Well-Known Member
Because America is Media driven I think it was more media pushing the meme 'space and science are not cool' it's boring and people took the lead from there.
Because of current Administrations relations with media he could have sold a revitalized space program which could have served to re-unite the nation on a common goal and would have provided jobs and as yet undreamed of tech. You can't live on Mars with fossil fuels and SUV's that project would have had groundbreaking applications here on ther home front, But because of personality flaws and a lack of patience - (I want it My way and i want it now) current administration squandered the opporntunity. NASA's in bunker mode hoping next administration is a bit more forward thinking.
I agree the media (news/entertainment) helped this problem, but I think it's more of being told that there are "more important things" to worry about. The environment, social issues, military expenditures and whatever agenda whatever political figure needs to perpetuate. The sad thing about this is that space exploration should be a non-political issue. Not left or right, but a chance to unify a people in a common goal.
As an aside, that's why I've felt that if ANY I.P. could exist in some form in EPCOT (I don't think any should), it would be Star Trek. Not trying to show my geek card, but that series (s) really embodies what EPCOT and our space program was about.