtn (and TT's normal Stand-by line), their stand-by lines for some reason suck the energy out of my body.

Therefore, w/o Fast Pass, I'd concur that Splash Mountain is an overrated ride in that it just isn't worth the wait. I've never been to MK when Splash Mtn isn't at least an hour for stand-by.

But w/ that said, w/ only a 5 minute wait, Splash Mountain is terrific, perhaps the best detailed ride in all of MK. And how can you about an 11 minute ride? That's pretty lengthy.

I agree that Disney should re-release Song Of The South. It's ridiculous to have one of its signature rides be from a movie no one can see w/o finding a bootleg black market video. I checked a few sources (like Urban Legend web-sites) and no entity has ever protested this film. But for some reason, Disney is embarrassed by it and deliberately keeps it shelved. Weird.

Then again, this is the same company that pulls CBJ out of DL during the same summer that they finally make and release a movie about the Bears. Logic sometimes isn't this company's strongest asset.


New Member
over and under

Overated- Adventures of Pooh, I just hate that they replaced Toad with this ride. It's like pouring salt in the wound.

Underrated- All of AK, not a ton of rides but wonderful atmosphere and awesome scenery. I just have to stay away from conservation station.


"Animal Kingdom"

I am so glad to hear that people think Animal Kingdom is underrated. That park is the nicest, calmest park in the "World". We take our time, look around enjoy the "whole" park not just the few rides they have and we CAN spend the whole entire day there with no problems! People just don't take the time out to really and truly SEE the park. It's absolutley beautiful. And like stated in a previous post, It's different every time you go.:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member

1. Maelstrom - Wouldnt wait for 5 min for this short, boring "ride".
2. Peter Pan - No way is it worth a 30+ min wait.
3. Festival of the Lion King - Love the show but it's not worth the large amount of time needed to be invested to see


1. Alien Encounter - Best attraction without Brer Rabbit in the MK. That's all that needs to be said. Stay home Stitch!!!!!
2. Impressions De France - Most relaxing film with best music. Most people miss this "easy to miss" film. Really gets you in the "World Showcase" mood.
3. Sounds Dangerous - Wonderful sound show that is missed by at least 75% of the paying public. What a shame.


New Member
- Kali River Rapids, great ride and one of my personal favorites but, I'm not going to wait in a really long line even on a hot day to ride a ride that short
- SE, I dont see how people can wait in a line over 5 minutes for that, the ride is so old and warn it is only fun on hot days because of the a/c

- Magic Carpets of Aladdin, its a relaxing ride that just spins around, I dont see why people dont like it
- I would also have to say Animal Kingdom, its is an awesome park, with some really great rides, plus with forbidden mountain coming it is going to be even better!
Overrated: Snow White, Test Track, Winnie the Pooh

Underrated: Peter Pan, TTA, CoP, Living with the Land

Snow White and Pooh are great for very little kids, I'm sure, but for the average adult or teen, they are pretty lame IMHO.

Lots of posts downplaying the Land attraction. I find it pretty interesting, and can never get over those pumkins growing in mid-air.


New Member

Animal Kingdom - I definitely agree with some of you on this...my parents won't give this place the time of day; they're really missing out. There's still so much for me to see.

Impressions de France - My mom has been seeing this every time we go, but I never truly enjoyed it until I downloaded the music last month. Now I realize how wrong I was about this short film, whether or not France is exactly what one wants to hear about @ the present time.

Swiss Family Treehouse - It's partially a sentimental thing, having to do w/ my dad and me, but really - being up in this attraction @ night when no one's there - it's a great thing. Love that organ music too.


Alien Encounter - I hope the Stitch idea really shows Disney magic @ its best......that's all I can say.

Kilamonjaro Safaris - yep, I find this ride cheap. I'm closer to animals when I go to the zoo LoL. It was better when they used to have the jeep in more risky situations...back when it opened.


New Member
I think that the always moving rides (Peter pan, winnie the pooh etc.) are underrated. They are always fun. I also think the Haunted Mansion is underrated. It is so fun and I love the ghost in the mirror bit at the end. I don't think any are that overrated.


Well-Known Member
Most over rated:

Pirates of the.....errrr JK.......

Alien Encounter was expecting it to be scary but the signs going in were more scary.

The living seas needs something more like a ride thorugh the history of the oceans and mans venture into it. Just needs something more.

Most Under Rated

Great Movie Ride, If you like movies I dont understand why people complain about this ride. So what if you dont know ALL the people.

Spaceship Earth, The ride I most look forward to entering Epcot


Well-Known Member
Tiki Room: Under New Management- Charming, funny, and cute. Iago and Zazu were great additions and brought some great hummor to the show (something unfortunatly missing from the original version).
Magic Carpets of Aladdin- The theming on this ride is incredable. Themising-wise, I would say its the second best carnival ride Disney has besides the Tea Party.
Maelstrom- Especially the movie at the end. It may not be a simulator or a circilevision film, but it's still qulaity work with beautiful scenery.

Alien Encounter- Why did they make this ride? If I wanted attractions like this, I would go to Universal. Can't wait to see if Stitch takes this attraction over
Universe of Energy- It's such a large production that when it all comes together, it's just mediocre and not funny.
Sounds Dangerous- I've never heard raves about this, but I think just calling it an attraction is overrating it.


Originally posted by splash mountian
Peter pan is underrated, i really think this ride is pretty cool.
the scene where you are flying over london all lit up at night is really neat. I know that this attraction is pretty outdated and not scary or have any thrills, but there is just something about it that makes you nostalgic.

big thunder mountain railroad, overrated big time. splash mountain is the king of the mountians in frontierland. big thunder is fun once and then it gets kinda old. splash mountian has the brer rabbit story and there is allways something new to discover. big thunder is a real tame coaster.

See now my 6 yeard old daughter was so scared after we did BTMRR that she would not go on it again. My 8 yeard old daughter loved it. I think it helps to get younger kids acclimated to thrill rides.


Originally posted by Toy Trumpet


- Fantasmic (again, the repeatability issue)


I think that Fanatsmic has got to be one of the best shows that WDW has ever done. Our kids were blown away. I also think that Festival of the Lion King at AK is excellent. I know these arent "rides' but in my opinion they are MUST DO's!


New Member

-HM i thoght it was boring and outdated

-Space and BTMRR, these two coaster are very, very lame!

- TT, hello? do u realize that you could go 65 mph in a convertable and do the same thing this ride does. but i dont think it is *that* bad

-malestrom, just awful. huge waste of time


-Dinosaur. This ride is awesome (one of the best). I'm suprized nobody gives it any publicity

- Jim Henson's Muppet Vision 3D and ITTBAB. both 3D shows are absoultely incredible. you can't hear the show because the laughs from the audience are so loud!

-WWTBAM-PI This show is so much fun and addicting- I went back on several times but never got into the hot seat :( Suprized people don't rave about it

TTA- I agree with everyone! This ride is so amazing!

BLSS- This ride is amazing and so much fun. very well done


New Member

MK: Dumbo the Flying Elephant and Tea Cups. Why does it seem that these attractions seems to always be in every Disney World commercial? Doesnt every other amusement park have a similar attraction?

Epcot: Test Track. This is only a "thrill ride" if you have never a) driven thru a parking garage at night. b) ridden in a convertible.

MGM: I cant think of anything that overrated here. Althought he backstage tour needs some help. Oh and has anyone noticed when they changed the Honey I shunk the Kids Playground the new "toys" that were added are now totally out of scale? Since when is a asupersoaker as big as half a blade of grass? I want my Lego back.

AK: Chester and Hester's DinoRama. I dont know if its overrrated, but I DO know that Disney has put way too much emphasis on this "new area" in all it's advertising and promos. It's a little disappointing when you finally see what it is.


MK: I really like Alien Encounter. It makes you use your brain and fill in the blanks. Everything isnt just thrown out in front of you to see. I LOVE that.

Epcot: Spaceship Earth. I'm really going to miss that attraction when they turn it into a coaster, but I'm open to change. Especially now that he park is part "future world" and part "thrill" rides.

MGM: Underrated? I cant think of anything here thats really underrated. Except maybe the great Movie Ride.

AK: I cant think of anything thats underrated here. There really isnt enough to choose from.

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